It's time for another Nick DiPaolo and Colin Quinn episode.

0  2014-06-11 by rabblerousersreturn

Two comedians going at it is the best 3 hours of radio that a person could ask for.


One of my favourite shows is when Ant & Nick were debating race with Patrice, that was brilliant and made me like Dipialo.

You have a link to that show?

Yeah man, the entire show is on YouTube.

Well that's a quick show!

I thought Phil Leotardo looked familiar.

I'd rather have Colin on smashing Jimmy, Vos, and the show in general. I love DiPaolo and I'm sure he'd be great with Colin on, but I feel he's only trigger happy when certain people are in studio.

If they can't get Nick, they could just bring in 'Half-a-Hulk-face' instead. No one will notice.