2 entirely separate irrelevant music segments in one day?

2  2014-06-10 by PigsArePunished

Surely this is a test to see what they can get away with on talk radio while people still listen.


steering that shit. thank god we have Captain Opie at the helm. he's so needed, right gang?

Notice how Jim or ant never stop it either and go right along with the bits. They're all to blame for bad radio not just Opie. You know it's anthonys show too. Maybe if he'd stop being so lazy he'd step up and say something yet he doesn't either. Anthony and Jim phone the show in just as much as Opie does.

Jim shut his mouth for the entire bit. He must be shaking his head at Opie.

Sounds like phoning it in to me.

Ya. I bet he was literally on his phone too.

tss yeah i bet he was sittin' on it or sumpthin

goddamit chip not now

I don't know why but this made me fucking lose it. Bravo.

Jim really has no room to talk. He's more if a dipshit when it comes to music than Opie and Anthony combined.

Jim basically told Opie he was bad at Radio today when Di called and he and Opie are having some tensions lately.

You're looking for something that's not there.

fuck yeah he's like captain of the titanic or sumptin tss

Your comment karma used to be like -150, now it's +500. You've changed us as a community. You were right all along.

Well done sir.

Why the fuck are you checking people's comment karma?

Because seeing as the guy only posts hatred of Opie, I wanted to see if the general consensus was in agreement.

Is that ok with you? If not, then I do apologise and I'll make sure never to disappoint your curious little mind again.

Fair enough, wasn't trying to be a dick even though that is kinda weird.

Ok sweetheart.

For future reference, 'the fuck' increases your being-a-dick factor by 48%.

No one really gives a shit about Godsmack right?

not since 98

Straight out of line came on the other day and I couldn't believe I used to like it.

I never really understand where they're coming from when it comes to music. They all act like experts, but have no actual knowledge of anything. Even the mysic they like. Opie think he's a music man expert, but can't name three Zeppelin songs or differentiate the White Stripes from The Strokes or whoever the fuck. Jimmy likes two bands, one of whom is horrible, and acts like everyone thinks how he thinks. Ant hates everything, craps on everything, except maybe U2, I'm not sure. They're all just really dumb when it comes to music. And like many dumb people, they tend to be the most passionate and opinionated about it and make asses out of themselves in the process.

Ant likes U2, Alice in Chains and alot of 80's Power Ballad Stuff, his and Joe's Band "Rotgut" sounded like a mix of Tears For Fears & Duran Duran, so I'm assuming he likes that music too.


If it were genuinely terrible music to the point of being absurd, it would probably be fun to hear them goof on it. However, when it is someone who just cannot sing as well as he used to doing some song we have heard a thousand times, then they really dont have much to work with and it sounds like filler.

"I'm sure godsmack still sells tickets" was my line of the day.

That reminds me of the time Florentine was arguing with Troy/Sam about what music is popular. I like Florentine and probably like more of his favorite bands than Troy's, but it was really embarrassing. Troy is playing these songs that are massive hits in clubs and have millions and millions of downloads/views, and Jim's saying "Nobody's listening to that. Nobody's talking about that music." Meanwhile he's going to a Buckcherry show.

Yup. I can't listen to florentine talk about anything though.

I dig Florentine, but when he gets into music, I'm out.

Florentine thinks metal is relevant in popular culture. Dude...the only metal show in the world plays on VH1 classic. End of story. Glad you love talking about Motorhead, but no one else does.

Dude all you need is some Metallica, beer, a football game, and you'll be banging young pussy in no time

I found the episode http://youtu.be/0wAmoCxi3gg?t=1h54m10s

Jim is really opinionated and really fucking stupid. Lethal combination. It doesn't help that troy sucks at defending hip hop.

god damnit are they out of touch. JOURNEY. FUCK ME.


I FUCKING HATE JOURNEY. They are so corny. There are few things more played out that somebody throwing on Journey in the bar and especially when chicks and douches start singing along, dear God.


Somebody gave this a thumbs down. Please tell me who you are so I can know to hate you. You like to put on Don't Stop Believing right before closing time, don't you?


Maybe that was a little extreme to hate your guts for your music taste, but Journey is right up there with Kiss when it comes to cornball music for rubes. I don't care if they are good musicians, they used that talent for evil.

I prefer Closing Time for my closing time song.

They've done about 5 half hour+ breaks on Journey this year. JOURNEY. What the fuck? Has anybody thought of this band as a mainstream band in decades?

I don't mind when they talk about music, but they're usually just totally wrong. They might not like Psy but the video has 24 million views in 2 days. PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET DEFINITELY LIKE IT.

I think it's like 4 people hitting refresh.

You can buy views right?

Sounds like phoning it in to me.

Jim really has no room to talk. He's more if a dipshit when it comes to music than Opie and Anthony combined.