Extra ticket to Jim Norton's show taping in NYC, Tuesday (6/15) 10am

0  2014-06-15 by Raidicus

Let me know if anyone wanted one but didn't get one. My gf can't come as it turns out. I'll meet you at the place before 10 and give you my extra ticket.

edit: ticket got called, but leave messages if it falls through I'll let the next person in line know monday night.


I'm in

k you get first dibs. pm me your number, and monday night i'll text you to confirm

Btw, thank you for this. Tue is my birthday and you Def just gave me a great start to the night.

No problem man. Honestly the tickets were quite easy to get. I wouldn't be surprised if people can still get them elsewhere I just never checked and figured I'd post here in case they'd sold out.

I tried from my email and my chick tried from hers and neither of us got a response. I asked for tickets the first or second day they were put up

well glad I could help

Hope you bring your blow-gun, for when Jimmy gets extra twitchy.


tuuesday is the 17th.

fuck you're right, my bad

brb time machine.

Someone make sure to post the news article of the rape/dismemberment that will follow this folly.

:) we're going to be such good friends :))))

If anyone wants tickets just go to theblacklist website. Just went there this afternoon and got 3 tix shortly after

take me me me me me

There can be only one. NOW FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR IT


Get ready to put your blinking hat on!

Damn I came too late. If the other guy doesn't go I'll go

You should have given it to Lady Di or Bobo.