A cool photo of Chip Chipperson clubbing some hippy to death with a table leg

45  2014-06-27 by tokeabow


hittin' a homerun there Chippah?....tsss tsss

Shades of Ed Norton

American Chipstory X

Ma! you told me lamar wasn't comin ova here no more!

Just wait unda da bed Chippah, mommy and Lamah are gonna play WWF asumpthin

The old wood shampoo.

Chippah would only do that if he saw them fall down and realized he could get there before they got up.

Looks more like Edgar

Whoever took that photo got it signed? Nice.

Looks like she's getting a leg down on life or sumpthin

Fawk yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Cut your hair you cock suckah!

Photographic proof that chip's mean streak is to be taken seriously.

Serves her right, fuckin' piece of garbage.


You don't like to listen to the Sick Fuckin' Puppies? You don't deserve ears!!!

Sick Fock'm Poppies

That is pretty cool, huh!