I am the kid who met E-Rock in Rome

12  2014-06-20 by [deleted]

You probably all know what happened by now but E-Rock blocked me on all his social networking accounts. Frankly I can't figure out why...


You're more needy than Jenny Hut, you creepo fat shit.

You should lose weight

I know man but it's like I'd rather just eat what I want and stay a fat shit. Life's short.

It'll be even shorter if you carry on like that, dumbass.

Live fast, die young.

Live fat, die young.


I'm cool with that. I'll enjoy my time here eating shit rather than being around longer and miserable eating healthy.

Slobmerican logic.

Perfect description.

You would probably enjoy it a lot more if you were getting laid.

There's much better drugs to do out there

This is terrible logic. Food shouldn't drive satisfaction in life. I don't usually agree with Jimmy's self help bullshit, but one thing he says is very true - we're all afraid that these things define us, and it's scary to cast them aside.

I've had my issues with food compulsion, and it is 'scary' to give it up. But it's not like you'll never have pizza or donuts again. They're not gone forever.

Substitute 'alcohol' or 'heroin' for 'food' and you'll see how awful your perspective is.




Nah I mean you know I joke but realistically I try to stay healthy. I'm not obese or anything you know.

You sort of look obese. I mean, not meaning to offend. But Bob Kelly doesn't think he's obese either.



Ah, the Chris Farley motto

You blew his cover.

"...He needed da money, OAH!"

Why does your family all dress alike?

Are you hurt by the mean things E said about your family? Especially when you made him look like a celebrity infront of his family.

It's like if you're going out to a nice restaurant how many things can you wear? That's why we dress "alike."

But he said you all matched...and YOU said he looked out of place in the hotel lobby...was it because his clothes didn't match with the rest of his family? And if you were going out to dinner at a nice restaurant...why were you chowing down with a big bag of chips? You seem like quite "the consumer" yourself...how are you keeping up with the show abroad?

For what it's worth, I knew it was bullshit when he said that. Erock is just that fucking paranoid; he'll make up all kinds of bullshit reasons for why he's shitty to fans. Which is every time he encounters a fan.

That's what's so weird is he was wicked chill to me when I met him and then he goes and shits on me on the show so idk...

He has to look "cool" in front of daddy Opie

Too bad Erock didn't have a video camera, or he'd have posted a video of him confronting OP with a voiceover.

And then he would have deleted it once everyone caught on.

fattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggy fattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggyfattypiggy


TITS!!! B-B-Big Jelly TITS... TITS!!! B-B-Big Jelly Tits

Mayo Mayoooo Mayo Mayoooo Mayo Mayoooo

Wow, 19 minutes ago and already pussied out and deleted your name.

He was like a candle in the wind.

Do you think this is your 15 minutes of fame?

Yup lol. And I'm milking it.

Your dad milks your fat tits you cow.

the pure meanness of this comment is wonderful

Holy shit! That came out of no where. Hilarious.

Except this is 15 minutes of shame...

Tsss.. or 15 minutes of lame!!

I don't know, I'm just riffin!!

Whatever. It beats forever of nothing.

Maybe you should take the nothing slobbo creeper!

I mean I didn't creep on him I happened to recognize him as we were staying at the same hotel and figured I would say hi.

"...figured I would say hi." = creeped on him. You went over bugged him on a vacation in Rome to fanboy the show. You posting here. You plan on calling into the show. You hope they will ask you to come be a guest. You to parlay a show appearance into being the new Bobo. These are your fantasies.

These are creep things to do.

I'm not telling you to stop doing these things, but recognize your actions for what they are.

Saying hi to someone you recognise while staying at the same hotel is acceptable in any situation. The guy is a bit weird, but as far as that goes it's fine and you're being pretty autistic right now.

Shit am I on the spectrum? No, just illustrating the creeper level thinking in an exaggerated way to make the point.

If you're exaggerating his personality & the way he acted then you're not making a point at all.

maybe not to you.

Not to anybody, dunno what point you think you're making but it's definitely not one that makes sense or is even offensive.

I'm sure you speak for everyone. I'm done with you now. Please move along.

Uhh, you're done with me? Two days after I wrote what I did? You should've just dropped it instead of bothering to reply.

You should do an AMA. Squeeze that shit dry.

Call in on Monday.

I plan on it.

EDIT: that is if they take my call...

Make sure to do the bbbbbbboys thing.



Don't get panicky!

I recommend getting hammered before calling.

(And no, I don't mean having someone shit on your chest)

At 6:30 in the morning?


Who runs the bevis account? Anyone know?

All these people are hating on you because of the show today. They loved that you found Erock in Italy so don't sweat it. I can't honestly think why these fanboys think they need to whiteknight for Erock so bad and beat you up about it. Perhaps it is you making this thread that is slightly unnecessary and there is really not much more to add to the story?

Was his wife hot?

No. Not in my opinion anyway. She died her hair red which isn't really my style but whatever. She was definitely hot for a guy like Slobbo.

7/10 Wouldn't bang!

I get the feeling she HATES the show lol, Im guessing thats the main reason for Eric's deception

Not the annoying phone calls he got on his honeymoon when he actually told them his destination. The whale noises bit is awesome.

Just about ANY wife would hate that their together time is interrupted by work.

oh no of course, Im not saying she was wrong for that if that were the case, its a normal, logical reaction

is she skinny

Yea relatively. Relative to Slobbo anyway.

You're one to talk you fat needy cunt.

He was just making a joke you brainless retard. I think he's well aware that he's fat too.

I am definitely wicked fat. That being said I was nervous so I look a lot fatter in the pic I took. I'm like 5'11" and 230.

Did you call him Slobbo in person? Then shut up about it now. Coward.

I didnt

Says the androgynous kid that looks like the offspring of Andy Milonakis and Pat Riley.

Does he make her dress like Ronald McDonald? Is she always smiling and pointing to cheeseburgers?

You have zero room to judge. We have all seen your picture right next to Erock. You lose that battle. Just ask your wife.... oh that's right. Forever Alone.

Trust fund pig

Alright bub.

Who is that supposed to be?


I started listening during the middle of that segment. did he ask for your twitter or instagram and you claimed to not have one? Then you posted the pictures you took shortly after?

He asked for my twitter and I didn't have one (at the time). But he never asked for my insta.

So,what is your twitter handle and instagram?

Why would you lie to him like a creep?

Didnt lie to him. I didnt have a twitter at the time and i swear to god he never asked about insta.

Sorry, I just don't buy it. You were being a sneaky Pete.

Think about it. What is my incentive to be a sneaky douche? I totally thought it was cool if i put this thing on my instagram. He let me take the picture anyway.


I think Erock is in here downvoting everyone.

Hope you had a nice vacation. You seem like a swell dude. :)

is it true they do not serve fruit on their pizza, that it is the ultimate desgraciada. apparently that's spanish, one in the same.

He probably blocked you because you're creepy (we all are).

Some more than others. You already got your 15 minutes of OnA show fame. Let it goooooo...

You did good.Erock probably had a panic attack when he heard his name in downtown Rome. Ay nayy. Now go home and get your fucking shine-box.

When you saw him did you yell Slobbo!!!!!! across the town square? Causing the pigeons to fly away...

Ha ha


Haven't listened yet. Apparently fat people are calling you fat for disclosing that you hung out with a fat person. What happened?

I can confirm, we are both fat.

Yeah, well most of the people on here are. Or alcoholics.

Or both!

I also left out nerds, recluses, and people with general mental health issues. No wonder this sub hates when Ant talks about eugenics.

Dude, a majority of the people on this sub should be on a fucking watchlist.

Myself obviously included.

Can confirm, am alcoholic

Not me, I'm just a straight up Heroin addict and will probably die by the weekend.

For the purposes of this thread, drugs go into the alcoholic category. So you're part of the club. Only catch is that you have to live past the weekend to be part of it.

Alcohol is a drug, that's one of the first things they try and brainwash you with at those 12 Step cult meetings.

A post like this is the prime example why.



So why did you apparently lie about having a Twitter?

I made a twitter after the fact.

I thought it'd be something like that.

You're awesome dude. I just love everything about this. Is there any way you could put together an approximate transcript of your conversation with Erock, complete with screenplay style details regarding setting and environment? I love this. I'm obsessed with you now. If you call in on monday it will be my most replayed O&A call ever.

He's a fucking baby who worships a bigger hack baby. What would you expect?

But you are a fucking creep. I can't blame him.

I hope your stomach ruptures while you bleed gravy onto the floor and no one loves you enough to notice.

More fat Americans ruining our reputation overseas by dressing alike and eating like it's their last meal. The Pisswalds.

Pisswald family vacation