That silence in the studio...

4  2014-06-19 by 55gallondrum

...when Opie explained that there was no doubt in his mind his female doctor was turned on examining his penis.



How can one man say so many annoying things? It really is amazing how fantastically he's mastered the art of pissing off anyone with sense listening to him.

Didn't hear this one but it's cringe-worthy how he forces this shit, I did hear him recently say that an old woman was staring at his dick through his jeans. It was in the middle of the united airlines recap where Opie was annoyed all of his family didn't get first class for some reason.

Sure she was Op, whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day, sure she was.

Well hes mad because he reserved first class and ended up not being able to sit with his family. That I get. Leaving his wife with 2 young kids in an uncomfortable situation for an extended period of time sucks.

But he doesn't know how to make it into interesting radio - he just complains about it endlessly with no rebuttal from Jim or Ant.

Well I didn't say it was interesting. You just said you didn't understand why he was complaining

And punt.

Damn just when I forgot about "and punt"

Scary to think that Maxwell might not have been too off base.

Maxwell was right on target, hence why it was Opie that got the most defensive.

Opie's totally NOT a guy who Googles himself while he takes a shit. Fuckin' cunt

I think he's forgotten where the egomaniac bit ends and reality begins.

i don't think he knows what a bit is.

except claiming his retarded actions were "the bit, you idiot" saves face.

I've been to the doctor maybe once in 4 or 5 years, how often do you need to go when you're older? and why is she checking his dick?

Because it never happened.

Only in the mind of the Opester.

thats the bit, ASSHOLE, way to just NOT GET IT."

When you get a physical, which you should get yearly, the doctor checks your balls for a hernia. Cough. I think that's typical, or me and ope just have desirable hogs.

He's talked in the past about going every year to get checked for skin cancer. I think someone he is related to had or some such shit, I don't know.

I can't believe how abysmal Opie came off as.


Maybe I'm the only one that notices, but Opie really tries hard to let people know that he "does alright down there." I've heard it mentioned so many times. We get it ope, nobody gives a fuck about your dick size, stop not so subtly shoehorning it into conversation.

Overcompensating because he has an amateur pornstar wife.

Bam's dick is probably 10 inches at least.

D-dno dat dnever happind! YER LOYINGUH!

does anyone have when that took place?

Roughly 35 minutes before the show ended. Cringe city










"yeah? Right..... Sure........" - Tom Papa

he was just mad because ant wouldnt let up on making that wonderful joke about his dick being small.
