Uninformed disguised as Unscensored

0  2014-06-23 by [deleted]

I just called in after hearing a just horribly stupid discussion of the World Cup. Any discussion of the World Cup, one of the absolute biggest stories in the world, particularly with the US game yesterday, got maybe 10 minutes on the show, until 'my call' (with opie's management) brought it back. I got sort of a welcome hearing, but then was shut down, and I think that kind of attitude towards listeners, particularly about a subject they 'should' be into is what really hurts them, as they've certainly evolved but don't seem to realize that they need to continue to evolve...


write a poem about it soccer faggot

jesus get over yourself

I want to listen to a show that's relevant and discusses the topics of the day...the fact that you're so closed off to regular human society saddens me but it doesn't surprise me that you would lash out in anger...get help or dm me if you would like some counseling from a professional...

So go listen to NPR

They don't' take calls either.

Were you the weird unintelligible one?

His post has all the tell tale signs of a retard so I'm guessing probably.

I don't know what this sub really is, but it's not like the show in that slurs are freely thrown around, and it shouldn't be like the show where opinions are freely shut down without talk or argument...

frankly you don't know the meaning of the word unintelligible...you maybe mean not understandable


I was pretty intelligible, just shut out

If you were the one I'm thinking of, you really weren't intelligible at all. From a listener's perspective. You were rambling and using odd figures of speech with no real direction.

They (ant and jimmy) don't understand soccer at all, while at least opie is making an effort...I was trying to get everyone in some kind of common perspective but I was 'cut down' in the same way I was when I tried to describe healthcare...


dunno if you're trying to act like the show but that's what it seems like...

I was waiting for DMV talk.

Ugh, you called in to get them to talk more about the World Cup?! Are you fucking insane? All they do is repeat the same point over and over: they don't care. Why would you want to hear more of that?

I'm not into sports so I get how some people are bored to tears by sports radio.

Sports has no place on radio, if your a fan, you've seen the game or will, unless half of Europe raped each other in the stands again, no one cares.

Actually sports talk radio is one of the most popular radio formats that exists so I dunno why you think it doesn't belong on radio. That's like saying "if you like movies, you've seen the movie so you don't needta talk about it on the radio." "If you like music you've downloaded the song so you don't needta do a music break on the radio." "If you like world news you've followed the news so ya don't needta talk about it on the radio."

The reason sports radio is so popular is because the rest of radio is shit and most people are retarded.

That said, I follow the World Cup, but I don't give a shit if O&A talk about it.

It's popular because people like to gamble on sports. Guys like talking about sports. Go to any bar and that's one of the biggest topics to talk about. I don't care for the World Cup at all and I dont care if O&A talk about sports ever cause they dont really know what they are talking about but I can certainly understand why they'd try. Sports and Politics are the 2 biggest radio formats. They hit on politics a bunch with Ant's rants so it makes sense they'd also try to capitalize on sports talk being popular.

It's a topic that Opie brought up, and the same as if it were any other news story I'd like I'd least it to be factually accurate...

I want to listen to a show that's relevant and discusses the topics of the day...the fact that you're so closed off to regular human society saddens me but it doesn't surprise me that you would lash out in anger...get help or dm me if you would like some counseling from a professional...