"It's like they produce natural PSP"...

17  2014-06-19 by thelastassblaster

  • Opie on the aggressiveness of pitbulls.


"It's like if....you don't feed them they'll........eat a car......"

Opie Whatley

"Now the Pitbull....... also has a beard..... its another animal... with a.... beard....."

Fez Hughes

All the retarded blind hatred of him on here. Listen dummy, he was referencing this video where the pitbull eats a car. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1xndiXQJsc also, didn't anthony make a joke later on about a pitbull eating a buick? where's the hate for that?

"Are the signs in both Italian and American......or English, or whatever?"

I got a PSP when they first came out the only wifi I could find was in my back yard. So my mom used to yell "DO NOT TAKE THAT GOD DAMNED PCP OUTSIDE!" my neighbors avoided me for a while after that.

I look to Opie for his poop expertise, not pitbulls.

“Yeah but you know they're black because it's 'twelfth' with an 'f' ”.

That one was really aggravating.

One Opieism that I rarely see discussed is his obvious exaggeration of his cocaine usage in college. Whenever the topic of coke comes up, he's always quick to pop in, "Yeah, I used to do some coke back in the day. Back at Geneseo, some of those parties, yeah me and my buddies were doing coke." One time he even referred to himself as being "25 years clean from coke" as if he had a fucking problem with it or something. In all likelihood he did it two times ever.

just like jim being sober at age 12, im all for pointing out shit about opie but its annoying how nobody ever calls out jim or ant when he would sell coke with his brother and somebody payed with a bag of pennies...yeah ok fuck off.

the ps vita is amazing :/

3DS is 3D doe

Pokemon? PSP don't got shit!

The pitbull segment was amazing -- it had me rolling.

The idea that people picked up on Opie misspeak one word during a hilarious 30 min bit is mind-boggling and obsessive.

It's as though all of this Opie hatred is coming from 1 or 2 jilted lovers / former employees with 5 reddit accounts each. Same complaints every day.

Just sit back and enjoy the show you Opie bashing quays.

I don't understand the absolute hatred for the guy. He did something that annoyed the shit out of me today when he was turning the E-Rock vacation into his own stories that no one gave a shit about. Like he couldn't give The Consumer his 5 minutes. Other than being really annoying, I still don't just HATE him. I think he does add to the show when he isn't steamrolling people.

There's no winning in this thread. Internet comment sections always benefit the lowest common denominator. These are show fans that love to be angry. Yeah, Opie is a very stupid man, but it's a silly radio show. People need to vent and this sub is the vehicle.

A 52 year old man made a mistake?