Beer snobbery and near misses

0  2014-06-10 by Sentinel_Event

The boys typically check themselves on breaks like these, but they didn't seem to self aware this morning.

They've shit all over pedestrian food like chain pizza joints and sandwich shops in favor of local fare (which I would too if I lived in NY.) But how can they not see that swill like Bud Light is just barely above the Natty Lights that Di inhales? Especially since there are many beers that are not regional microbrews that are a step above piswater domestics.

And doesn't Opie love George Carlin? He had an entire bit about plane terms and near miss actually being a near hit. I thought he was re-hashing that bit at first, but it sounded like he actually was unable to dissect why near miss wasn't accurate as near hit.

Beer Diva!


For all their talk about not being affected by the annoying folks on their comments they sure dedicate a lot of time to talking about it.

Opie is so bothered by twitter it's almost sad. Everyday he has a gripe about a comment some asshole left on his instagram or twitter but he tags it with "i dont care i just think you're idiots out there"

I'd like those segments better if they did a funnier job at doing them. But all they do is bitch and do an annoying voice with it.

Potential wasted is what I say.

Because there is a difference between enjoying a couple of Bud Lights while your out at the pool, or out for the night and what Lady Di does. I think there disgust with natty ice has more to do with the fact she starts drinking it at 7 am in the morning.

Yeah, b/c Anthony certainly restricts his intake of spirits to a modest couple of brews. And they have mentioned more than once how cheap tasting that beer is. You think that would be as funny if she were drinking Bavarian style lager?

Anthony is a millionaire that lives in a almost million dollar home and is a successful radio talk show host that still shows up for work. I think there is a bit of a difference between Anthony's drinking and what Lady Di does. No one said that Anthony doesn't drink a little to much at times, but I don't think he's drinking like that all the time. He's still a functional member of society drinking no more than anyone else. I spent 15 years working in bars. Ant drinks as much as anyone else that goes to work from 9-5 and still has a house, car, or anything else a functional member of society would have. Its also preference you dumbass. Just because he likes one cheap beer doesn't mean he likes them all. Plus Natural Ice is typically associated with alcoholics because of the higher alcohol percentage.

There are functional alcoholics that are well off, so don't fool yourself that his affluence makes alcoholism "better". Anyway, that part is really irrelevant to the fact that they make mention of Natty ice b/c it is a cheap, high power beer that is known swill. The bit wouldn't be funny if she were drinking Bell's Oberon, dickface. It still stands that they are snobs about some things, and hateful of snobs for others.

WOW what a fucking revelation. You mean after speaking for 20+ hours a week for the last 20 years on the radio that they have somehow managed to contradict themselves? No fucking way. If you talked that much over time to a large audience we'd find contradictions in shit you say too. It would happen to anyone ya' jackass. What's your point here? Maybe the shows passed you because normally they hate on shit as a bit, and that's the general vibe of the show. They're just talking shit and being mean to Lady Di. Natty Ice is something alcoholics and homeless people drink because its a cheap, high octane beer that will fuck you up fast. The snobbery here as you call it is an opinion shared by most people.

and yes there are functional alcoholics that keep jobs but most of those people aren't public figures on the radio every morning. For example Howard fans knew Artie had a problem. I don't get that vibe from Ant. He doesn't seem to consume any more alcohol than your average person.

It's not a matter of recalling what they may have said; my point was self awareness. They've talked about pizza and delis in the past, but unless they now would eat Domino's and Subway, you'd think they'd realize that beer preference is no different. I only mentioned Lady Di as an example of how her swill is to them what Ant's Budweiser is to the beer snobs.

I think we'd be surprised at how many public figures are functioning addicts.

Ant's home is worth several million, bub

"microbrews"? What do they, serve it in a t'imble or sumpin'? That don't make no sense.

my-crow, why not your hawk or sumpin'. . aah I don't know I'm just riffin'

Beers with wings or sumpin'. don't drink and drive because your beer will fly away!

Double guns, bitch!

Home run da33, take us out you big fat pig!

And then I said "look tiny Potsie: you're cruisin' for a microbrewsin' or sumpin'"!

I hope this post gives you Happy Days, cock-suckah!

I think Erock is the resident beer guy - he's mentioned Blue Moon (or one of those craftier Bud/Miller/Coors beers.)

There are a lot of cool, low key beer fans out there, but the hipsters/Beer Advocates/flowery review-writing douchebags out there (not a term of endearment) give the others a bad name.


There's a huge difference between being a beer snob and being a beer douche.

I just like a quality brew; I don't need to be seen with it or write a review about it. On the other hand, I can't believe people willingly drink the big US "beers".


That's another good point. The big domestic producers make many tasty alternatives to Bud and Miller. And most people are drinking the light versions anyway!

Some hipsters just stick to PBR and Rolling Rock, skunkface be damned.

Whether they are being hypocritical or not, I think we can all agree beer snobs are the worst.

Miller Lite 4 eva!

Any type of snob is the worst, but if you were to call in with a pizza diva line, they would tell you how disgusting Papa John's is compared to Little Mario's pizzeria on Klurdsmerk and 4578th street.

Little Mario's is sludge...Pepperoni Zamboni's on 75th and Blarthsdurve is where it's at.



Narragansett, bitches. Gotta keep it local (and cheap).

Erock is like Wreckless Eating except not funny.

I laughed heartily at Erock talking about food.


Ant drinks Bud Light and Guinness but only drinks pricey bottles of wine.

I prefer craft brews and buy them almost exclusively but I enjoy shitty beers (Miller High Life, Olde Style, etc) from time-to-time.

He's a wine diva then. But I've tried to go along with games of beer pong that were using bud light and cheap beers and it either has no taste (preferably) or is literally vomit inducing.

I hate beer snobs. 99.9% of those fuckers wouldn't drink it if beer didn't get you drunk. That's how you can tell who the phonies are.

IDK, I definitely wouldn't drink beer if I couldn't get bombed, but i want it to taste good while I'm doing it.

I don't even know what's wrong with pedestrian food to begin with

Street food is literally food for pedestrians and that shit tastes excellent.

yeah I love beef patties and day old hot dogs

I saw nothing wrong with the beer bit. I thought Erock and Anthony were completely right and Anthony put his thoughts out there in a way that was funny instead of just whining like Opie did about his thing.

Not wrong, just inconsistent.

Beer snobs are fucking cunts. All beer basically tastes the same. We all have our preferences but the hate for Bud Light reminds me of hack comics that target Christianity. We got it. You're different and smarter than everyone else.

Well that's not at all accurate. You really think a Guinness tastes remotely like a Bud Light? I think even the beer snob haters would disagree. I could not have thought of a more inapplicable analogy either.

as a natty ice drinker myself (pure coincidence), I identify with what they're talking about

I can understand for college kids with little money and need for much beer to party, or for alcoholics, but why would you drink that swill when you could get better beer for not that much more $?


yeah I love beef patties and day old hot dogs

Home run da33, take us out you big fat pig!