Just got 2 tickets to Jimmy's taping for June 17th, 10:30pm

2  2014-06-13 by Its_Just_a_Ridee

Not even 100% sure if I can go, but anybody else going?


Glad to hear it brother man

I signed up but didn't get a response yet :(

Yeah me neither. Hoping that they send them out soon.

I actually just got another email saying due to cancelations, the 9:00 also opened up.

Yeah, I haven't gotten any confirmation yet either and I refuse to believe tickets sold out an hour after Jimmy posted it on facebook. I'm confused now too cause originally it listed tapings at 7 for the 17th and 7 and 9 for the 18th. Now, it just has 7 and 9 on the 18th and 10:30 am on the 17th.

I cant wait to see it. Please give us a full report.

Damn i didnt get a response lucky!

Bring a pillow

To protect our rumps when we fall out of our seats with laughter?

I was going to get tickets but couldn't get anyone to go with me

These are the kinds of things that a normal human's shame response would prevent them from saying.

lol not really neither my friends or lady friend listen to O&A and wouldn't enjoy it. My sister listens to O&A and I could've gone with her and her BF but they aren't around

i'll go with ya.

over/ under on dog/peanutbutter or hat removal refs?

1.5 per half hour.
