The Opie haters are getting pretty creepy and obsessed. Here's one of my favorite clips from Opie's Eye to offset the weirdos who are swarming this sub. Jimmy on Ozzy's birthday.

0  2014-06-23 by blockbaven


Is it ironic that you are trying to offset the "creepy and obsessed" haters by posting a creepy, obsessed man giving gifts to the object of his obsession?

I think it's actually pretty appropriate, rather than ironic. Rather than indulging in the weird fantasies and motivations of an obsessed creep, we are openly mocking him, and deriving enjoyment from his consternation - much as we should with overly obsessed fans of the show

Alright, you found a clip of Opie being funny.

God, I love Jim's honest hiding-my-pain-with-fake-laughter laughter. He was hurting deep on the inside, and it wasn't just the untreated syphilis warping his brain.

I remember that. That was funny.

Zooming in on the books for a full minute instead of filming Jimmy's reaction. Genius.