Is there a pic of Lady Di's life support Bill anywhere?

0  2014-06-21 by RzK

I want to see this guy... I always imagined he looks like Wilford Brimley.


I think he looks exactly how we all picture him looking.

He's the old guy in the background in this video from the first Supershow.

You know he's not as ugly as I would have thought. That's a weird mole he has on his chin though.

I always imagine him looking like Rodney Dangerfield in Natural Born Killers

I was listening to an old show from 2005 the other day and she was in exactly the same situation but sponging of a different drunkard i think he was called Dave. I think he must have had enough of her and kicked her out in the end as he seemed a bit more with it that Ole Rummy Bill.


Here's Bill in his slightly younger days:

"I'm gonna shake your foundations, Diane. You will never be the same."