O, A and J's drug histories

2  2014-06-28 by cowardanon

How many of you pay close enough attention to remember the details of drug use they've admitted to? Correct me if I am wrong....

Anthony - weed since age 12, used to freebase cocaine (even with his mother and siblings in their kitchen, he admitted once before never referring to again), probably still smokes some weed and might even do coke (he hung with some shadyass young girls, but he allegedly had some heart issues, so maybe he quit)

Opie - lots of weed up to age 40 or so, then stopped for a several years, then recently had some on joe rogan's podcast and at some rock concerts.

Jim - alcohol, pot, coke and pills, all before age 18 when he began recovery. Has stayed sober ever since...unless you count the sex addiction.


Enough of this drug rumpus. The only "addiction" we need in our life is the "drug" of laughter. Hear me loud and clear, gang?



I'll be the first of many i'm sure, but let me offer some corrections

Anthony - No correction needed, think its all true

Opie - Doubt he smoked weed till 40 (after all hes only 29) and i seriously doubt hes ever done ANY form of drug, legal or otherwise

Jim - Had a few drinks when he was younger and embarrassed himself, but was NEVER an alcoholic and I don't think he ever did pot,coke or pills either

When opie talks about drugs he sounds like Bunny in platoon. "you smoke that shit everything kinda gets weird ya know what I mean." Nope

Jim used to smoke weed. He talked about a job where his older coworkers called him "Toast." He also said he tried to buy crack in the projects

Opie always claims to have done coke in college, but I assume he just went to mac n' cheese parties wearing all denim

Ant did mescaline too I believe.

Opie did not smoke weed until his 40's. He claims he smoked back in college a little bit, but quit and went many years without touching it again until he went on Rogan's podcast. Apparently he's smoked again since then, and would like to do it more often if it was legal. I think Troy got Opie one of those gpens so he can smoke dabs (concentrated thc).

ope referred to dabbling in coke at frat parties in college

Just a taste ... just a little taste ... I dip my toes in once in a while ...


Well he used to be a top five caddy for the Medellin cartel and knew every inch of the Colombian jungle.


opie was in college and rock radio in the 80's. he was not a boy scout. he's talked about doing "a little blow". i'm sure he had some weed too.

He's a phony and says anything to sound cool.

I think just about everyone did some blow in the 80's.


lol classic, of course ignore all of anthony's obvious lies like freebasing with his mom and focus on stupid opie and weed, i will never understand you ant dick lickers.


Anthony only drinks. He said he hasn't smoked weed in a long time and doesn't want to try it again because he's afraid he would get paranoia. I seriously doubt he still does cocaine because he had a heart attack in his early 40s.

Jim has mentioned smoking crack.

I think Jim's sobriety is really irritating. It's like he only does it for attention and to be seen as a victim. He LIKES to say "I'm one of those people who can't handle drugs, I just go crazy". When they brought up smoking pot recently and they suggested Jim would try it, he solemnly said "Nooo, nooo, no. Can't do that." It's like he's trying to show how damaged and psycho he is.

It's the same how he likes pointing out that he can never own a gun. I think he likes the attention of seeming like someone who is out of control and mentally unstable.

It's the same how he likes pointing out that he can never own a gun. I think he likes the attention of seeming like someone who is out of control and mentally unstable.

At the very least it must make him feel special. While most other people can handle those things without as problem, Jim has "special needs" so to speak. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted a handicapped parking sticker because he can't smoke pot or drink like other people can.

An addict is an addict, regardless of what you abused before you went to rehab, drugs after cleaning up are a big NO. No alcohol, no pot, no coke, no pain pills, nothing. Ron Bennington had surgery, and refused pain meds, because of it.

Jim was right about him not being able to smoke pot. He's wrong about a lot of things regarding addiction, and he tries to talk a good game, but in that instance, he was correct.

I know plenty of people who had bad and excessive addiction behavior in their teens, but can presently drink and/or smoke weed without endangering or embarrassing themselves or others.

I'm sure Jimmy can have a couple of fucking drinks without turning into a lunatic.

Run that by an addiction counsellor, pal.

Anthony has mentioned doing coke more recently, sometime in the last few years or so, it was sort of vague but he said something about doing some with Joe not too long ago and not remembering it well. Probably not very common anymore though.

It's too bad that Jim takes such a hard line on pot, I bet it could really help with his sleep issues.

I really wish Anthony would talk more about freebasing with the family, dealing with his brother and more. He truly had an insane upbringing.

he never will, if only because it makes his mother look bad.

it is why Sal famously threatened him. He's never even referred to that era ever since.

I realize he probably won't,

I never heard about Sal threatening Anthony. What did Sal say, and why?

it happened off the air...the next day or so after telling that story, ant just referred to being threatened by Sal because of something he had said on-air.

Why would Sal threaten Anthony about Anthony telling a personal story of his own? I'm very confused.

Are you confusing Anthony's step dad Sal with Sal the show producer? Maybe that's why you're confused.

I didn't know Anthony's step dad's name haha.


thanks man.

Because the story Ant told on the air was that Ant was freebasing with his mother, brother (and maybe sister) in the kitchen in the 80s.

I have a feeling that whatever type of fun woman his mom is/was, she moved on from that and was probably pissed that he put that out there.

She probably cried and Sal got pissed.

I'll never forget when Anthony mentioned that (it wasn't a story, just a mention in passing)....Opie said something like "are you sure you really want to put that out there?" Ant was like "doesnt matter, it was the 80s."

then sal threatened him. people might be confused thinking that sal threatened him in response to Ant telling stories of his mom hanging with Richard Todd of the Jets and some of the Mets in bars, but I think that was revisionist history.

Thanks for the info.

Didn't he also mention doing coke with the family on Sal's yacht during the 80's?

What's the relationship between Sal and Ant? Like how does Sal know his mother?

They're married.

I think he is her second husband.

This is correct.

I don't think his mom does much of anything now besides shitting herself and forgetting where she is and who her kids are. It's for the best.

I believe it was in reference to ant telling a story about his mom and one of the Mets. Or was it a Jet maybe?

Mookie Wilson?


any link to the story ?

He's talked about it more than once.

Sorry I don't have a link in mind.

In this clip he talks about making freebase at home. (april 2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un9E_4Dz_QQ (Anthony smoked freebase )

He repeated this sometime during the Lady Di internship week.

Also saw a chatlog from a 2009 LTFC show where they asked about doing coke with his brother so it's been out there for a while.

because it never happened you fucking idiots, you honestly believe that? you know how many stories they tell that are false/embellished, you guys are really dense.

you guys are really dense.

I resent that remark.

Do ya?

Show me 1 example of ANTHONY clearly lying besides this one.

There isn't.

Opie does it all the time. Everyone knows that.


Prove him wrong, faggot.

show me your cock, queer.

I remember Jimmy telling a funny story about him and some pals on mescaline shooting bottle rockets over cars

"The opester did some coke"

Ant - has partied most of his life like a typical blue collar Long Island guy, but doesn't glorify it or think it's edgy. I doubt he does drugs these days just because he outgrew it and now prefers booze to getting high.

Opie - probably every time he has gotten high/drunk has been the result of peer pressure. Still wants to fit in by overstating his past drug use.

Jim - drank and experimented with drugs in high school. Has blamed his teenage depression and acting out on his alcohol abuse instead of the other way around ever since. He also ascribes all of his success to not getting drunk rather than simply to growing up. If it works for him, cool, but when he acts like an expert on addiction I cringe. He was a self-harming teenage girl.

This may be the most pathetic, faggotty thread ever.

Opie has repeatedly mentioned partaking in cocaine in this youth

I don't remember Jimmy ever talking about doing coke, it was mainly alcohol with him, with some weed and I've never heard him talk about pills but that seems plausible.

Let's hear about everyone else's drug histories :)

I bet most of us have done more than Jim who still labels himself an addict.

I've only done weed and LSD but that's it.

And obviously drinking. But I don't believe in doing other drugs since douchey kids my age do it to be "cool"

You let other people influence your actions and desires? Faggot.


I'd love to do LSD, don't have the right friends for it though, I wish I had more friends who were open to it.

I drink, used to do A LOT of weed between 14 and 16 and now I get high once every few months, and get drunk as much as I possibly can.

I actually had a Jimmy level problem of drinking back in high school. Me and a friend would just drink 12 beers each on school nights and my dad has a drinking problem so I've stopped doing that completely.

Also stopped smoking weed since I just did that everyday like an ass.

But yeah

Yeah, I used to do it everyday too but it was turning me into a dickhead, and my very christian parents found out that I was doing it and went insane so I had to stop. I cut off contact with all the dealers I know completely, so now I can only do it if a friend offers to, which works out pretty well.


If you do take acid make sure you do speed with it.

Oh ya? Does that make it reasonable?

This is hack but the speed is like nitrous. Oof man I'll never do that again. Fuck.

Sounds reasonable.

It wasn't. My hands were accordions. It was so fucked. I could see the air I was breathing and felt like molten metal after a while. I thought everyone thought I was Fred Flintstone for a while. Ended up naked in a bathtub of water crying. Alone. Fuck that.

Well that escalated quickly.

It was about 13 hours of tripping balls. It's the only time in my life that I lost time. I don't remember most of what happened. Looking back now it wasn't really that bad but the people I was with were. Always fucking are which is why I'm usually alone these days. Except the occasional whore which is rare I can't even stand some bitch complaining about me fishing all the time or hunting. Yes I realize it's probably me. I make good money and enjoy my life. I drink budweiser a lot and fish. I'm good. Every single time I let a woman in its change this or u don't need all those. Yes cunt I do. What I don't need is you. At 41 I've become the set in his ways miserable old man I hated when I was little and why I didn't want to grow up.

Sorry. Ex ol ladies birthday today. She's the one made me see things this way.



smoke weed erry day

reminder that 'freebase' is crack and i'm not entirely sure that anthony understands this.

I think he specified that freebase is pure cocaine (i.e. expensive), while crack is watered down with baking soda or whatever.

he was still ghetto trash that never accepted that fact.

jamming a bunch of coke into a bowl and smoking it is the same thing as crack or freebase, you're just smoking more of the impurities.

baking soda isn't added to 'water down' the cocaine. it's used as an ingredient to make freebase (aka crack) cocaine. doing freebase is smoking crack. doesn't matter how you get there -- freebase = crack, it's two different words for the same thing.

Nope. And pretty sure he's explained this on air.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of freebase cocaine :

Cocaine freed from impurites by treatment (usually with ether) by heating it to produce vapors for inhalation. When you create freebbase you neutralize the HCI, leaving you with pure cocaine. This is commonly confused with crack, which is typically 2 parts cocaine, 1 part baking soda and a little water heated gently to form crystals, which the user then smokes/inhales. Both are derived from cocaine and the effects are similar but freebase and crack are not created equal.

While watching a friend create freebase cocaine:

"Man, I thought freebasing and smoking crack was the same thing. Naw, dude. The freebase is the pure stuff. Crack ain't worth shit."

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

urban dictionary lol. freebase is the same thing as crack, it's just less efficient making it with baking soda. it's the same drug. you're wrong.

Yes we all understand it's the same drug - cocaine. You said 'baking soda is used to make freebase.' It's not. Baking soda is used to make crack. Freebase is made with different ingredients.

coke = freebase = crack

It's all the same shit. For Base using baking soda as an emulsifier to pull the purities into crystal, same thing with crack, but with crack you're usually using ammonia, gasoline or alcohol plus baking soda.

If you jam an 8ball of coke in a pipe and smoke it you are getting the same high as you would taking the 8ball and making base or crack.

You can also use freezing instead of heating to lump the base, not sure if you can with crack. At the end of the day it's all technically the same with the same high if you start with the same quantity of coke.

Coke is the salt form, freebasing is the base form. Smoking with the salt would be a waste, and snorting the base will just plug up your nose die to its low solubility. The highs also have different durations and intensities based on different routes of administration. Quit being a silly goose.

smoking a line of coke would be the EXACT same as smoking that same line in base or crack form. As long as the same quantity of coke was used in the process.

You would get the same nicotine content from a a leaf of tobacco if it's shredded or sliced, piped or rolled. As long as you smoke the entire thing.

You're an idiot and you're talking out of your ass.

Does crack lead to Alzheimer's along with heart disease?

You really don't give a care.

Norton probably got drunk once, puked and immediately went into AA.

Op probably did whatever drugs Wease put in front of him.

Ant did a little bit of everything back in the tin knocking days, as tin knockers are prone to doing.

But who fucking cares?

Haha, you don't get to include your who cares line after you've added to the discussion.

Point taken, sir.

Erock and Roland smoke weed at Hometown Buffet

I can't comprehend how Anthony drinks but doesn't smoke weed. Alcohol is so bad for you (especially frequent use) and makes you feel shitty/sick. You also feel shit when it wears off.

Weed you can vaporize with no health effects, you can smoke 24/7 without feeling sick, getting hungover or doing any damage to your body.

Plus Ant is a millionaire whose workday ends at 10am. He could afford the most high quality weed and smoke it all fucking day. He also has an in-home theater and the most up-to-date gaming technology.

I just cannot comprehend his lifestyle choice.

It's just not some people's drug man. Anthony has too much anxiety and doesn't confront his feelings so he numbs with alcohol. Weed makes you paranoid and anxious and a million thoughts

As much as I love Ant, it does seem like he is trying to avoid some deeper seeded thoughts about himself

Stanhope has said the same thing, he's explained it pretty well I think. He says he's never liked weed, even when he gets offered great stuff for free. He likes most other drugs though, and drinks a ton.

Weed makes you think, and I think Stanhope has some serious shit stuffed deep down inside, that he doesn't want coming out. He drinks and drugs like he's hitting himself on the head with a hammer. I love Doug, I think he's a brilliant comic and social commentator, but I honestly am surprised he has not turned to smack by now. He's the perfect customer for it.

This. Pot just puts me to sleep. Always has, always will. The smoke can give me a headache, too, I have to bring Advil to concerts or anywhere there's a lot of pot smoke. I support it's legalization, though, and don't care and usually don't even notice if other people do it.

My drugs of choice are caffeine and nicotine (through vaping, now). All the rest don't interest me, or I don't care for - I've never really had a taste for alcohol. I've never, my entire life, sat there and said "I really want a beer". Or wine, or anything else. Again, if you drink, fine, but it's not something I want, crave, or enjoy that much.

Yep feel the same way. As I've gotten older I get so ultra paranoid I just can't do it. Booze is so much better.


Nope. And pretty sure he's explained this on air.

coke = freebase = crack

It's all the same shit. For Base using baking soda as an emulsifier to pull the purities into crystal, same thing with crack, but with crack you're usually using ammonia, gasoline or alcohol plus baking soda.

If you jam an 8ball of coke in a pipe and smoke it you are getting the same high as you would taking the 8ball and making base or crack.

You can also use freezing instead of heating to lump the base, not sure if you can with crack. At the end of the day it's all technically the same with the same high if you start with the same quantity of coke.