Gregg Hughes niggaa

19  2014-06-22 by TheOpester


So dirt poor Opie has fond memories of ski trips and yachting?

So dirt poor that "ski trips" is on the list twice.

I was dirt poor growing up and have been both skiing and yachting. It's called, and get this: having friends.

Nigga please. Dirt poor dojt have yacht friends. You wasnt dirt poor, or you werent on a yacht

Skiing maybe, fucking YACHTING not likely. Yachting is practically synonymous with wealth.

To be fair, Opie does mention that he was a poor kid in a rich town - and that he wasn't really poor, his parents were just niggardly - forcing their kids to live austere lives.

Living in a rich area can net you wealthy friends with yachts and ski condos - even if you yourself are poor.

I think the thing is that there are people who were poor and never experienced or even had the concept of a ski trip or yachting. I never not once went somewhere on holidays and it just ment I didn't have to go to school and nothing else. So for some it's hard to understand how someone who claims to be poor can have been exposed to these activities.


Believe it or not, working your ass off for people that do have money earns you a bit more than a messily paycheck. If you're a good employee at a job -- like, say, a golf course -- the people that have money around you will come to respect you and treat you well. Through my jobs as a teenager, I gained all kinds of silver-spoon friends that looked out for me simply because I was a good friend.

But who am I trying to convince? I'm talking to a bunch of millennials here. Social networking isn't just about liking someone's selfie on Facebook, you know.

To a degree.

I was a poor kid, and between the ages of 17-19 I golfed at least 100 times because of connections from friends and through school..... with the $60 20 year old clubs I got at a used sportswear store

My thoughts exactly.

That there is the face of a man who put up some serious numbers.

Do you think he might be lying about his numbers too?

its tough to read the blur text but i was able to make out "interrupt friends with tales of falsehoods" and "claiming his loser demeanor is the bit"

You are my favorite

It's not really appropriate how much I laughed at this. I dribbled my Mackeson milk stout all over my shirt.

It's just too true.

I didn't read past the first punchline but goddamn did I walk right into that one. I did not see that coming and that made me laugh really hard.

He could've been a model.

For planned parenthood

This comment made my day better.

Is an "opie surprise" when someone suddenly interrupts people much funnier then themselves to tell long, unfunny, made up, horseshit stories?

Oh man. You slay me.

look at this pussy slayer.

what bitch could resist the opster's "nice piece"?

Fucking phoney piece of garbage.

Someone sounds deeply wounded.

Every time I see your flair I snortlaugh.


Look under where it has the number of subscribers.


Already then he was suffering from a horrific condition what is called 'smallmouth'

Fuck man, can't stop laughing like a bumpkin in this thread, holy fuck that got me

Sounds like the yearbook posting of a rich kid.

How do you heeuh sounds troo da intanet cocksucka? Tsss

Does that say "ants" under Dislikes?

Yes. Yes it does.


Pfff. What the fuck could that mean?

Dear God, you don't think he meant his 'aunts' do you? If he hated his mom he probably hates her sisters too.

Ski trips, yachting. So besides the goofy face he is the preppy asshole out of a John Hughes picture

All us poor kids enjoy yachting man, get with the times.

I thought he loved math?

you don't have to love something to be a wiz at it.

He's changed over the years fucker.

Dislikes: Math


It shoulda said "Dislikes: Math, amirite?!"


And math, SATs and other delights found their way to the dislike bin, as expected.

80¢ movies? Child of the 80's huh? The ¢ sign doesn't even exist anymore.

Now there's a handsome devil who put up numbers and drank a lot of "juice," if you know what I mean.


Just a taste.

Just a taste? Check the empties, man!

What kind of BOOOOUUUST do you think he had with his juice?

Naw, nigga. Sippin ROAD SODAS.

The subreddit approved spelling for this joke is 'BEWST.' Don't make Lady Trucker drop a hammer on you.

Sorry mate, I'm a descriptivist.



Ha ha, great find, I wonder if someone could dig up other show staff's yearbook photos.

Sidebar-worthy pic.

He looks like Edgar in a Beiber wig.

Also like Tom Petty and Gilbert Gottfried had a kid.

Also like a faggot

Oh shit, this is so funny. Someone HAS to call Opie out on this shit!

Clearly this was taken in the mid 80s

I bet he was less of an annoying little jerk back then.

I wouldn't put money on that..

He's said that he may not have been as poor as he thought. I wish I could find the clip. Something about his parents just being cheap.


He would regret weight training. I bet his scrawny ass got thrown in a pile of jockstraps


Do one of his dislikes say "ants"?

Yes. Yes it does.



Sorry mate, I'm a descriptivist.

Look under where it has the number of subscribers.