Car in shop, loaner does not have satellite radio...

0  2014-06-18 by donkeytrotter

One tends to forget how bad regular radio is until you have no other option. Like many on here, I think the show has gotten stale, and I do not enjoy Opie at all. But, two days of regular radio has brought me back to reality. I will take the daily bitching about the studio and management, the daily awful Roland projects, the daily way-too-long apology bit, and the sometimes boring guests, as long as I don't have to listen to regular radio.

So, if you find yourself hating the guys, take a break from it and see what else is out there. As long as I can get some good lines from Anthony and Jim, I will continue to listen and put up with the things I don't like. Because regular radio is just awful!!!!!


The last time I drove a car with satellite it actually made me realize how much more like FM the music channels have become since 2006. It really is great hearing the same Dio song (the same one they play on FM) on the way to and from work.


My brother recently lost his job, and I was on his family plan. He cancelled all the radios to save money. My new truck has a usb port and display screen. I have a 64 gb thumb drive loaded with music. I will eventually reactivate my XM someday, but this is by far the best way to listen to music on the road. The only thing that would make it better is voice control.

Having said that, I don't miss the boys as much as I thought I would. I was getting a little tired of them.

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Are Free Beer and Hot Wings syndicated in your area? They aren't as good but I listen to them from time to time instead of listening to the pre show during my morning commute and they aren't too bad.