Hello BBBBBoys. Happy Birthday Jimmy! Long time listener, first time caller.

33  2014-06-10 by Kirillb85

I love you guys for keeping up with the tradition. Especially how agitated it makes them.



BBBBboys - Happy Birthday Jimmy - First time caller Long time listener - then start a sentence and just hang up mid sentence. It will infuriate them. They have to sit through all your crap and then when you finally get to the point it will cut out. It will be glorious!

"Yeah, I hung up on him" -Opie

How I wish their line went to dial tone when someone hung-up... At least once, anyway; teach that fucker what it feels like.

Just play a dial tone through the phone

paging radioshark.

Damn yes! Somebody has to do that

I think that if you're going to complain here about the boys (to which I mostly agree), you should be calling them up and using these greetings AD NAUSEUEM

People, please consider just getting a life instead. Or a rope, I don't care.

if you don't care, why bother getting involved in the discussion?

I think I made my opinion on the issue quite clear; I think the idea is ludicrous. I just don't care if you kill yourself or not.

Tim is my hero. Opie pretending not to be bothered but clearly he cares more than anyone else.

agreed. let's make this a daily thing

Gotta go tit for tat with Opie's stupid forced catch phrases.

One bbbbboys for every hammer dropped.

can you break that down for everyone?

Yeah, that did rattle Opie's cage. It always does. He says it doesn't and that he doesn't fall for "divide and conquer" and all that, but any time somebody compliments your peers and then says you suck, it doesn't matter who it is from, it hurts.

i'm sure he's crying into thousand dollar hankies

Caller: Thanks for taking my call.

Ronnie B: It's my job.


Caller: insert any comment or pleasantry here

Ronnie B: "Yeah"

Caller: You sound like a million bucks Ronnie B. Ron: I was thinking more a buck fifty.

why do they get so mad about the bbbbboys thing?

I believe it's because they consider it old at this point, they've said "what year is it" many times recently after someone says it... same deal with the Happy Birthday line.

That and they just have a general disdain for callers lately, especially Opie.

But you gotta start it with the ol' clockwork orange "good evening"

And a "Love you, love the show".

Long Time / First Time

Love you, love the show.

Ant: Course you do. Who doesn't? Amirite?

Ronnie B: yah. it's great. what do you want?

The thing is, the people who call in and bitch are probably people who listen to the pre show, the post show and all 4 hours EVERY day. They might call up and bitch, but I guarantee that if a Howard fan said the same thing that they would unload on them. It's a brotherly love kind of thing; I can say these things about them but if you say it, you're getting punched in the fucking jaw.


Yeah, I really don't understand who the pre/post shows are for. I much preferred it when it was Sam's show and he had whoo kid in and they provided original content. Rehashing the show is pointless and a waste of Sam's talent.

I have to DL the show daily. Most annoying thing is the 30 minutes I need to FF on my mp3 player before I get to the show. And now that they are taking off Fridays...what...No Fitty/King/Tyson rap? I love that stupid song.

Get it, Check, Yo...I'm up early in the morning, yawning Opie Anthony yeah, Jimmy tranny pornin' Opie like brother-man...Ant wants to join the klan....

Can you believe Opie said the show has been on an upswing? It has been on the downward slide since Patrice's coma.

9:03 "The fact is, the show is really on an upswing lately"-Opie


Ant agreed; unless we're just going to let that slide.

It's been getting more fun again which is nice. I wish they could find more retards to beat the hell out of. Or do some type of in studio contest where they get to humiliate fans.

This is exactly what they need. All of their comic pals are either too successful and busy to have time for the show, feel they don't need the show for promotion anymore or have moved away from New York. Stalker Patty, Sandy Kane, Lady Di and Bobo have all been on air for thousands of hours and the boys have wrung every last second of entertainment out of them.

They need to get some new hungry young comics onto the show that want to promote dates instead of movies and TV shows and find more weird people to put on air. These two things and bringing back Oscar or Pat Duffy and giving one of those two the mic time they would normally give Roland would drastically improve the show.

And they need to get out of the skyscraper by any means necessary.

One of the best parts of the show was that any dickhead off the street could wander in. Stalker Patti, Sandy Kane, Lady Di, Bobo, Big A, Pat from Moonachie, AJ Dynamite. All of them were freaks pulled from the crowd.

Now they have to get special permission and background checks on anybody who wants to come up. It's ridiculous.

Patrice was in a coma in 2008?

I love Opie's response to his show being worse is that EVERY LISTENER SHOULD GET THEIR OWN SHOW AND DO IT BETTER.

Once again, everyone else is the problem and not him.

He can't take criticism. Note the caller said Opie sucks, and he takes it as the show sucks.

Why should everybody get into radio? What if they don't want to? What if they like being a trucker or an IT guy or something? Most people have no desire to be radio personalities.

That frankly pissed me off a bit. Just because I'm not a radio personality I have no right to have an opinion on my favored entertainment media?

Fuck that.

Lyle Was a much better call today than that guy. :)

Apparently the callers have passed them by. That's the BIT.

That caller did get Opie's Jimmies rustled. He always tries to drop a "I don't give a fuck what you're saying" vibe but it never works. It's always obvious when somebody gets to him.

I think it's time to resurrect Phone Call Thursday!

door ajar thursday

Well...I mean...he has a valid argument "what can we do better, do you think?"

Let's read some suggestions—how is it they're failing and what can they do to improve?

They could start with dropping the apology shit and trying to not watch so many YouTube videos on the radio, then maybe start giving a fuck again. Also not give an obese glutton so much airtime.

Just a suggestion.

That's not a good enough answer. You're only saying what they shouldn't do, not making suggestions about what you want to hear instead.

Fuck the A-listers and Roland's high-brow guests; the boys are uninformed low-brow comedians and they should embrace that. It's what got them to where they are today. They should be scouting for new stand-up comics that are looking for exposure and who will be willing to hang out in the studio for free. Comics hanging out in studio will keep them from spiraling into bitch-fests, over-done bits, and attempts at serious political debates. Ant needs someone who can improv to play off of, Opie needs someone who will salve his ego, and Norton needs free time to fuck around with his smart phone. New comics will give them all of that.

I want to hear more comedy, not a man in his 50s crying because trolls on Twitter are saying mean things. I want to hear comedians in studio again, not 'who gives a fuck' Roland booked interviews with people that are only there to plug some stupid shit.

The "haters" are very vocal with what they want more of, I don't remember seeing much hate after Dan Soder's last appearance or Vos and Keith's last appearance that may have been the best show in the last year and a half. Why they don't do it more often when they obviously see the praise those shows get confuses the fuck out of me.

If only the caller would have had these locked and loaded, they'd actually have to confront their problems instead of pretend the listeners are the assholes.

  • Bring in young comedians
  • Do Games (Ron and Fez style shit)
  • Have the staff make productions pieces and use them or blast them on air
  • Bring Denny in slightly more often, he is the best but don't want overkill
  • Start doing stuff with the interns (not including jerking off to girl interns, unless they are literally jerking off to them)
  • Push SiriusXM to move them somewhere where they can have guests come in and out without going through stupid fucking security
  • Actually engage with callers and not just immediately talk over them or be super defensive (or don't fucking take calls)
  • Get another show on their channel that does a show every day, pay them the $200 weekly or w/e the fuck out of pocket if necessary
  • Do activities outside of the SiriusXM sphere to bring in new people, if Sirius doesn't want to host/sponsor then take it on yourselves to organize and do it.
  • Finally take some fucking pride in what you are doing and just give a good show without constantly talking about what time you are going to go home for the day. If you can't get excited about your own fucking show, why would anyone else?

Their response to this would be "Oh you want us to play little games baby boy? What games does baby boy want to play?"

At the end of the day, I don't really care if they work Fridays- but I'd like to note the following:

1) They have ragged on Howard's work schedule for years and now are following him down the path to semi-retirement.

2) They gave Steve C a metric asston of shit when he just wanted to use his vacation time metered out into one day a week.

Meh. It would have been better if he didn't panic at the end of the call and hang up like a little bitch.

Or actually, y'know, point out specific flaws other than "opie sucks." Stuff like "nobody gives a fuck about your kids" or "this apology bit is forced bullshit" or "this pre-show/post show thing is awful."

See, that's the thing. Everyone gets pissed when they hang up, but who wouldn't hang up on someone who just calls up screaming "YOU GUYYYYSS SSUUUUUUCCK HURR HURR THE GUYS ON THE SUB ARE GONNA LOVE THIS"