If you're a fan of Ricky Gervais, there's 100's of hours of his old radio show on Youtube.

0  2014-06-11 by EskimoEscrow

He did a radio show with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington for years. You can Google "XFM Ricky Gervais", or check out some clips here.
Good listening when you want to take a break from O&A.


That's awesome. I knew about the HBO show but never watched it all. Gonna marathon dis shit along with Norm Macdonald Live. A mashup of those two shows would be legendary.

The HBO show took clips from these Radio shows and animated them. You might stumble upon some stories from the HBO shows as you go through these clips.

Hbo took clips from the podcast. Granted, there's not much difference from the podcast and the xfm show.

What was he sucking?

Karl Pilkington is hilarious. He's funny without even trying. I wish he would do Norm's podcast.

there is audio somewhere of some of their first on-air meetings with Karl when he was a producer, which is cool.

I posted this as a comment in a thread a few days ago, THESE SHOULD BE MY UPVOTES.