Opie and Anthony discuss the Angry Video Game Nerd. Patrice O'Neal joins halfway through Part 3.

20  2014-06-23 by youfuckmymother


I remember when the Nerd called in and I found out that he is the biggest bore on the face of the planet. They kept trying to get something out if him, anything, and all he responded with was "ha...yeah..."

His AVGN stuff is hilarious, but everything else about him is dreadful.

If you watch a few interviews with him, it's very clear he's just a guy, not a comedian.

Did you listen to his Saturday Night Virus show he did?

Is it fucking terrible?

It was really bad. They didn't have any content. Danny had to swoop in and actually save the show.

Only works when you have someone who is funny under all circumstances. For example Louie's SNV show was one of the funniest things I've ever listened to precisely because he had no content. I quote (steal) his "I'd rather shit in a hat, and wear it for the rest of my life" line all the time.

Yeah, I felt really bad for him. He finally got to meet his heroes on O&A and be a part of the show, and they were absolutely bored of him within the first five minutes but kept him on because they'd hyped up his videos for the past few days.

I love the part where Opie says if you are an O and A fan they can make your video go viral.

Shit, how did I miss this one? I love AVGN. Thank YEWWWWWWWwwwww

James is a cool dude, but he's sort of like what you expect from an actor/director. I think they expected him to go crazy like he does in the videos, but he's just a regular guy out-of-character.

Wow I forgot about this it's because of them that I heard and started watching AVGN.

Did you listen to his Saturday Night Virus show he did?

If you watch a few interviews with him, it's very clear he's just a guy, not a comedian.

Yeah, I felt really bad for him. He finally got to meet his heroes on O&A and be a part of the show, and they were absolutely bored of him within the first five minutes but kept him on because they'd hyped up his videos for the past few days.