Had a dream about Anthony today

6  2014-06-13 by LouisCGhey

I was walking around the supermarket and some dream guy told me "did you hear, Anthony died, they found his body being eaten by his cats".

Probably more of a vision than a dream.


Allow me to post the obligatory comment calling you a faggot. You are a faggot.

You sure it wasn't a wet dream, faggot?

Hey guys I heard OP was a faggot. Anyone know anything about this?

Yeah, Op sucked my cock last night. Fuckin homo

I had a dream about Opie. In it OnA split and he tries podcasting which fails miserably, then tries to get back into radio but because he has pissed off so many industry people around the country, he ends up envying Scorch....Oh, and at some point his wife leaves with the kids and takes all that she can.


i call that dream a nocturnal emission

ok faggot, what's next?!!?

his cats=Black Panthers Army eaten=killed with a stolen california-legal assault rifle"Custer's Last Stand" style in the upcoming Race Wars supermarket=future term for a large all-gay S&M dungeon some guy= a short,hairy, uncut gentleman of hispanic descent that you were servicing with your mouth and asshole(faggot)

a premonition???

You forgot to say wet dream.

I witchdoctored myself into your dream OP.

Coming up tomorrow night, you get shanked by Jimmy.

I'm a big fan of Ant, but when his time comes I sincerely hope it's because one of his mansion-defense plans fail.

Strange one.