Ant: "The real reason more people are watching soccer in the US? The illegals that are cascading over our borders." Even I think this is a little out of touch

0  2014-06-26 by harriswill


He's just upset Tunisia got eliminated.


He stole this straight from that lizard cunt, Ann Coulter, and trying to ride on her coat tails.

“If more ‘Americans’ are watching soccer today, it’s only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration law.”

How edgy!


Globalization and the internet have had a huge effect on soccer fandom in the US,much bigger than the effect immigration has had. We live in a global society now. Being a fan of high level European soccer is arguably easier in this country than being a fan of American sports. I have to pay $400 a ton of extra money to get every NFL, NHL, MLB or NBA game but watch every EPL game without paying extra...granted, I have to wake up early on Saturday mornings to watch, but it just gives me an excuse to start drinking at 9 am.

Also, because football has the concussion concerns and baseball is so expensive for kids these days with the travel teams, batting cages etc. almost every elementary school kid in my area plays soccer. My old school (in a town under 2,000 people) used to be a all about basketball school from kindergarten all the way up to highschool, but soccer has taken over completely. The school held a three day regional soccer tournament a month or so ago. It's completely crazy how fast the sport is growing, and if Qatar loses the 2022 World Cup and it's awarded to the US it will only get crazier.

Anyways, I don't know how people in this thread can be shocked that a 50 year old xenophobic alcoholic who lives alone in a compound and gets his talking points and opinions from right wing media can be completely out of touch.

Coulter is funny but the sad thing about her and the other trolls on Fox such as O'Reilly is their audience takes it as fact and as a result our country gets retarded

The last adjective I would use to describe Ann Coulter is funny

maybe funny in a tragic sense. Like a clown with AIDS

That's such a lame "Fox & Friends" morning show joke...Even if he's trolling, that's just lame.

Newsflash: Anthony is a crazy racist that's detached from reality.

I thought we all knew this already. why are you surprised by anything he says?

He just trollin.

Yes, 25 million (US ratings for the game) illegal immigrants watched the USA Portugal game.

Americans trashing football(soccer) is such a hacky bit at this point. I'm European and I don't give a fuck about football, but I give even less of a fuck what Americans think about it, yet every four years out come the same lame old jokes. You know what Europeans do when the Superbowl is on? Nothing, because most of us are in bed because it's Sunday and we've got work in the morning.

I'm listening to the 2006 summer shows and they are doing the same thing. If you compiled their 2006 and 2010 shows you could get their 2014 shows.

Does the Super Bowl get broadcast over there?


Does every game or just the Bowl?

Here in Denmark they show about five games per week. I'm pretty sure it's at least the same in Germany and UK.

No shit. I wasn't even asking as a joke. I genuinely didn't think they broadcasted NFL games overseas. Is it popular over there?

It does fairly well. It's probably most popular in Germany. Sebastian Vollmer is german and plays for the Patriots.

Are implying that this is not a rational well thought out opinion? By Ant? I highly doubt that.

Anthony is so delusional.

At least he's funny though.

he's just being silly

just catering to a huge swath of his audience.

Ant is a fucking retard.

Mexicans watch boxing. The ones that do watch soccer, watch Mexican soccer on spanish channels.

American soccer is a 100% white sport and the only people in America going nuts over the world cup are white people. Everyone playing soccer on youth and even college teams are lily-white Aryans.

Signed: a white guy that lives in a border state and plays soccer.

American soccer is a 100% white sport and the only people in America going nuts over the world cup are white people

I don't know. Since this thing started I've been seeing a lot of cars on the road flying flags that look like Fruit Stripe gum.

Well considering over 80% of the teams advancing have fruit stripe flags im not surprised

And judging by the number of said Toyota Corollas with three hub cap spinners, sloppily-applied flame decals, and mismatched parts, I'd say just about as much taste as Fruit Stripe gum.

They make me feel like a fancy man. The doors on my cheap imported car actually match.

a white guy that lives in a border state and plays soccer.

Damn....Good on you for being so open about your sexuality. Im proud of you.

Not everyone on the US team is white

I live in Dallas and the bar I went to today was jam packed with white people.

He's an idiot. He just happens to be a funny idiot.

Now now, bandwagoning doesn't know any race, creed, ethnicity or nationality. We can ALL pretend to give a shit about soccer this month before forgetting about it for another four years.

First response to him.

@AnthonyCumia you are all immigrants silly.

Got a laugh out of me.

if he ever fact checked anything before spouting off his nonsense he would see, yet again, what he is saying is completely inaccurate.


Ant can't handle 32 countries and their fans getting together to have a good time.

I watched all three US games and the US fans were all white, big toothed goofy looking cunts.There was one black US chick seen at the Portugal game .....i guess the cameraman was surprised because the camera stayed on her for two minutes .

But it's quite the poetic image, innit; all the illegals tumbling in like shiftless, entitled droplets, forming pools of lawlessness and societal regression.

Who cares. It's just a tweet.

He claims the high ratings are because of illegals watching it.

Meanwhile he's watching it. His logic is deeply flawed.

Can't he see that if he's watching it, other people who aren't regular soccer fans would be watching also?

Mexicans hate America, though. They'd rather cheer for the Mexican team than the US team which has been getting record viewings this year.

Americans hate Mexico. Even Steven.

If you aren't kidding, you sound as ridiculous as anyone else who over-generalizes an entire populace based on a few personal experiences. It's tiring.

You're an imbecile. They probably love America more than most Americans.

Source: I'm in charge of several Mexicans.

What about all the 'Italians' born and raised in the US (and never been to Italy) who root for Italy?

You cunts will get upset about anything

I can't wait til this fucking world cup bullshit is over, I couldn't possibly care less about it and am bombarded with "news" about it all day err'day.

He's trolling, you dope.

Is that the bit?

He's not out of touch.

The popularity of soccer is a very politicized issue. Liberals, hipsters, and city-dwellers from red states typically enjoy soccer on a cultural level because it has the image of being a sport that impoverished brown people play, because it doesn't require expensive equipment like football and basketball, which are seen as hyper masculine Americanised sports. Anyone brown skinned is a sacred cow to liberals, so anything from their culture must be lauded as superior.

You really think liberals like soccer because they relate it to brown people? Jesus Christ.

A sport that was popularized by and has been dominated mostly by Europeans...

Holy shit, are you ever dumb.

he popularity of soccer is a very politicized issue. Liberals...

Stopped reading after liberals.
