unfunny funny guy

0  2014-06-16 by rawdoggydogg

So I was dragged to an event this weekend and I had to be on best behaviour. Anyway the dude who organised/hosted it was the unfunniest "funny guy" I've ever met. He kept making jokes and faces expressions that can be best described as "silly". Obviously I, like everyone else, had to fake laugh so he thought he was killing.

I wanna make a reference to him in an email, is there any memes or anything related to unfunny funny guys?

In b4 "You're the unfunniest guy ever", yes I am, GFY!


the truth is, you are unfunny and uninteresting. you follow the hive and are not capable of coming up with one original thought. kill yourself.

Gregg Hughes, niggaaaa


I feel like this a Tyler Durden kind of situation.

eh? You saying I'm the unfunny funny guy? Perhaps...

Kinda like Chip, but not funny in the slightest.

doesn't that mean he's just not funny and not an "Unfunny Funny guy"

ya but he's trying to be funny. There are many people who don't try be funny and that's fine, they're just bores.

eh? You saying I'm the unfunny funny guy? Perhaps...
