Man Walking Around with Knife Stuck in Back - @OpieRadio

3  2014-06-24 by LoganGV


When is he going to take over the Todd Show?

was this a video of steve c after the opester got him fired?

Hey man that's fuckin low. Steve C did his part too. That wasn't all Opie's fault. Fuckin revisionism

I've always defended Opie, but if he isn't playing an elaborate hoax on us, then I think he might actually be retarded.

Holy shit. He has to be trolling at this point.

I'm actually speechless. This isn't just something to make fun of. This is ... something else.

This might be the twist in The Prestige where the real trick the Chinese magician did was when he was off stage he pretended to be old and feeble so that when people saw him doing shit on stage they couldn't figure out how he really did it using his leg strength. Opie lives his entire life pretending to be an unfunny retard and one day it's gonna pay off when he actually releases a hilarious video.

He's like a real life Willy Wonka, all these bad videos are him hobbling out of the factory for the first time with a stick.

The crowds looking at him are this subreddit, fooled by his mock stupidity, and feeling sorry for his desperate effort. When he finally let's go of the stick and tries to stand up for himself, that will be Opie's moment of glory.

Except the cunt will just full flat on his face and knock himself out, there is no "bit", Opie is JUST a dummy.


That is the single dumbest defense anyone has used for another human being in all of recorded history. "God made him do it" is a more intelligent and rational explication then what you have just written here. I hope your explanation is why you have typed this.

Best of luck to you in your promising career sorting glass.

Boy I really hope you are being sarcastic and you didn't just entirely miss the joke I was making like an unaware jackass....

I'll own up to this one, I made a dumbass mistake.

Well that was big of you to admit that.

I'm thinking the same thing. That, or the "haters" are correct and he really does lack self awareness, but I don't believe it. Must be his age.

This was bad. Nothing else needs to be said.

Expect "Scuse me sir, you got something in your back" shirts come next week. He's gotta fill those back orders ya know.

Next thing you know he'll be paying Erock off with quarters!

Am I the only one who found that to be terrible radio? The whole Erock situation was great radio, and it had to be ruined by that self-absorbed asshole making it about himself by paying Erock back in quarters.

This thread was created because Opie made a really shitty video, and my comment expands the idea of Opie going downhill quickly by suggesting that he might do something as lame as pay Erock his weight in quarters.

So wonder no more as I've already given the answer to your question!

Ok. I'm convinced Gregg Hughes is the greatest troll of our time.

Someone had better grab this before he takes it down.

He had time to edit this but no time for Game of thrones.

To be fair there's no editing here, he's just filming the local news on TV and doing commentary over it. There's no edit point.

Opie is lonely.


Surprised this unfunny human had a moment to himself to make terrible commentary on a news segment. After all, with having two kids and all, how could be find time to do anything pertinent?

The trick is to click the video, downvote, then hit back as quick as you can.

The downvote sticks, but the viewcount will not be incremented.

YouTube algorithms detect that sort of behaviour as someone being tricked into clicking a misleading link, and the video and user account starts dropping down the rankings. This prevents their videos being recommended to non-subscribers and prevents them being highly ranked in any search results.

What the fuck is he doing?

Here's a backup in case he takes it down.

The Opster is trolling. He's done it before. Unless he's recently hit his head, this is him fucking with us.

No he's not, he isn't that smart. He really thinks this is a good video.

Boy I really hope you are being sarcastic and you didn't just entirely miss the joke I was making like an unaware jackass....