Ever asked yourself, 'What type of person would order one of Opie's t-shirts?' Here is your answer. Slightly nsfw.

27  2014-06-16 by 55gallondrum


This makes me want to stop listening to the show.

He's got balls and gives no fucks

Someone should tell that guy he's only allowed to do that on beaches if he's going to address The Opester about it

i hope this was taken during a home invasion with no survivors

I think a part of me just died.

That is a fucking embarrassing shirt...

Realest nigga livin

I'm pretty sure that guy is a mod over at Wackbag. If not, he should be.

I cannot stand twitter


I'm more embarrassed by the people who acknowledged this mess on twitter.

The most amazing thing about this post is, he has a wife.


2014-06-14 23:00:44 UTC

Thanks @OpieRadio. My wife got me this and then got the pic. Anyone else brave enuff to post theirs? pic.twitter.com [Imgur]

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I imagine most fans of the show look like that. Including the women.



This is how I imagine all of the listeners—at least the callers.



i had a friend named george who used to have to take off his shirt to go number two

And then eat an eclair out of the garbage... it wasn't touching anything!




Probably. My mother never hit the glass when she was pregnant, so I shit like an adult.

That seems like a dick move, OP.

Oh cool, you're here, those socks might be constricting your blood flow.

Nah, I have a lot more hair.

Hey, relax, we can tell that you shave it by choice.

Well, I have to justify my Dollar Shave Club membership somehow.

I'm starting to wonder if Bobo really is touched in the head.

daniel bobo kurlan ‏@boboxm103ny Jun 14 - @revbryon701 @OpieRadio #RIP toilet

That's a fake bobo.


Hey, relax, we can tell that you shave it by choice.