Chip from Manhattan calls Mike Francesa

104  2014-06-26 by producerdan


I don't see why we must do all the pre-show work for Sam here, but this is great.

Fantastic clip, but it's "going to the gym & eating better"

True, but he nailed the annunciation on "better".

More like goin down on Jim and eatin butter tsss tsssss

You suck so much.


take us out ya fat piece 'a shit

Well, it is Chip...

I was laughing like Patrice over Bobo's dick over this

Haha, I love it when Francesa says eating better.

Burst into laughter when he said better in that weird accent

More things like this. I really enjoyed it.

That was fucking epic. Perfectly done.

That's fucked up! No love for Lamar?

I love the betterrrrrr.

It amazes me people actually WATCH this shit. I used to be amazed people listen.


Whitney Cummings & Dane Cook are successful stand-ups, sometimes shit rises to the top.

For the love of GOD i hope this clip finds it's way to the show.

I was hoping for an epic bomb but that was great none the less.

That is awesome.


Could have done so much more with all the time he got. Feels like a wasted opportunity.

What the fuck are you talking about? He did it perfectly. He got the names out, a classic line from Jimmy, and even got Francesca to repeat the prank out loud - and never got caught. You're retarded.

Usually MikeZaun doesn't let you talk that much when you say something stupid like Chip did to start the call.

The working out and eating better was pretty funny.

Tsss this guy's fukkin LYIN', I ain't got no kidz.

I always put a condom before stickin' it in some COOTER, I say "hey baby, you ready for this rubber PECKA!" Tsss, she's all like "yeah, Chippa, gimme your BIG FUKKIN PECKA, stick it in me real good, BUT DON'T PUT NO SEMEN IN ME." My mudda always told me to put on a rubber or just spill it on the floor like Lamar does. Always makin' me clean it up with my loofah.

SHeT up LyLE

YOre NoTHing bUT a LiAR anD a FoOliSH boY. yOU NeeD tO LEArn YOrSElf soME maNeRS, aND sTOp SaYINg suCH FoUL anD OFFenSIve thINGs.

Tsss, fuk you, Edga, fukkin cockSUCKA.

What if I say some FAIR and ONfensive things, tssssss. GET IT?!?!

FUKKIN HOME RUN CHIPPERSON, double baseball puns cocksuckas!

OkAY, thAT oNe wAs QuTIE HUMorOus


FUUUUUUKK, you got me dere Edga. Walked right into dat one like it was a fukkin big old bear trap or somethin' tssssss.

HoWs YOre MoTHer doING, LYle? I heARD shE wAS QUitE unWeLL. shE HAs Not sHOWn up FoR SNooKER aT thE COMmuNIty ceNTEr iN maNY WEekS. EvREYoNE iS QUitE COnCErnED.

This is why we shouldn't be making cuts to the public schools.

Or cuts to our sterilization programs.


I love the newfound positivity in this sub, but it's worth pointing out that you're a faggot.

Are we absolutely sure that isn't Jimmy having a psychotic episode?

I dunno, she took off like a fukkin rocket or somethin' (tsssssssssss) last week wit Lamar. They said they was just goin down to da shore for a few days bc my mudda had some thick varicose veins in her lower leg area and needed a few days rest.

I told her, "maybe you should tell your VEINS to stop lookin' in the mirror at demselves! HER VAINS tsssssss." She told me to shut my mouth and stop touching down there when I'm speaking about her body.

Could have done so much more with all the time he got. Feels like a wasted opportunity.


call him yourself, faggot.