Ant's Terrible Bomb

20  2014-06-28 by [deleted]


This was kind of an on-purpose bomb though

I think he threw himself under the bus here, but the wreckage was still an amazing sight to see.

this is worse than a thirsty mouse

Holy shit.

I thought the video stopped playing after he said that. But no, it was just long, awkward silence.

My face hurts

But at least he can handle it instead of spiraling into a depression and no one is allowed to talk about it.

In what foul part of the world does Raya sound like "rare"?

Just shows how old Anthony is referencing the TV show 'I love Lucy'

What was he going for?

A medium named raya. Hello medium raya (medium rare)

Wow, I thought there must be a reference I'm not getting, that's so fucking bad.

Well, a) the joke pretty much stands up for itself even if you didn't know the reference.

but b) it is an old joke from "I Love Lucy", young Rain Man Anthony watching the flickering TV as his parents argue ...

(Ethel is pretending to be a psychic)

Fred: Introducing Raya, the medium. Well done, medium Raya.

You're projecting a bit with "b)" aren't you? That's amazing you know that.

Have you listened to the show? It's a show reference.

You didn't get the steak joke, you didn't know the Lucy reference, you don't get the spaghetti on walls/Ant know an awful lot of old pop culture reference.

I am now left wondering how much of what happens on the show sails straight past you on a daily basis.

I was joking with you, and I get the Ant bad childhood stuff, but no I haven't heard O&A discuss the "I Love Lucy" episode where Fred says, "Well done, medium Raya." That's not a reference I would know man.

well done! medium raya

typing this out gave me boneitis

So fucking bad it actually made me chuckle.


You mean Opie isn't the only one that sucks?

All three suck in their own special way. But I love em anyway.

untrue TP.

the joke is bad, but opie trying to act all high and mighty like he dont shit out bombs all day every day is the real cringe.

Actually he handled it the way a funny person would.

stealing how a funny person would react to it does not excuse him. and he didnt even use it correctly.

we heard you is meant to be said to cut off someone abruptly, hence the funny part of it.

You're drowning with down-votes and I threw you a life guard. You just tossed it away and let yourself sink to the bottom.

why would i care about upvotes or that shit only faggots care about little meaningless things on this site.

I don't know.

I'm with you that Opie bombs a lot, but his quiet WeHeardYou actually made me laugh.