letter i sent to Don Wicklin and Scott Greenstein: "you two are dropping the ball with the o&a channel. lol"

0  2014-06-25 by [deleted]

chey Don and Scott.. oh i been listening for the past several years as i do my newspaper run. ok so i'm there 5am cdt and holy has content gone down the hole in recent years. I complain about it on the o&a subreddit with ways to improve stuff but the ball just keeps getting dropped further by you guys. And i had enough and mailing you personally to try and help. Cause ya keep going the way it is, it'll tank into the abyss. And you know it.

Like where's the fun on the show anymore, its just hens bickering about entertainment news. No production, no imagination, no fun, and comedy is dwindling. How much can you take moaning groaning and complaining? In case ya still got your rose colored glasses on and think the channel rocks.. hows about you take a glance over at wackbag that has become an abandonned tumbleweed ghost town in recent years. The last bastion where you can find any fans is that subreddit and there's maybe only a few dozen around at any given time. For a national radio show this is abysmal. Meanwhile you guys in charge don't give a damn that the show's next stop is being cancelled. You're not helping it out whatsoever. Anybody needs to get sacked around there its you two and if ya dont clean up your act somebody above ya 'll be doing it.. so yeah i'm trying to help ya before that happens. So you can take my advice or as dr phil says you can keep doing what ain't gonna be workin out more for ya later.

ok so the ship is sinking and ya can't just keep going how its been. These guys have had enough and eventually they're gonna get outta there to where they can have better odds of more success. In case ya still got your rose colored glasses on, take a look at their twitter celeb rankings.. they're all around #5000. That's pathetic. Ya guys are stuck in your 1990's business model of restraining yourselves to north america and ignoring the world. Well ya can't do that in this day and age.

Here's some tips to get the show going. Yes i know your all stuck with your xm ostrich head in the sand but enough already saying you can only be on there. What ya gotta do is get a live visual element of the show like youtube streaming live when the show's on. Now you're opening up the world to the show. And yes if things get more famous people 'll be signing up to get the show in their cars. D'ya think because they can get it online they're not gonna get it in their cars still. Thats a touchy subject and i get that you're not there yet so ya wanna be all uptight about restricting the content. Yeah well hows that been workin out for ya, numbers up? You're getting eaten alive like whats going on here in canada with the government and its lousy canadian content rules. People have had enough and nobody listens to fm anymore when there's damn commercials every few minutes. Now that they have an option with the internet they're not gonna put up getting disrespected with that annoying crap.

ok so lets talk about what you're doing with commercials with o&a. Ya do these completely ignored 10 minute blocks that people just change the station and come back later. Thats sooo stupid. Here's what i'd do. I'd pepper in a micro commercial or maybe a 30 sec spot, just one at random times during the show. If somebody's gotta go to the washroom they can step out of the room while the other two cover for 'em. Keep the listeners tuned in the whole time. Don't get greedy with too many damn commercials or you'll disrespect your listener and they'll tune out to all the other options out there. And hey if they do tune out from xm and just get the stuff online what you do is still have the rights to it and make money there even though they dont have an xm radio. Then you'll welcome them broadening their horizons to the world instead of limiting your income to north america.

Next ya go to what you're doing with the station if you look at programming. I was taking a look at that today, got a thread about it on the subreddit. Its 90% the opie and anthony show and mostly replays. Who the hell's gonna listen to this same old crap they already heard. Losing listeners. Just like this rubbish pre-show and post-show, already heard it, tuning out. Gotta have live stuff where they talk about things going on now. And if o&a can't show up, get some other comedians who are in town to do a live show. Have live content all day and night. Have a live dj late at night spinning obscure records who talks about stuff happening at the moment between songs, then you know he's live, not some taped bs. That'd be kinda like back in radio's hey day. So annoying that taped bs between songs it makes ya just want to tune out. Ya guys sure know how to make listeners tune out. Those station id's every few songs.. enough already. I know what damn station i'm listening to by what it says on the gizmo readout. Put a sock in that crap already ya guys with the incessant annoying station ids.

How about content with the o&a show. That sardine can studio, you can go f yourselves with it. The boys feel like they're in a prison. Meanwhile they cant do nothing because oh people 'll get uptight. So no wonder they're cranky and just coast until they retire. Ya guys are so uptight restricting them. So i'd get 'em out of that shoebox studio and let 'em do their own thing on location elsewhere. Maybe even if they don't feel like going in to work, they can have an isdn line from home. Its not the 1970's here guys. Your business model sure is stuck in it and you're not keeping up with the new technologies. You're gonna get snuffed out if ya don't keep up and you're just ignoring whats going on out there.

ok their bits.. they used to do fun edgy stuff but that all got extinguished by you guys. If they're out there not in the building then ya don't have to worry about that as much. Get 'em some damn warehouse somewhere even ya guys. Can't ya tell how they're so beat down they just don't care anymore.. and that spark that made 'em famous got pounded down by management dudes like you? They're about to quit and go do podcasting ya know.. so this is pretty much your last chance before the fall.

Visual element.. yeah you'd have cameras in the studio for the radio show but how about the whole brand. The other day i though about doing a Louie type show with some of the o&a characters. Could film it like louis does but wouldnt be very hard to make it more funny, thats for sure compared to what he's doing lately. Get some writers and think ok we'll do this and that with the characters and even if its starts boring they wind up in situations and yep awkward stuff is funny too. So much funny that could be going on with these guys but they're just limiting themselves to this lousy complaining about entertainment news. Meanwhile if they'd brach the brand out you'd get a chunk of that but nope ya don't know how to make more money now do you. Could do a set tv show like seinfeld but dirty.. with the o&a characters. Jimmy's voice characters have him dress up and whichever one he's doing. Ya know.. jeez ya guys.. where's your imagination with them? What you do is just make the shows and get episodes and put it online and as it starts to get going more people tune in, then tv gets interested, now you're looking at syndication and you know thats the kind of bucks you guys are interested in. The whole o&a brand is like nothing else out there cause they tell it straight like it is instead of all this politically correct stuff goin on everywhere nowadays.. so people 'll listen.

Have the radio guys tour cities. This 20th year they should been going to every damn state almost on like a bus tour. But no.. you guys say, that costs money.. yeah but it'd promote the brand and get more new listeners. Whens the last time ya got new listeners.. just going down cause ya never do anything to promote them. And then you turn them away with these stupid 10 minute blocks of commercials that get erased when people check it out online. What a way to get new advertisers there.

ok so hows about that programming schedule you could lookup which of the old comedian buddies are doing podcasts and have maybe a best of their week on the o&a channel, like what you're doing with joe rogan. Cause right now it looks like they lost their old comedian buddies cause you tightwads are too tight to pay up and get damn content. So no wonder people are tuning out. ok so put a sock in the damn replays and get new shows. I'm a paperboy but i tell people straight to their face what i think like what i'm doing right now and if ya need somebody like that to fill a slot you can get a hold of me. Wouldnt cost much i make 2 grand a month now. haha.. But yeah.. holy do you guys ever not know how to run the show. lol.

so that was the letter.. was gonna post this as a comment but kinda important so adding as add-on edit.

Was trying to sleep and thinking about how some of the characters would have their own slots. So this would be like streaming live on youtube but some stuff would be taped.

Lets start with when ant does his live from the compound, that'd be on the o&a sirius channel at the same time. Whenever he has a party it'd pre-empt whatever programming. He could also have some slot during the weeknights when he's boozed up. So the whole live from the compound would be a sub brand thats part of the o&a empire. lol

opie's eye.. he could have a gopro camera on him as he's wandering around the city. Might want to do that taped so people dont track ya down live. Could be when he's bike riding or just walking around people watching. Have that as a slot.

Erock would have his own show where he could do his consumer or radio show about his gay shit. lol. I think erock should do a tourism segment where he travels the world. Maybe take roland with him. lol

Sam with his ego tripping crap and wrestling rubbish. Put that when i'm not listening like afternoon drive.

Sal could do his gay jazz connoisseur shit maybe spin some records.

Have Ronny B do late night record spinning like he used to do. Trust me, he needs a break from fez. lol

Roland could do his food review.. going to restaurants, so this would be taped tv stuff eh. And would love his movie review where he's snoring thru half of it. Any roland talking would have written subtitles below.

Club soda kenny.. gotta have his own slot. Very funny motherfucker that stand-up shit he did.. so he can do whatever for his slot and i'm sure it'll be twisted.

Dennis falcone, yes you too get something from the wizard of oz.. you can dj the music you like somewhere in there, whenever i'm not listening. lol

Fuckin troy quan would be using that new studio warehouse at night for "party time with troy" where you'd have a rave and it'd be like a club and people would pay admission to help pay for the warehouse studio. Have that as a i dunno late nite segment.. could also do shit between tracks and guests on a couch being down for whatever and shit and oh music time between.

And then danny ross could have a weekend show called "biggest asshole in the world".. hehe.. Mr know it all, should be good.

Jimmy.. yeah he could do that interview shit he likes to do that'd be a sub-brand eh. And get him some big names that he wants. Maybe he can have a late night talk show slot competing with the big boys. heh.. And yeah any swearing could be bleeped for network tv.

ok there ya go.. i gotta go to bed.. establishing the opie and anthony empire.


im not reading that shit audiocosmos

I bailed after the first paragraph

Your writing is worse than your music.

Don't tell me you actually listened?

You go out of your way (ten paragraphs, trying to recite everything the boys have said on air) to write this semi-legible, every second paragraph start's with "ok", pile of shit. If you're going to criticize their product, treatment of employees, etc., you ought to be able to write something professional enough (with actual facts and statistics, and the logical entailments from those, in addition to grammar) that can't be as easily dismissed as: "Listen to this half-o-brain play pretend PD. Maybe he should just shut up and deliver papers."

You're a disgrace and are ultimately doing a disservice, regardless of intention. Kill yourself.

That'll get them thinkin'.

This is how you wrote this letter to a business? Wow.

You either typed this up by speaking into one of those voice-to-typing things or your grammar and English teachers failed you.

tss good one

They don't have the power to do any of that.

I hope you sent it with the same lack of punctuation.

The shit that some of you "Real Fans" (ugh!) actually believe. It's sickening. This has to be one of the worst fucking things I have ever tried to read. I skimmed over it, and if I were an station executive, I wouldn't even attempt to try and decipher any of this. I'm not a grammar genius either, but I know shitty drivel when I see it. No matter how good your intentions may be, you are doing more harm than good. Do you honestly think that any of this will ever do anything? ... and again, it's written so poorly no one is going to sift through this and take it seriously. The show isn't going to get any better, they have been doing this for 20 years and the days of them trying to make a name for themselves are over. The best any of us can hope for is maybe 1-2 above average shows a month, and maybe an exceptional one here and there. They are comfortable with just having a job that pays them beyond generously. If you called in and said any of this shit to them you know what their reaction would be? Go fuck yourself and please stop listening. I guarantee you that the show will continue to be what it is now until either they retire or SiriusXM decides to tell them to pack it up (which will probably be the case in the next couple of years).

Tl;dr version please?

I still can't believe that people overestimate the influence of Sabien, Don Wick, etc. to this extent.

Does anyone notice that of all the complaining they (opie) does about management, there's never any specific complaints? It's never "this person is making us do this".

Fuckin rubes buy into the crap that Opie whines about. Ant & Jim are half-heartedly joining in at best.


lol didn't read
