Every time Opie talks about the Rangers, I want to smash my fucking radio.

0  2014-06-10 by dianakurlan2

Are all Islanders fans like this? I wasn't even all that into the cup this year, but now I'm going for the Rangers all the way. Fuck Opie and fuck Long Island.


Opie is a pretend sports fan. If he doesn't have one hour a week to watch a TV show, there is no way in hell he watches or keeps up with sports.

I find pretty much any Sports talk to be annoying really, but I haven't been listening lately so don't know what you're talking about. Was it more of the Sports Curse rubbish where Opie picks a team and people blame it on him when they lose?

Do it.

Id be shocked if he could name 3 players on the Islanders

Tss tss Tom Hanks, Giligan, and tss tss what's that fawkin balls name!?!?