Stettan response to firing from xoJane

4  2014-06-11 by [deleted]


They did her dirty, as we say in the 'hood. She's too self-involved to realize that xoJane, HuffPo, Jezebel, Cracked, etc. are just click farms to manufacture outrage and capitalize on it. These are not sites for "empowerment" or "journalism". They exist to make a few people rich while the plebs are given red meat to develop victim complexes and sling blame on whatever the fuck is hot this week.

If you're a serious writer and choose to write for xoJane then don't complain when they throw you under the bus because you said something mildly controversial.

I'm trying to dig deep for some sympathy for Melissa but not finding it. I remember how she probably ruined some random guy's marriage for publicity.

Cracked really seems out of place in your list. I agree with you, but Cracked is nothing like those sites. They are guilty of milking page views and super fluffy content tho. think cracked empowers people and is a bastion of journalism? It most definitely belongs on a list of 'click farms'. Have you even been to Their entire front page are lists or top 5's. gtfo son.

They are guilty of milking page views and super fluffy content tho.

Which is the main point that you disagreed with one sentence prior...

No, I think Cracked isn't a site designed to perpetuate faux outrage. Almost every site is guilty of clickbait. My main point was the difference between the majority of sites listed originally and Cracked. Cracked is a humor site with very little if any political content. If you can't see the difference between Salon and XOJane compared to Cracked then you are an idiot or haven't read any of them.

Included that because they've jumped on the SJW/clickbait bandwagon recently. I'd probably put Slate and Atlantic up there too.

I really haven't seen any SJW crap on Cracked.

Well then, noted. Still don't think it's remotely as bad as Salon, XoJane, etc. etc.

It's definitely not in the same league. Cracked has slowly shifted, but it's still mostly just nonsense top 10 lists.

It's declined over the last year or so I think. I use to really enjoy it, but I do find myself skipping 60 percent of the site now.

Yeah I haven't been to cracked recently, but their articles are usually something like "top 5 biggest plot holes in famous movies", or " top 5 craziest coincidences in history".

Nothing has changed. Except more links to their podcast and shop.

I'm trying to dig deep for some sympathy for Melissa but not finding it.

What? Not even for that Seinfeld impression at the end!?


Very well said or sumpin'!

There's obviously a real shitty, beyond hyper-sensitive politic involved at xojane, but Melissa shot herself in the foot. Twice. She did it once by "secretly" posting her true feelings, using her own account, in a "response" to the apology, and again with her stupid Warhol "joke" tweet after the apology.

It's painfully obviously that she simply doesn't get how much they (or anybody else, for that matter) so completely don't need this shit. Like another poster pointed out, if this was enough to kick her to the curb, she wasn't a real asset to begin with.

The problem was she wanted to keep her job and her dignity, and when you get caught in something like this, you only get to keep one.

Instead, she wound up with neither. In the video she's crying how this is going to hurt her chances of employment in the future, and she's right, but just not the way she thinks she is; it's how she's acted post-apology that's fucking things up for her.

She's only got one thing left to do: unplug. For at least 6 months. Doctor Chippah's orders.

She's a fuckin' drama-factory or sumpin'.

If your employer can afford to fire you over something as petty as this then you were never very valuable anyway.

Get a skill that makes you valuable enough and you'll be impervious to this bullshit.

I think anyone whose job is directly related to the Internet will probably be fired if you say something considered racist or homophobic on the Internet these days. A firing is the usually the only way to get rid of the locust swarm of social justice people.

social justice people.

You mean homos?

The ffffffffffaygeles

I seriously doubt he made much writing for them.. Most of those places pay scale for articles.. We might be talking 100$ an article tops

I minimised the window because all of the jerky vlog BS was giving me a concussion, but you can actually hear the terrible editing too.

I wish she had admitted the apology was fake after getting fired instead of still pretending she's sorry and that she's changed. If you think edgy humour is funny and or have been desensitised to it, I don't believe that it's possible to genuinely change and become direly offended by it over the course of 3 years or however long it's been.

Even still being fired for that tweet is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen. I actually do believe she didn't mean to offended anyone, and I honestly don't believe it did to begin with. It seems like a case of some people didn't like her and wanted to get her fired. They were not even offended at all but used that to get her fired and that sets an even worse trend.

gotta hand it to the cunt who went through her old tweets looking for dirt...

It's the culture of apologies, too... We know that she isn't a racist and that the comments she made weren't hate speech. They were just jokes and people who can accept that we don't live in a perfect world all understand that. Grovelling, ratting people out and being 'deeply deeply sorry' are more en vogue now than they've ever been and getting someone you dislike fired now appears to be as simple as plumbing their online activity for a shred of potential racism.

I don't know why you guys say she's ugly. I think she's really hot.

i'd plow the hell out of her

Is this the same room they filmed those Bowe Bergdahl proof-of-life videos?

Where's Jesse Ventura when you need him? Thermite paint on the walls.

Damn, that's a good reference!

O&A always win in the end.

I'd put my dick in that crazy

Victim of the modern age. Poor, poor girl.


It might be fun to laugh at this; but this is exactly what the bbboys talk about on a daily basis, and how out of control this fascist, post P.C. world is now. It's way out of hand, plain and simple.

Holy fuck, she is annoying

There was probably a lot of crying in the making of this. I'm tappin out.

She's clearly just trying to get mentioned in an O&A apology clock segment.

I don't know what this type of video editing is called, but it's infuriating.

It's called youtube vlog shit

Edit. Cut. Edit. Edit. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut... God damn that was torture. Is she the one Ant is referencing when he says "I date supermodels!"? Because the only place she'd be considered attractive is in a methadone clinic.


i'd eat her box

Gotta smell it first, yo!

She seems like a cool chick. Hope she finds employment elsewhere. She will learn to be less dramatic as she gets older. Moral of the story is to make sure your twitter is sparkling clean if you are a fringe Z-list celebrity on the web.

What a cunt of a company that xojane must be. That's some bitch-ass lame shit to get fired for. It's the slightest comedic jab one can make at anything that's remotely provocative..and it included a movie reference to boot. And what does stupid do? Instead of saying that she's being rail-roaded for an innocent joke from years ago and maybe getting some sympathy from normal people+some white knighting from Op,Jim,Ant (who I thought she was cool with,saw some pics from a compound party and Melissa was in them)and us psychos the dumb broad throws big-dick Cumia under the PC bus accomplishing nothing. ps:she looks fresh for a 30 something

I'd like to feel sorry for her, I really would, because I hate the idea of someone getting fired over something as dumb as this. That being said, how can you be dumb enough to tweet that Andy Rooney joke about everyone apologizing because of something racist immediately after? She's 30. She's not some dumb twentysomething. She's 30 years old and she should know better. How can she not see that making a joke about people apologizing for racist remarks right after she apologizes for making racist remarks is a bad idea? Why wouldn't she just go twitter dark for a week or so, or just use it solely for promotion for a little while and not a place to try and make "witty" remarks for the time being? I don't feel bad for her because I firmly believe that anybody else in her shoes would've handled this better.

xojanes? what are you playing tic tac toe or sumpthin #tsssssss

Why does shit about this girl still get posted and upvoted? You all are a bunch of gossipy queens.

same thing can be said about posts about Danny

Oh, look, it's minute 14.

play these sounds while this is playing.. it's brilliant


This is amazing cause it also names what all the references of these clips are.

Judging by the headboard-less bed taking up the entire small room, she's no longer with James Gunn and no longer lives in his sweet Office-divorce/Guardians of the Galaxy mansion.

Also, she looks younger and smaller than she did when she lived with Anthony. How is that possible?

Less booze.

I made it about two minutes in. Too much talky talky.

It's an apology video. What were you expecting? Her to strip off and slide a traffic cone in her asshole?


She obviously just doesnt get how sensitive everyone is these days. I think she should be able to say all the shit she said, but she is either too dumb or naive to see the reality is you cant say that shit and expect to keep her job. Especially at some feminist blog where all their readers are hyper sensitive to anything mildy offensive. Shell figure something out im sure. I still dont find her to be hateable, except maybe for that whole airplane incident if she was in fact lying.

A good example of how liberals will eat their own at the drop of a hat and have no loyalty.

i don't care

She should shut the fuck up and sue. What the hell is a youtube video gonna do?



Skinnier is always betterer

don't encourage fatties


I suppose you are correct.

Anyone who likes this ugly elf eared toothy blockheaded skeleton cunt is a homosexual

What a disgrace.

EDIT Holy fuck her biggest problem is "I can't buy a new macbook because I don't know if I'm gonna get another job!"

EDIT2: the white knights in the comments.

You know what really sucks? I was planning on buying a new Macbook Air because it takes like 20 minutes to open Microsoft word on this fucking 5 year old laptop. Oh but now I'm not going to buy one anymore because I don';t know when I'm going to get another job or if I'm going to get another job because I'm racist.

I think we can all pitch in and get a Kickstarter going to buy her a laptop. It's the least we can do.

Ant can just give her one that the casino sends him every year.

Ant can just give her one that the casino sends him every year.