The Hawk takes flight tonight at 8pm. 6/28/2014 Countdown and listening thread.

16  2014-06-28 by mr__hat


So how was it?

it was much much better at the beginning than the end. they took a call from some video game guy who was a giant corporate shill and all he did was basically give extended ads based on e3 shit. also erock thinks its "mary-o" and not "mario".

also erock thinks its "mary-o" and not "mario".

This is a pretty clear cut issue:

It is mary-o

now you've done it


The 7 minute intro will be the big topic on Monday.

wheres the audio of them talking about this show, i musta missed it.

Tsss more like takes fat or sumptin! tssss FAWK YEAH! fat fuckin cocksucka!

Hahahaha, Erock sucks. You all wanted it to be good so bad and it fucking sucked. I couldn't be happier.

So you're happy to have shitty radio. That's a great outlook Mr Stormcloud.

Then he must be overwhelmed by the O&A show lately

If you had submitted this as a self post, I would have stickied it. Now, just wait for some opportunistic shitbag to submit a self post version.

who gives a shit

People who would want to discuss the show and not have to search for a thread, you fucking imbecile.

so it has to be a self post to do that?

Yes, it does. Try to keep up.

who cares, please keep downvoting my posts. because it upsets me greatly.

You're +10 on my RES, tough guy.


It means I'm not downvoting you. Go flex somewhere else.

see, you know that i know you are lying.

I'm not loying

This is so rude, I made a custom picture for this post!

Should have put it in the comments.

You never stick any other listening threads. You hate me!

Someone's whining, and crying, and pitching a fit.

Trying something new.

Also, only self posts can be stickied. Just something to think about.

Could you please just like go kill yourself instead of following me around with your shit posts.

not my fault I see you crying because you don't know how to get a thread stickied, LOLZORZ

I would never use the word "rude" in a serious post.



Please don't sue Logan.