Remember when the video bits were hilarious?

4  2014-06-10 by pekingoose

Back in the day they would look at video off the cuff,once ,twice a week.

Maybe Ant would have watched a movie on the weekend and bring it to the show or an actor would die or a video would be trending.Now it's two hours a fucking day.

And if they run out of videos there is always pictures to look at.Nothing like Opie trying to describe a photo of a fish!


That's the bit. Describing a fish picture is the bit. You just don't get it maaaaaaaaan.

Listen, seriously, why don't you just go and do your own show?

Yeah you try going to and search for 'weird sea creatures maaahn' then describe them. It's fucking harder than it sounds. "Wow number four looks like an upside down bird with a stick stuck up its ass and it has two eyes where it's ears should be" - Radio gold baby.

When Ant actually gave a shit/would get excited about videos he was the best I've ever heard and painting a mental picture and being funny about it.

These are tired old men doing a tired old man show.

i noticed today Ant only woke up when they started talking politics.

Of course. That's the only time Ant ever gives a shit because he's an angry old man and thinks the blacks are stealing his money.

His lack of financial sense is stealing his money.

That's why people get annoyed when they watch videos. They know how to do it funny and they are too lazy. I was just listening to them watching quincy. Hilarious.

they started the year off so strong! What happened? someone mentioned it could be a negotiation technique, especially since they notice the same trend every time the contracts are coming to a close or w/e. That kind of doesn't make sense to me considering opie insists nobody at sxm even knows/cares whether they do a good show. But then, he lies all the time, and besides I haven't been listening long enough to pick up on contract-related trends...

i noticed today Ant only woke up when they started talking politics.