Joe Rogan riffs with Opie.

10  2014-06-24 by bouras


Opie is fuckin' zooted.

Yeah, he does look blazed.

He took a baby hit.

And now he's ALLL INNN with the potHAHAHAHA.

That's all it takes, it's fucking Joe Rogan weed. He doesn't fuck around with that Susquehanna shit

Opie: "The type of radio show I do, I can almost do it in my sleep now."

Yeah, you pretty much do.


Sodoku too!

Opie when he's not being a tryhard is great.

Joe's jokes are about as heavy handed as he is.




He's aggressive with all of his guests if he disagrees with them. He's a combative dude. I think it makes for great listening. He recently did a podcast with Dan Savage, and there was a lot of passion in their discussions.

I think that's good. He's not afraid to have that person on and doesn't just smile and nod and then trash them the next day


this opie is actually likable.

One of my biggest Opie pet peeves is the "I think I'm going to start smoking pot again," which he's been saying for years at this point. Time after time you hear about guys offering him pot, and then him not doing it. I don't know if the thinks that's like an "edgy, hip radio host" thing to say? Either smoke or shut the fuck up already.

That said, I did enjoy him in Rogan's show and agree with most the Opester is more entertaining than usual on other people's shows for whatever reason. Im dying for him to be on Carolla, or vice versa. (Ope wasn't there when Adam was on O&A recently)

Deep-down he still thinks being the surfer stoner spicoli guy is cool.

After years of listening to O&A for years, I think Opie never really did drugs "back in the day". He just seems like to much of a liar. If he's a liar now, he most likely was a liar back then to.

He was and always will be a suburban frat boy trying to pass as "extreme."

How could anyone sit through 3 hours of this?!

I watched it when it first aired and I found it interesting.

Opie does 4 hours a day, what are you talking about? You can't take 3/4 of an O&A show without Jim and Ant?

i'm basing it on that little riff of Rogan's about "Imagine if you had to suck dicks all day for years..." It was so bad I couldn't get through a minute or 2.

Rogan sucks. Fuck that roided out hack comedian/snake oil salesman.

He took a baby hit.