Ant with a 4 year contract?

0  2014-06-29 by Ptone79

I read on another site that Ant signed for 4 years last time so it's just Opie and Jim that are up this October. Has anybody else heard this? It seems unlikely but if true would mean that they don't have the option of taking the complete show somewhere else if something can't be worked out this October.


They (Opie and Ant) sign as a show. Jim signs separately.


Highly improbable. They are paid as a "corporation" where Opie and Ant are equal parties. Jim is paid separately as on-air talent/co-host. Their agent does not represent them individually,but the O&A show Inc. . They did this to protect not only the brand+pay less in taxes but also their content,since they got fucked with the older material. Therein lies the problem(for them,and us) because once they moved to Sirius they do not own their channel. They provide a service as a corporate entity . Ideally they would own their channel and be responsible for all on-air content and provide the service to SiriusXM. No more ineffective PD,corporate structure and other malarkey. This is how Hoho does his shit.

I believe you misread "ant's 14-year-old consort"

I don't think O&A would have signed contracts for different times.

What site did you read this on?

It's not true. They have zero leverage with these negotiations and just lost their sole supporter in upper management (Sabean). I predict the show takes a hiatus and then emerges on other platform next spring

I really hope they leave Sirius, it will hopefully stop opies bitching, and it am really tired of pYing for the service. Other than their channel and a couple others, it really doesn't offer much for me. And the price is getting ridiculously raised each year.

Why even pay for Sirius when there are so many free alternatives out there like podcasts and stuff?

Not to mention you can listen to O&A for free anyway

Something something... support the artists

Doubt it will stop Opie's bitching. The huge decrease in pay, and increased workload on another platform, will make for a grumpy Opie.

they have some friends on riotCast, and I'm sure if they made the move, an emerging podcast network would hook them up with a really nice studio and (fingers crossed) a visual element. I'm doubtfully hoping that riotcast poaches them from sirius, but the money just isn't there.

They have millions in the bank and they wont take a 90% paycut and to do more work. O&A should of started something like riotcast years ago and have their friends have podcasts under it.

As much as I would love to hear them on Riotcast, how could podcasting make them anywhere near the money they make now? Nobody pays for podcasts. If the boys tried a paywalled podcast, the "syndication underground" would still make it freely available, drastically cutting into their revenue.

everyone always says this. I know, it's really up to the b-b-b-b-b-oys to decide if they want to become the scott (OAJ) and todd (Sam) show

ahh, wackbag, the epitome of journalistic integrity

and from 2012 no less