Can this subreddit go one day without blowing Opie?

0  2014-06-23 by FJaxJones

Jesus christ, every single day this place has to have 80 threads on how funny Opie is or how great his t-shirts are or how good he is at not interrupting people.

Maybe that should be our new bit. Ten days without fellating Opie in writing. Start the clock.


I put up numbers, brotherman, what can I say. ;)

I like to blow opie, just a little taste.

Why is his peckah really small asumpthin?

How about 10 days...let's reset the clock.

Opie is my shit

Did he block you on Twitter?

The guy puts himself out there to be mocked its hard not to.

Wow, what a funny thread. This truly is some master trolling. Because we talk shit about Opie every day, you took that, and like a comedic GENIUS, you made a thread about how we all admire him...

Damn, dude, that is a criminal mastermind level of trolling

I am actually wheezing with laughter at how funny this abstract concept is

You are a veritable jester

Please die..

Are you mad faggot

Replying with an alt account is pretty gay of you

You and the OP are both retarded. So again........ Please die..... Sincerely..... Ozil..... Arsenal and Germany wizard.