Who does he think he's fooling?

9  2014-06-21 by YourOldPalHoward


I'm going to break character

If that was the real Opie it'd be a blessing. Perhaps he would come to the realization that he needs to shift gears and change the flow of things as he's alienating parts of their fan base.

Doubt it. He will just say how dumb people are and how they're just HATERS. GET A LIFE YEW IDIOT

I really think it is an account set up by Opie. The username, posts of his own videos, the phrases he uses in the comments and his lack of punctuation are all Opie trademarks. He's aware of the hate on here and is trying to turn things in his favour, and he's doing it terribly.

I think Social Media has been Gregg Hughes' real downfall. All of his unawareness, stupidity and desperation are painfully obvious to see.

I think Social Media has been Gregg Hughes' real downfall. All of his unawareness, stupidity and desperation are painfully obvious to see.

God it's so fucking true. Remember when we could all cling to the illusion that the Opester isn't a complete dummy?

Yeah, I had no problem with him before seeing his Viral Video attempts and Twitter. He annoyed me at times but not in a big way. It now feels like Opie is a chore you have to put up with to get to listen to everyone else.

Opie is a dumb motherfucker but I don't think he's stupid enough to think he's "fooling" anyone here with that account. It's not like it's hard to post in the style of Opie.

You underestimate how stupid he is, and how unaware of the internet he is. If it is some guy pretending to be Opie he literally couldn't of done a better job. I'm 98% sure it's him.

I think you are overestimating how smart the members of this sub think we are, versus how smart we actually are.

Just like everyone is convinced /u/bensparks and /u/dugoutdoug are Danny Ross. The likelihood of it actually being Danny is slim to none. But because this guy goes over the top with the Danny persona, everyone here likes thinking they "figured him out"

TL;dr - Its not hard to fool the members of this sub. Its someone pretending to be Opie pretending to be a fan.

...are you trying to get something going? 'cos im not in the mood you FUCKING EHDIOT.

I think it goes much deeper than that. I think it's Opie pretending to be a fan pretending to be Opie obviously pretending to be a fan. You are all underestimating how much he underestimates the intelligence of this sub.


It's not that much different than writing like Scorch, just a little more slicker and in the style of an Upworthy title.

who has time to even NOTICE this shit? Get a life!

this is just too perfect

This looks almost too perfect to be a troll account.

Opie would never post it in this subreddit

That would be fucking great, but chances are it's just someone pretending to be him. I don't think there will be any way to tell for sure

This can't be Opie, he has kids so no time to do something stupid like reddit.

Just like he has no time to make an ass of himself on Twitter? Or make and edit horrendous attempts at viral videos?

Like I'd ever use my real name. You guys are dulla...wait.

Are you HandPanzer from Wackbag?

What gave it away?

Your name still has Panzer in it and also you're on an Opie and Anthony subreddit, which would all add up. Yes. It all adds up nicely. Schinkle 'bout it.

There's absolutely no way that's Opie.

He'd never know how to find Reddit or sign up here because it's not a pre-installed app on his phone.

theres enough to mock about Opie without pretending that he can't navigate a site.

Many situations on the air have proven that he can not.

Yeah he's better at navigatin' the ship asumpthin tsssss tssssss

Until that subway voice over video I'd have never believed that it was really Opie. Having seen that, though...

Post please

Other (possibly more likely) scenarios:

  • Account is by an actual fan linking what they think is funny material
  • Account is by a troll linking what they believe to be cringe-worthy material
  • Account is by a troll trying to rouse some users' disdain for Opie

It's too difficult to tell because the things he's posted haven't been horrible, but they aren't awesome either. They're just kind of...there...

Latest developments make me think it's option number 3.

It definitely isn't Option 1. What Opie fan would set up an account and IMMEDIATELY post all of his youtube videos on here, when they're aware of how much hate there is on this sub of him?

And Option 2 is unlikely, because I don't think anyone here could do a good enough job of setting up a fake account pretending to be Opie in disguise. We just wouldn't notice and would think it was another Opie fan.

It's too perfect to be a fake account, and I can definitely see Opie being this desperate. I think it's Opie.

I'm banking on 3 personally. It just seems more probable.

do you think this could really be him? Very subtle to have Opie in your username, defend him as this reddit is mocking his youtube videos and put up classic content. Uggh.

This is the actor Greg Hughes that plays Opie, and I can say that is not my account.

You didn't even spell 'Gregg" right, you vagina smell.

Can we start the transfer of hate from Opie to Sam? While I despise Opie, the jokes are running thin and stale as we've been at it constantly for a week or more. I'm not saying halt all Opie bashing, because the best thing about this sub is the Opie bashing, but how about we split it up? 40% Opie, 20% Jim, 40% Sam?

I can't speak for the other mutants but I personally will accept those terms.

Do Howard's fans bash him or his staff online like we do with O&A?

There are two types of Howard fans: those who hate what Howard has become and those who are so delusional that they think Howard is a god.

Of the people who take the time to complain online, it's mostly just critiques of how shitty his show is. Some of them really dig into his personal life. For example, he was into photography for a while and someone found a bunch of pictures he had photoshopped, all of which were horrendous. It was Opie's douchey video fuck ups but at least 10x worse. Howard's fans are much more vicious towards him and mostly respect the staff. They tend to get more shrapnel than anything, although the big names like Robin and Booey get more hate than the show's equivalents to Erock and Roland.

As for the delusional commenters, it's just embarrassing. There is some guy who posts almost daily these "photoshops" that have to do with Howard's show. They are the most cringe-worthy things I have ever seen. It's essentially an adult wasting his time trying to get the attention of Howard. Even worse than that is the group of people who follow him to every appearance he goes to.

So to answer your question, yes, Howard's fans treat him much in the same way O&A fans treat Opie. But Howard's hate has died down a bit as people just don't care anymore.

You mean Dawgshed with the photoshops? That place is great. It has been the only funny thing Howard has been involved with post-merger.

No, I mean "Doctor Ivan". The Dawgshed photoshops can actually be pretty great.

Yes, especially since the show is all AGT and kittens.

Not likely. Novelty accounts really aren't a new thing.

You people listen to O&A and can't tell what a joke is?!


I have no idea what you're talking about. There's someone here pretending to be Opie?


The guy pretending to be Opie on here? Looks like he's fooling everyone.

You underestimate how stupid he is, and how unaware of the internet he is. If it is some guy pretending to be Opie he literally couldn't of done a better job. I'm 98% sure it's him.

It's not that much different than writing like Scorch, just a little more slicker and in the style of an Upworthy title.