When does Erock's show start?

3  2014-06-28 by NoremacMartin

Thanks homies.

Erock Army Nigga.


Get that Nagel kid in there.

That should be his "let's get this show on the road" intro for each show.

Tonight at 8

E-Rock is a loveable fool, good video.

8pm EST.


It started in the womb but the disappointment hasn't fully blossomed yet.

I really thought that read:

Thanks hoagies.

Erock Army Nigga.

erock is the only aspect of the show thats still must listen radio, idk what it is about him, love the guy.

he should have ended that promo with "imminent rue-age"

I didn't like that long ass intro, talked about movies, video games, and some old radio guy called in and they talked about radio and podcasts and other boring shit. I liked it until the old radio talk, I really don't give a shit about classic radio hosts and their experiences or whatever.

He mentioned that the next show would be in two weeks, unless the bosses say other wise.
