Very important question not yet asked...

0  2014-06-21 by shameofyou

What happened to ApologyGirl21 twitter account. It's fairly vital.


Is it?

Her instagram is still up if you feel the need to fawn over some young pussy that you'll never be well-armed enough to take by force.


you know how many O&A Pests would kill to have Ant's sloppy second leftovers?

Hell, I'm one of them.


Would kill Opie. Maybe Jimmy.

Skeletor get the fuck out of here

Well this gossip stinks. I was curious if it was another Melissa Stetten situation over race comments.

oh boy....

For the people who dont go on twitter much what was on the account related to the show? I can see from other comments it's ants teenage girlfriend but what did she tweet about?

Has ant kicked her to the curb yet?