So how does Ant legally get to bring a gun to work?

0  2014-06-20 by cowardanon

Just wondering.

Please don't debate gun shit in this thread. Just asking question of how you can legally make that happen in Manhattan.


In actuality, he has multiple documented death threats against him. He discussed it for a very short moment one night on one of his compound shows, if I remember correctly. He did his research, passed all the tests, paid out a shit-ton of money and had to wait almost a full year for the special license.

Source or just speculation

He's talked about the steps he had to go through before to get the special permit. If I remember correctly, I think he pulled the "celebrities need security" card or a fan within the office helped speed things along.

Really? From what I understand in NJ you can't carry a gun unless you transport more than 30K. Also, if I remember correctly you can't have it loaded nor on person. I'm pretty sure NY has stricter gun laws, so how the fuck is he walking around with a loaded gun.

you can't carry a gun unless you transport more than 30K.

That amount alone is covered in his dentures.

and his individually placed hair follicles.

Christ, I guess him and Vos are strapped.

Not necessarily - I had a client in politics that was going for his ccw. He had to have significant background checks, pass training, and document need (in this case, credible threats against him and his family) but he got it.

Source - in NJ, NRA firearms instructor.

Well I guess there are exceptions, but from what I've seen I don't think the average Joe can carry a loaded fire arm.


If I was a celebrity I would conceal and carry. There are a lot of crazies. Yeah in NYC they generally grant you a conceal and carry if you have a specific reason you need it.

If you are kidnapping risk level rich, famous, need it for work etc...

Ant is "legally" allowed to bring his own concealed firearm into the SXM building, whether the building allows him to do so is another story as it's a privately-owned building and with their own policy.

You can carry in Manhattan. As long as his employer doesn't make him agree to not carry it, he's fine from a job standpoint. Legally he'd be fine. It's not a crime to legally carry a weapon into a place that doesn't want you to - they basically can only kick you out or call the cops if they're rattled. But unless you are threatening people, there's no crime there.

I'm certain this isn't true. He's not allowed to carry guns in court buildings, schools, sporting events, and any place that may have a sign. Which means business owners can ask that you remove the gun or leave.

Sorry, I didn't make a public/private distinction. Yes, it's against the law to carry in certain public places. Privately, you've basically agreed not to or you haven't. and if you haven't and are otherwise in compliance with the laws, there's no legal issue.

He brought in communications from twitter, email, etc of things that could be deemed threatening. Any decently known public figure can do this.

The Blaze Here's an article by the web publication The Blaze that talks about concealed carry permits within NYC, and also they interview Anthony about it.

He fought hard to get it but I assume the company has a no firearms policy or something of that silliness. So he's hush about wearing it.


I don't think he can carry inside the building.

He can carry in his car, on the streets, and his apartment.

He definitely carries into the building. They literally ''joked'' about it like a day or two ago. I would say he brings it in everyday cause what is the point if you don't but Club Soda Kenny is strapped everyday.

Yes. I'm sure he went with something like "Opie has Kenny, I will be my own security. Do you want to let me carry, or do you want to pay some goon $60,000 a year to watch me piss?"

Also, there is a reason it is called concealed carry. Nobody is really supposed to know about it. Concealed. So he isn't going to come right out and say he has a gun on him. It could be considered some kind of brandishing or threat.