Who wants to cringe this morning? (Louis C.K.)

30  2014-06-18 by FJaxJones

"Even when he's working hard against the grain—his n-word bit, the "feminist" rape joke—I think he's coming from a place where he's really trying to point out just how awful people—mainly white—can be, forcing self-examination and, ideally, change. That's what stand-up comedy should be. "


I admittedly stopped reading since I haven't watched the finale yet and I don't want spoilers. I just thought you'd all like to be enraged by that sentence.


This season of Louie has been pretty incredible from a writing and directing perspective. Different, absolutely, but very special. The brainless comments from some of our dimmer-witted members here are not surprising. "Stop going for a moment" is brilliant advice for a television show.

That article is terrible, too. The agenda has blinded the author's ability to interpret objectively or even recognize the basic tenants of screenwriting. Incredibly embarrassing. Gawker should leave the thoughtful analysis to AV Club.

Yes its all those things. Problem is it just isn't really that funny.

This season of Louie has been pretty incredible from a writing and directing perspective.

Too bad it's supposed to be a comedy show and doesn't make anyone laugh, and it also hosts the most unwatchable, illprepared for screentime hacks in comedy today, you faggot.

Eh, made me laugh plenty of times. I think a grasp on the emotional tension Louis built up throughout the season made for huge laughs at subtle gags because that tension would be broken momentarily, usually in genius ways with perfect timing. It's pretty gripping stuff, but I guess some one that uses "faggot" as an insult on the internet would have a hard time seeing that, honey.

How about "pretentious cocksucker"? Try that on for size, let me know how it fits.

Almost brilliant. You'll get there someday.

interpret objectively or even recognize the basic tenants of screenwriting.

Ew, did you honestly type this out you pompous douche?

Oh my bad, let me get it to your level:

Dumb bitch is a stupid idiot because her pussy got in the way of knowing stuff before shot off her dumb whore mouth!

Did I do it right?

You're not one of the boys on the show. Fuck off.

You're trying too hard captainpissclams.

You're right. I should just bite Patrice/Bob Kelly/Colin lines in a weak attempt to knock some one down a peg because their 12th grade vocabulary is scary to me. It's easier.

It's not that your vocabulary is scary (it's not). It's that you implied that people should watch this comedy show academically and if they don't appreciate it for things like the "tenants of screenwriting" then they are a mindless plebeian. It was an arrogant and douchy comment. I simply pointed that out. There's no need to get upset about it, but it seems as though you are incredibly insecure about your perceived intelligence.

Never said people should watch this show academically. Your comprehension is on par with your originality.

I'm not riding a high horse here; I think anyone with some sense would realize that hating this season of Louie because it's been different and not taking time to appreciate how great it's been at doing something different is short sighted. When some one says "STOP GOING FOR A MOMENT" (another Bob/Patrice/Colin line), they are DUMB because they miss the point in spectacular fashion.

I sure hope how much I care about sounding smart came through there. I live and die on the impression I leave on reddit.

You really do try too hard to appear smart, it's obvious. It's clear you aren't, your critical thinking skills are shocking.

Sure being succinct and articulate is important but they can't make up for unoriginal stupid thoughts, you can't polish a turd n what not.

May I suggest you dab into the sciences or even the social sciences where true thoughts are rewarded and briefly stray away from your 1st year media studies. It's a drop out course for a reason dummy.

Tell the person you handed your phone or whatever to that they did a nice job, but that talking completely out of your ass is embarrassing.

Who's projecting now Fredo?


Just stop.

no u

No, you're projecting. It's you who is the embarrassment here.

Lol you dummy stop using words you don't know. How is he "projecting", so in this context he's trying too hard by saying "you're trying to hard". You really are stupid, is that you Vos?

You started a post with "lol"

Lol I love the fact you've shown your true colours and dropped the pretentious pseudo-intellectual act.

May I suggest you read, actually scratch that, watch videos on Noam Chomsky. It will help you on your future intellectual masquerading endeavours.

I can't take you seriously. Sorry. Your change in tone from your first post directed at me to now has been hilarious and all but it's pretty embarrassing at the same time.

You really are stupid. Before I thought, maybe he's trying to sound smart but deep down he's just insecure or something but it turns out you really truly are dumb.

If you ever find yourself responding to someone's accusation by reflecting the same thing back at them, that's a tell tale sign you're a pure unadulterated dummy.

Is it? I could have sworn the second thing you said to me was "Takes one to know one".

Interesting logic.

There's a difference between pointing out someone's a hypocrite or worse yet "projecting" and simply using the same argument straight back at the opponent. It's probably too subtle for a simpleton like you to understand though.

I did the former, to point out you clearly have an intellectual "inferiority complex" and did it in a childish way that was loosely veiled as smart(your general running theme).

You're exhausting, and the fact you won't let this die screams of insecurity and some deep-seeded need to be RIGHT, going so far as to use armchair argument psychology on people with nothing concrete to back it up. See? I can do that shit, too. You're projecting. You hate yourself. Neglectful parents have made you a cunt on the internet. Whatever. Baseless nonsense that anyone can say about anyone.

You've proven to not be very bright about a dozen times in this thread, based on the overwhelming negative reaction to the useless bullshit you've posted. I'm honestly embarrassed on your behalf and hope you find something else to do with your time, because you're not very good at internet dick-waving. I'm done, weirdo. Analyze some one else.

Ahh the refreshing taste of victory. Complaining about the opponent not letting it go while simultaneously doing the same thing might as well be an admission of loss much like Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Just to address your other stupid points, again they're just a collection of common school boy fallacies.

You start off with some Ad nauseam, then drop into some strawman.

Basing my intelligence(which I think is an undefinable nonsensical term btw) on reddit votes is argumentum ad populum.

Throughout this entire thread you've been dropping ad hominem bombs, but to be fair so have I.

So all in all I give you C-, good effort but you need to read more. Gg

lol cause someone disagrees with your quasi-intellectual artistic nonsene they're now dim witted. Jeez you must be a real hoot at a party you stupid poser. Bore off

Well that doesn't sound like an inferiority complex at all

Takes one to know one

Are you imagining spaghetti sliding down the wallpaper? Because you've completely reverted to 5-year-old status.

You're clearly too stupid too see that saying someone had an inferiority complex is very childish and equivalent to saying "I'm better than you" or at least "I know you think I'm better than you" but clearly those words bamboozled you.

Got it Louie - you dig Woody Allen. This season was an abortion.

He's trying so fuckin hard for 'moments', stop it you freckled jew, you are a funny comedian not an art school graduate.


Second time in this thread. Not sure why this is so important to some of you? Did they ever call him a Jew on the show? The fact that his mother was Catholic, and that he was raised Catholic apparently doesn't matter as much to some of you.

Seems like the chimpout.com contingent are out in full force in this thread...

Quick, call the police!

Does it surprise you that the internet is full of cunts?

This whole season was Emmy bait. I just know that he's gonna get one for the fat girl episode.

As much as I hate to say it, that was probably the best episode of the season (other than the Seinfeld episode). Can't believe he took an extra year to produce this shit season.

I'm enjoying "Maron" alot more. Marc's always great, but the writing is solid too. It doesn't fuck with story structure so much, and so doesn't take as many risks, but you can rely on it as a much better "show about a comic".

However, I did enjoy seeing Marc and Louie reverse their roles and Louie be the jealous one. They could do a whole series together.

"Urrrrr a cunt"

"Maaaaiiiii show is gooood and yuuuuur a cunt."

Bill's gay.


Jimmy doing an impression of Louie while talking to lady di, I believe.

"A guy says guy things. Boo fuuucking hoo, guys" - Female

An honest, completely unbiased and objective article.

Gawker used to be a half-decent gossip blog site, but they've hopped aboard the SJW and clickbait train and is now worse than TMZ in my opinion. They know Louis CK is popular so they write an article with an inflammatory headline and some buzzwords and watch the ad $$ come in.

Here's another one where they argue that Louis was hypocritical asking TMZ to take down the Tracy Morgan video. The comments smash the author pretty good with the same kind of arguments OA&J make.


I remember when they were basically the online society pages.


Louie is big on the whole white guilt thing. If he wasn't a friend of the show they'd rip him apart on that.

Ugh, please don't buy into this "white guilt" nonsense that Ant is pushing. Anyone who claims slavery was bad and has lasting effects on our society has "white guilt." I think the guy is funny but he is a racist, no question.

Are you retarded? White guilt is the primary agenda of liberal media. Every fucking day it's how white people are evil, and need to repent for something OTHER PEOPLE did in the past.

"Liberal media" what are you talking about...? Stop listening to Limbaugh for gods sake.

I bet you smoke a lot of pot. Are you high right now?


Of course Ant is racist, NOBODY buys into everything he says but he is completely right about this one issue.

No he isn't, whenever someone makes a legitimate point about the history of slavery, segregation and police abuse MAYBE having something to do with the high crime rates and poverty Anthony dismisses it as "white guilt." He's a racist idiot and when it comes to politics he's wrong about 90% of what he talks about.


It's not guilt, its realism. No the white population who founded this country on slavery and extermination of the indigenous population did not solely work against their own interest. All I'm saying is that we should be honest with the history of the US, just because you recognize that poverty and structural racism can lead to violence, that doesn't make you a "guilty white person."


Europe never had slavery...? Where do you think the British who founded the US got their slaves from?

If you want to go that far than lets blame humans as a whole. No one group of people are above human nature if the shoe was on the other foot history would have been written differently and some today would be talking about black or red guilt. Blacks and Native Americans were not above it all they just had the shit end of the technological stick at that unfortunate for them point in time. Do the people of Mongolia have yellow guilt? They annihilated entire societies.


All of the countries you mentioned had colonial histories. Are you some sort of retard?

France didn't have black slaves? WTF was Haiti, and all the other french colonial outposts all over Africa (i.e. Ivory Coast)? What the flying fuck. You don't even know 3rd grade history.

golf clap for the stupidest comment I've read all day.


I'm not going to hopelessly argue with some retard who happens to also suffer from Tourettes.


She's a feminist/socialist from Sweden, and a dumb one at that.

Big words for a fucking retard.

If you have paid for your education you should ask for a refund, cus you know nothing about nothing sir.

....what the hell are you talking about?


So you think slavery is impacting the way our world works now? Are you honestly fucking serious?

"It's over therefore its influence is gone"


I'm not saying it's influence on the economy is gone, I'm saying for some reason there's this shaming attitude that's stuck around like it's fine to treat people like shit because we're the evil oppressors.

So you think slavery is impacting the way our world works now? Are you honestly fucking serious?


I'm not saying it's influence on the economy is gone,

What? Does it influence the way our world works now or not?

No one said that. You are projecting. Ant is wrong and so are you. And it isn't about skin color, it's about brain quality.

Every employment study of the last 20 years has shown that Blacks more qualified for any particular job are passed up for less qualified whites at MINIMUM 50% of the time.

Find any study that shows different results.

Here you go dickhead. I suggest you read The Mark of a Criminal Record, but you wont because you're a little lazy bitch that would rather assume shit and spread your ignorant bullshit than base your opinion on fact. Now go kill yourself.


https://www.princeton.edu/~pager/pager_ajs.pdf - at least read this one you faggot

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2915460/ - Links to 100's of studies


Edit: this was in reply to Redfels comment.


Prove it.

There were laws on the books that discriminated against black people within Anthony's life time. The way our world works now is definitely influenced by how it worked 50 years ago. In the grand scheme of things 50 years is nothing.

Anthony knows this. He is simply A RACIST. He SAYS he isn't but he IS. Why is this so difficult for half these guys to grasp?

Here's a hint, anyone who makes daily trips to Niggermania.com is not a source of unbiased information.

I just wrote above about how I know he is a racist, I think anyone with any sense knows he's kinda crazy.


The history of the black population in this county is slavery, segregation, mass incarceration, police brutality, you don't think that form of structural racism can have negative effects on a group of people? Are YOU fucking serious...?



Exactly. It doesn't matter where you stand politically or even socially. It's just common sense.

Not directly, no. But there are lasting effects of slavery that have to be looked at.

Like the white guilt that got Obama elected?

I'm not talking about white guilt.

Well I am, way to pay attention shithead.

LOL. Don't say that you're one of those people who thinks that was the main reason. Do you think Hilary would have lost to McCain & Palin? Or Romney?

Obama got elected because the alternatives fucking sucked. On an epic scale.

Partially, but all the talk of "change" and SLAVERY being such a thing of the past was white guilt.

You're such an idiot.

LOL! having a free work force for 300 years is kinda useful in building an economic powerhouse.

Sure, but slavery is over and done with. We have the world we have FROM slavery but none of the attitudes from it have carried over. White Guilt refers to the people that feel guilty as if they're directly responsibly for making any human beings with black skin their slave.

Who do you think made your Ipod? Shut up until you actually know something, chump.

Ugh, that's so obviously not what I was talking about. Stick on the topic know-it-all.


How so?

Louie is incredibly liberal and has bought up slavery in his specials as if it's something we should still feel guilty about. One of Ant's rants I actually agree with was the one where he talks about how bullshit white guilt is. It's 2014, we're equals - Whites aren't opressing anyone and blacks have the same rights. People who say they're still being opressed want to be.

I'm part black and I have to agree with Ant there. To be honest in this day and age racism isn't very prevalent and most of the racism that occurs rather inconsequential. Some bodega owner giving the eye while shopping for snacks, some blond in a nice bar who has another reason besides your gut why she'd never fuck you. With things like affirmative action on the other end.

That works both ways. Try being a white guy fucking a black girl.

I'm too white to fuck a black girl. I'm George Zimmerman level ethnic looking. Not really into black chicks, but if I was that would be a more difficult project.

Less black women want to fuck white guys than visa versa

He's liberal so he has white guilt?

No, you have it backwards. He has white guilt, so he's liberal.

How does that make sense?

I'm not saying all liberals have white guilt. Most do.

Hey, you're keeping up!

It's 2014, we're equals - Whites aren't opressing anyone and blacks have the same rights.


No kidding, blacks have way more rights.

Do you think that black people are less intelligent than white people by any chance?

Nice counterpoint.

I'm sure if I gave you datas that proved that what I responded to is ridiculous that you would take the time to read them and respond with a rational argument.

I actually would, as long as you could be open minded enough to know that you can be against the idea of white guilt and acknowledge that black people aren't oppressed anymore without being a racist. I'm being logical and fair.

Are you saying that black people are not discriminated against? That whites do not enjoy privileges simply because of the color of their skin?

I checked out the comments of my two previous interlocutors and they think that black people are less intelligent than whites. Do you think that is the case?

Depending on your answers, I would be happy to provide you with links that support my basic argument.

Okay, my point all along here was that we're both equal and that neither side should stop trying to force these differences. Because I bring up the terms "white guilt" I'm assuming you immediately labelled me a racist. I'm not. Black people aren't discriminated against any more than white people are for being nerdy or uncool. Whites hardly ever get skin colour-related privileges, trust me we get treated the same. Obviously we are of the same intelligence (blacks and whites), my point is people need to acknowledge we're at the same level on other things. There's no guilt for us because we let you do what you want.

I don't assume you are a racist I just wonder how many of your black friends agree that they live in a equal society?

Look, I live in England and I can tell you that there is NO DIFFERENCE. Yes, we live in an equal society, shocker. I have a black friend at College caled Kai - He can take the piss out of me, I can take the piss out of him. We can hang out and nobody questions it. It's not the 1950's so it's not an issue you moron. To be honest it's people like you are the problem now, harping on this racial divide. There. Just. Isn't One.

Look, I live in England

We are talking about america. But how do you explain that british report for example?

I have a black friend at College caled Kai - He can take the piss out of me, I can take the piss out of him. We can hang out and nobody questions it.

You seem to think that my argument is that whites can not be friends with blacks or that blacks have different sets of laws. Come on man. Do me a favour. Ask your black friend if he thinks it's more difficult to be black or white in England?

To be honest it's people like you are the problem now, harping on this racial divide.

Harping? I point out a basic reality that some people do not want to accept.



ROFL at you saying blacks are victims. #BlackPrivilege #BlackPride #AfricanAmerican

Do you think that black people are less intelligent than white people by any chance?


Thanks, could of really done without that input though.


It looks like a lot of you might be confused. You know he didn't write this article and you're angry at the summation of his show by someone typically on the other end of your political views?

I understand many of you don't like him anymore, but he's just putting out what he thinks is his best content. The guy has 2 little girls now, you think his comedy is going to remain unchanged?

You think his comedy has changed? Obviously you haven't seen one of his most recent concerts. He still does great comedy with no borders. It's just that his show took a turn away from comedy this season and focused on what he thinks is better content. Sad, really...

Are you trolling about his daughters being the catalyst for change? He's been using them in his set for years, way before he became a sell out.

Yes, I believe as his daughters grew up and began to communicate with him, he wanted to raise them a certain way and his life perspective changed. In his earlier sets, he made jokes about hating his kids, but it was more about annoying and frustrating things that kids do in general rather than anything personal. A lot of people here are simply unable to accept that comedians can change, along with their comedy.

Sell out....really? The guy who started the trend of selling his special online for 5 dollars....

Money and power are far more corrupting...

Sell out....really? The guy who started the trend of selling his special online for 5 dollars....

Sell-out: a betrayal of one's principles for reasons of expedience.

I don't know how his distribution is a defence against him being a dirty sell-out. Would you say his principles have changed? He now acts like an arrogant artistic hollywood douche. Fair play he's a success but he's also a sell-out, in my humbe opinion.

There's nothing 'humbe' about your opinion, and also, it's wrong.

Lol at you seething in the corner over there.

Or stand up comedy could just make people laugh. Yuk. Everything is about "social justice" and comedy being "more" than comedy now. Maybe that is why this last season of Louie has sucked.

You aren't an important comedian unless you die for your beliefs! I will not eat another meal until Margaret Thatcher is dead and buried!

The more I hear about this Hitler guy, the less I like him.

This whole thread is awful except for this picture right here of Norm Mac Donald eating his chicken

I like Louie.

Okay, terrific.

He is a Jewish Mexican, he can say whatever he wants without repercussion.

This last season was weird. It wasnt really funny, but more of a haracter study on the character louie. But it wasnt funny... it was preachy most of all.

There's a reason that everyone who defends the show is a pompous asshat, it truly is awful.

Lucky Louie - should have been a huge hit, on par with married with children type of epic comedy for new age

Louie - just weird artsy shit with little humor

Lucky Louie wasn't that great, great for a sitcom maybe. Louie is much better.

you mean a sitcom was great as a sitcom? FUCK ME YOU BLEW MY MIND, of course it was an awesome sitcom, it's what he's good at. Louie sucks.

I meant that most sitcoms suck, so dogshit is amazing next to them. (Not saying lucky louie was dogshit) But Lucky Louie had a writing staff, co-stars, directors, producers... so it was never solely his work. If you judge him on something, judge him based on Louie.

Speaking of, the jokes are few and far between the last few seasons, but it still gives me a good belly laugh at least once an episode (remind you of something?) And the cinematography is great at times. More than you can say about 90% of TV.

Hold on, are those quotes from Louis? I though that was the bloggers words?

Louis CK is the most establishment, politically correct comic around these days, and its really no wonder why he's seen such great success. It made me a bit sick listening to the b-b-boys felate him over his monologue, especially Ant.

Making fun of white people is politically correct. Making fun of "starving" privileged Westerners is politically correct. Making fun of Christianity and God is politically correct. Whining about women not having the right to vote and how bad wife beating is, is politically correct.

Louis C.K. the big old Jew who goes on Opie and Anthony and talks about his racist boner then goes on to try picking up black women on his show and his ex-wife becomes black inexplicably. I can't wait for his next bit about how affirmative action is great and rape culture is bad.

Enough with this guy already...

Curious how many O&A fans in this reddit would watch Louie if Louis had never been on the show.

Louis CK actually led me to O & A, so I could hear more of Louie. Via Youtube flashbacks & such. From there I was privileged to find out about Patrice before he died.

that's what I realized half way through season 2. It was watching it entirely on reputation not on entertainment value.

I know I never would've. But I loved when Louie used to do the show regularly and I loved his stand up so that's why I started watching. Now the show does nothing for me and it feels a little ham-fisted trying to get a "message" across every single episode now.

I don't get the "lets be mad about something" part of the show and its fanbase. Who gives a shit. I'm gay and atheist, I don't go searching for all the outspoken people who want me burned, converted, or stoned to death.

Louie had a black dude being completely gross on a bus this year.

The guy spitting on the bus that turned it around so Louie was the awkward one?


Not a spoiler but the finale is more of the same from Season 4. I found myself fucking annoyed by the end of it.

Disclaimer: I enjoy him on the O&A show but I've never seen Louie's standup or show for that reason.
As a centre-right leaning person, I'm cool with liberal comedians I'm not closed minded. Find Marc Maron hilarious. But I also know there are comedians whose act consists of telling people who hate republicans how much republicans suck.
It's not even like I expect to see Louis CK's act or show be all about " sarah palin's a cunt" but it's more like watching the first 5 seconds of any TV commercial. You know how it's going to end, the guy is going to be an idiot and the girl is going to ham it up for the camera b/c she's the smart one right girls?
I'm not demanding Louis shit on Hillary Clinton just to keep it even. But I have a sneaking feeling he never would.
Eh..maybe I'll torrent the show and give it a try.

It's pretty close minded that you've never seen his act because he called Sarah Palin a cunt. His act really isn't political at all.

Not it's not about that. It's a litany of things he's said, on and off the show. I find him very funny on O&A, agree with a lot of knowledge he drops. I'm an atheist but I wouldn't go see Ricky Gervais either.
I'm stating a personal preference and justifying it by saying I find him to be a smug cunt.

Oh alright, that makes more sense to me. So you may enjoy his comedy if you wanted to, but you are making a personal choice not to listen to him because you find him as a person unlikable? That's reasonable enough to me.

Give it a watch. I know quite a few conservatives who find him very funny and insightful.


Louie is an overrated, unfunny, show and he is trying too hard to come across as avant garde that it makes my teeth hurt.

And fuck all his fans and their black rimmed glasses and fedoras admiring his work and waxing philosophical in a dimly lit corner of their favorite coffeehouse.

Great comedian and guest, absolute shit show.

As much as the choice of words makes me cringe, I don't think the author is totally wrong in the sense that Louie does self-deprecate about being white and how much it sucks not to be white, as a result of white people.

I hate myself that I just wrote that. Fuck Gawker

I don't get why people are calling Louie a SJW, he didn't write the article, or the words in OP's quotes you fucking dunderheads, it's the SJW Gawker guy who wrote them.

Every show should have comedians being absolutely brutal to each other and keepin' it "real" just like tough crowd. Anything else feels fake and contrived. rite guys? /s

Louie started out funny and interesting. Then it was just interesting. Now it's just "and".

i hate this article once i read "like most progressive 20somethings". yuck.

Enough with this "white guilt" shit. I'm a 25 year old white male, and I had nothing to do with slavery. In my profession I haven't received one benefit because of my race. I was raised in a tiny poor town, and every cent I've EARNED has been because of hard work. Also I can trace back my ancestry over 200 years, and all of my family have been working poor people. So I refuse to let anyone minimize my accomplishments by saying I benefited from my skin color. I worked on a dairy farm from the age of 13 to help finance my education. What I couldn't pay for myself, I paid with high interest student loans of which I've now paid back in full. The same student loans anyone of color can get. So fuck you and your white guilt, I'm not interested.

Check your privilege cracka ass cracka.


What is cringeworthy about this? Louie would probably agree. He has been a guilty white liberal for a long time but during the last few years when he actually reached a high level of fame, he went full Jew liberal mode. He wears hipster glasses, faggy coats and writes Louie episodes about fat acceptance for women.

Louie hasn't been funny on O&A since 2010. He turned into a Hollywood Jew faggot a long time ago.

Louie is becoming full white knight SJW in order to further his career.


This thread is way more embarrassing than that article

White people are mainly awful.

And the Louis CK backlash starts right abouuuuut..... now.

Louie is funnier, more interesting, and more successful than anyone on this subreddit could ever hope to be. Keep whining and throwing pebbles, cunts.

YEAH!!!! And then we should go out and get our own radio show before we criticize The Opie and Anthony Show!!!!

What are you going to call your radio show??

That's right. The more successful someone is, the less entitled I am to have an opinion on them.

Game of thrones stinks and you own a dildo with red hair glued on it

Louis CK is a feminist, privilege-conscious comedian, and he's hilarious.

Fucking deal with it.

Edit: lol, O&A listeners turning on one of the funniest comedians alive today, just because he's matured as a human being and embraced basic sociological realities. Come to think of it, maybe this is why he doesn't go on O&A much anymore either....

turning on one of the funniest comedians alive today, just because he's matured as a human being and embraced basic sociological realities.

Holy Shit, wake up dude.

Toilet wine

He's not hilarious. That's the problem. SHIT PISS BABY GIRL VAGINA SMELL

Wait was that Louis CK or Amy Schumer?

His last stand-up special ruled.

Not as much as Bill Burr's.


You're right. I should just bite Patrice/Bob Kelly/Colin lines in a weak attempt to knock some one down a peg because their 12th grade vocabulary is scary to me. It's easier.

Takes one to know one

No, you're projecting. It's you who is the embarrassment here.

Are you saying that black people are not discriminated against? That whites do not enjoy privileges simply because of the color of their skin?

I checked out the comments of my two previous interlocutors and they think that black people are less intelligent than whites. Do you think that is the case?

Depending on your answers, I would be happy to provide you with links that support my basic argument.

I meant that most sitcoms suck, so dogshit is amazing next to them. (Not saying lucky louie was dogshit) But Lucky Louie had a writing staff, co-stars, directors, producers... so it was never solely his work. If you judge him on something, judge him based on Louie.

Speaking of, the jokes are few and far between the last few seasons, but it still gives me a good belly laugh at least once an episode (remind you of something?) And the cinematography is great at times. More than you can say about 90% of TV.

Almost brilliant. You'll get there someday.