so whats everyones weekend plans?

21  2014-06-20 by opiesucks

just thought we could share and have a real moment. im just steering this reddit ship lol


Drinking alone whilst avoiding the last remaining fragments of my social circle.

Ant, is that you?

Not enough karaoke.

A good joke makes things somewhat surreal. Your answer wasn't surreal, that was just real.


I'm gonna get drunk and yell at my family

only faggots yell at thier families. you should hit them like real men do. have a good weekend.

only faggots have families

And they will burn in hell.

This gave me a good laugh. Also i would like to take this time to be a faggot & correct you *Their

your a faggot and you loose at life to

prolly just jerking off and cumming onto my face and in my mouth

Poor Jimmy.

I'm just workin' for it, ya feel me gang?

"Eeeeehhvryone's lookaehn..."

I'm going to punch the walls of my bedroom in my moms basement while I think about how much Opie ruins my life

Going to my neighbor to rape her dogs.

I'm jus riffin' FUUUUUUCK YEA

Organizing my show clips by height of the guest. Then I'll probably go back to work on my Shrine to Scheckler and round things out by sending hate tweets to some old jocktober victims.


Going to jury duty and making my peers laugh

You should sass back that crusty old prosecutor, too. Make him look like a real jerk!

Monkey House rocks the fat ass!

Plying my girl with dinner then plying her anus with my penis.

Dats vulgah

picking root boogers and popping back zits

Going to a matinee of "Unconstitutional" tomorrow here in Philly.


Masturbation, lots and lots of masturbation.

smoking weed, watching porn, and playing video games.

or as i call it, "the usual"

World Cup USA - Portugal game on Sunday in Downtown LA. It's gonna be off the hook. we'll probably lose

Getting hammered in Belmar

Gonna go to a dive bar and binge drink to erase the week's memories away. Then sit by my pool recovering on Sunday. You?

You're doing it right.

I'll probably just lay around fantasizing about what the boys are going to talk about on Mondays show while I beat my meat.

And I'm gonna drop some HAMMERS MANNNN

Getting blown

Who's the lucky guy?

Your dad.

That's fuckin' vulgah you peece of shit

Workin all weekend.

Continue being sick and watch the World Cup.

I actually just got an email saying I was picked for 2 tickets tomorrow for Artie Lange's new special taping in nj. Have other plans so not sure yet if I'm going.

Wishing I had weed while drinking unhealthy amounts of vodka.

Finish reading The Lost World, the sequel to Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

That sounds awful

Yeah, I have no friends.

Have you ever read Michael Crichton? It's damn exciting stuff.

Great book

Just watch the movie. You think reading the book will make you seem more interesting? You listen to O&A, no one respects you.

He should probably just kill himself now.

I read the first book before seeing the film, the film sucked royally in comparison.

Wife works with my two year old watching spongebob...about to have some rum and ginger...pretty much my weekend


Gonna go hiking with my dog and boyfriend. We're bringing peanut butter of course.

Don't forget the duct tape and oven mitts!


I'm going to Naples, Florida.

Pretty cool, huh?

Leaving first thing in the morning for 10 days at the beach in NC with the family.

I hope this ends in a drowning accident

I hope it starts with one.

Gonna pick me up a hooker, plow her in the fawkin' cootah, then sit in my car alone crying while playing Smiths songs.

Probably go out and engage in tomfoolery with friends. Hopefully get a couple of LLCs up and running, possibly with the help of LegalZoomTM. Does anyone have experience with using them? I'm guessing that their 'basic service' is comprised of shit that I could do myself and that I am just spending money for expediency.

I got my divorce through them. Cost me $350. They basically sent me documents to sign that I could have gotten for free. But I didn't know what to do or where to begin so it was worth it to me.

Suck, and fuck.

I'm gunna watch a bunch of naked hippies ride bikes through Seattle and then consume intoxicants until it's Monday.

Drinking heavily and alone while browsing the internet. Probably.

The other managers at my job all quit over the last week, so I'm working open to close every day. The owner is bringing a manager from one of his other stores to help me starting Monday, but until then, I'm stuck at the job.

Gonna go down to the Giggle Asylum and do open mic under the stagename "Queefer Sloppins"


Yard work. Taking wife out to dinner. Watching some World Cup

I have a second date with a petite Jewish girl.

Bring her a single rose and an easy bake oven

Do you think that'll get me laid?

My best friend is visiting home for the first time since he moved so we're gonna get wasted and play the World Star Hip Hop drinking game.

Earlier in the day the gf and I are going to an ecology center to look at bears (RIP Steve C).

Getting drunk with people I dont really like, wondering what I am doing with my life.

So it goes.

It's too hot to hang out in the glory hole booths... So I don't know

cut down on drinking, so probably being bored and playing video games

Other than being a stand alone fruit I'm going to the olde ship in Santa Ana CA to watch the US vs Portugal game. Anyone else from OC should too

Flying to Mexico with my young family even though I'm old.

Going to a science museum with my friend then cleaning my room and getting going on college coursework / some sort of income / calorie counting / physical therapy.

I've realized that there's no separation between my actions and who I am so I'm trying to become someone who I want to be.

Step 1 involves pushing through my situational depression and not sitting on my ass all day perpetuating what's causing it while waiting for it to go away

I am going to spend the majority of it half asleep on the couch while my kids destroy the house, then in twenty mins before the wife gets home from work, i‘ll do a super quick, super half assed clean up. Then on sunday, im watching s1e01 of game of thrones, starting a weekly watch that will take me all the way to the new season.

So basically, some really big stuff.

I used to listen to Friday's show today but I haven't heard the show in over 2 weeks

lonely? or just needy

Answering phone calls from Sirius begging me to restart my subscription.

/I cancelled because my job doesn't require me to drive anymore, and I don't spend much time driving at all

Noone cares. especially everyone.

Thanks for showing that you care enough to reply!

Seeing Tom Papa at the Stress Factory tomorrow night and then I leave for Columbia on Sunday.


Could be talking about the school you fucking nitwit.


Or the jacket company.


Doing open mics

Steer it into your mothers cunt and while your down there, say hello to little Jimmy for me.

Ant, is that you?


A good joke makes things somewhat surreal. Your answer wasn't surreal, that was just real.

Not enough karaoke.