Did I just hear an advertisement for Erock's new upcoming show?

32  2014-06-26 by mr__hat

I missed almost all the details, but I think it's starting this saturday.


Count me in - he's a good egg.

Erock ate the egg though.

'# theconsumer

#theconsumer, stupid

It was good.

I've always thought that Erock does a pretty good job on air, much better than Sam.

What? Sam is absolutely brilliant on the air. Like that time he found a way to call Opie a liar to his face. The interne David and Stevie stuff. Sam is this amazing dick.

I tolerate him, but that voice is like nails on a chalk board to me.

It's the same for everyone.

Meh. Don't mind him in small amounts.


That's eerily accurate.

Sam is brilliant and really good at his job.

Erock is way more talented than Sam.

Well, they do different things, both are good at them. But Erock is a good person and Sam is a cunt.

What's 1 thing Sam has brought to the show since January 1st that was good?

Serious question. I'm open to an answer.

While he didn't come up with the idea, he made the Lady Di intern week happen.

Any good producer would make sure that happened.

Colin was to thank for that right?

I want Bobo stock trader to happen.

Ok, then yes Sam is a good producer.

You're an idiot.

Just because he does 1 thing that ANY good producer would do for O&A doesn't mean he's a good producer. If you only did 1 thing correctly at your job would they call you a good whatever? No.

Damn, that's a good troll!

I'm not trolling, you're just stupid.

Sam is not a good producer. You have still failed to show me 1 thing he has brought to the show since January 1st that was good. Even doing that wouldn't make him a "good producer." To be a good producer you have to consistently do your job well. Not just do it well once.

Are you writing his performance review? Fuck off with your fake inside knowledge.

Where have I claimed inside knowledge? hahaha.

I'm not sure if it counts as bringing stuff to the show, but he stirs the shit pot real good.

What's a good example of him doing that since January 1st?

Can't remember the day, but they were doing high school famous alumni lists, and oh, what's that? Opie isn't on his high school's alumni list? Let's check Ant's - yup, there he is. How about Jimmy? Yeah, he's there too. Let's check Opie's again and see if maybe they've added him. Nope, not yet!

Fuck Sam.

I have no clue what you're babbling about.

It might actually be good. If not it will get demolished on O&A, so either way we win.


Fuck yeah

Congrats EROCK!

I'm happy for him. He's good people


It's called "It's Erik Nagel"

I wonder if he has turned his movie script into a radio play?

And if you don't like his show you can come over here and shut up

Erock is an all-time good sport.

That's why I have respect for him and none for Sam.

Has Sam ever been on the wrong end of a physical bit?

Perhaps the Guy Fieri vodka squirting. That's it.



Pat Duffy was ever-so-close to beating his ass.... just like he beat up his ex-fiancee.

That time he was on the right end end of a physical bit. In fact I thought of this specifically and Po was right there to stop Pat Duffy from retaliating so he could act like a little worm.


It's not a physical bit but Jocktober turned on Sam once when he picked a show with couple of shitty radio guys - who as it turns out did a dam good jingle for the boys in the past. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=57OqT0RDt9k

Yes you did! Saturday at 8 PM.

Sabean's office chair hasn't completely stopped spinning yet, and the lunatics are already running rampant.

Fuck. I just finally cancelled my XM online this week since all I used the app for was Davey Mac Sports Program so I haven't used it since he was fired.

They mentioned this as a possibility two weeks ago, which was 2 weeks before Sabean was fired.

More about this please. Anyone got a clip? I hope Erock succeeds.


that explains his tweet from last night.

Erik Nagel ‏@erockradio 12h S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y...NIGHT?

Who knew #TheConsumer was a Bay City Rollers fan?

Hates Pink Floyd, loves Bay City Rollers. Okay, terrific.

I like listening to Erock on air, I'd listen to him talk about Doctor Who!

what's it about? consuming?


More Nagel, less Roberts.

Holy shit. They're making changes quickly.

pretty sure this was in the works pre-firing. Interesting to see what changes are actually made due to new management though.

What makes you so sure?


Congrats, Erock! #teamhawk 4eva baby!

I hope Giddles is on it.


Rich Vos is appearing at Helium Buffalo August 7-9.



I fuck yo mudda in da ass

Congratulations erock

Baglin' with the sex

Erock's workload must have him stretched tighter than the skin on his belly, what with this new show, his four podcasts and his screenplay.


We don't do that here


Erock being a "good guy" doesn't make him funny, interesting or charismatic.

Erock fucking sucks. I actually hate him worse than Roland. Being a nice guy doesn't change that

The way he is a fat baby boy and actually did the "the consumer" tweets non-ironically at first, like a fat spoiled baby boy bitching about the junkfood he doesn't like.

The way he cried when talking about his engagement just made me cringe

Men should not act like that. It was worse than roland crying

So what?

"So what?"

Thats the most effeminate response to anything I think I've ever seen, kill yourself

You and Ant should be placed in a box that won't open until you stop acting like a macho cunt.

A box that doesn't open, woah-ho!! that's some tough talk!!

Will do.

You should say "baby boy" more often.


I'll be sure to look out for you in future threads, you really dont mess around

They don't call him KingBee for nothin' pal.

I am happy that clicked the (+) in order to read the first line and realize that you deserved another down vote.


If you can like erock, then you see him as a peer, someone you can identify with and respect

so from this i can deduce you are probably also overweight and cry more than the average male

"So what?"

Thats the most effeminate response to anything I think I've ever seen, kill yourself
