The show's been great!

0  2014-06-19 by JMueller2012


Soder was entertaining but that's about it.


2014-06-19 15:38:36 UTC

thanks's been a blast lately RT @jimijamm no bs, the show has been really strong the last few weeks. Legitimate lols while driving

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

I hope he's joking because reading 'Legitimate lols' made me cringe and make an unusual sound

That part wasn't him, that was the saddo who tweeted at him. The only part he wrote was "thanks's been a blast lately". It doesn't matter really, to agree with a tweet as moronic as that is as bad as writing it.

...I can't. I just can't even say anything that was so bad.

Let's move on with our lives and never speak of this again.

Consider the source. The man's nickname is 'Jimi Jamm' and he's a DJ on a country radio station.

He's pre-emptively not getting Jocktobered.

This shits just depressing now.

This has got to be trolling.

Nope, Opie really is this deluded. He's living in his own world, and what little self awareness he had is slipping away from him as he gets older. I feel like he's gonna have a breakdown soon.

Wait, this is Opie's fault too?

For thinking the show is good lately, yeah.

Wait, this is Opie's fault too?