that caller Tim today made some good points...

7  2014-06-09 by opiesucks

especially when he addressed Opie and said "you suck, you always have." it brought a tear to my eye.


Dear diary,

Today I was listening to Dopie and Anthony (tee hee!)
A caller made some good points about dopie sucking.
at least, thats what I told the guys on the subreddit
they'll never know it was me lol
Best day ever

Until next time diary,

I wonder how you can verbalize the cum-stained pages of that diary.

I'm amused whenever we get one of these calls burying Opie, neither Ant or Jim ever actually disagree with the caller or say why the caller is wrong or why they're full of shit. They either just insult the caller or just get sarcastic and condescend them. The closest Ant & Jim in defending Op is when they say "he steers the ship" or "he keeps the show moving along" or a "what are you doing with YOUR life?!". LOL

i just imagine Jim and Ant texting each other after the show just shitting on Opie and pointing out the dumb shit he did that day. sitting in Ants hot tub doing Opie impressions.

Well according to Danny, Ant accidentally texted Opie some of his favourite "names" for the Opester.

oh god, i would pay a good $4 dollars to read that text.

Whoa! We got ah big spenda over here folks!

where did you hear this?

Danny's facebook or something, I forget. I'll try source it later.

Opie only really gets a lot of heat when he's trying to be funny and match wits with Ant & Jim. If it was only Ant or Jim in that day at least one of them could make Opie's awful jokes or one-liners into silver.

The boys also refuse to shit on Opie for dumb shit he does and says. Ant and Jimmy fuck with each other the entire show and are constantly trying to catch the other slipping. Opie stammers and repeats his way through a horrifically boring story with no resistance.

They know he'd get pissed.

I think they just know he's not on their level. If they made fun of him for every bad joke the show would go no where.

You need mental help. Not only do you obsess over opie sucking, but you fantasize about it too...

this Opie?


He did alright, manged to punch out.Opie had nothin.

Well at least he got in the ring, but Opie stood there with his chin out and the guy couldn't land much.

Opie ,you suck

what more needs to be said?

"You always have." He said it all.

That was good and Opie didn't like it. It's just too bad he didn't go any further or give any answer when asked what they should do better.



At 9:03, Opie says the show is on an "upswing." What the fuck is talking about? Last week was 4 shows of shit with a nice TI segment. That is it.

That show where Rich Vos was in and they did the Chairs bit was the best in a long time.

I enjoyed chip saying the only enjoyable part is fart noises. He's an average fan. Clap at your radio when its funny, shake your fist and scream when its not. We are the absolute worst fan base.

We were made in the image of our creators.


I don't get how he doesn't know that just because someone criticizes you, doesn't mean theyre saying they can do it better. They want YOU to be better.

I swear he was never this insufferable.

He wasn't. He's going through some weird mid-life crisis. Opie from as early as 5 years ago would have never started selling t-shirts of his own "quotes", or fucking signed Instagram photos of NY for that matter. Some switch in his brain was flipped sometime in the past couple of years and he's been steadily slipping into some kind of maddening desperation ever since.

His contributions have always been action, doing things. Dildos in a box, staple guns, etc.

None of that is available to them now.

The man speaks truth to power.

I'm a new listener, and Opie's already wearing on me.

The worst part, imo, is the self-aggrandizement. I wish Patrice was still alive to break it down for him: "bitch, this thing is working in spite of you......not because of you. So serve up the meatballs for Ant and Jim to knock around, and stay the fuck out of the way".

Opie is the do-nothing, annoying wife of a millionaire who wants to be treated as an equal.

What part of the show did this happen in?

todays ep about 1 hour and 13 minutes in.

Another opportunity to tear them apart where the caller panicked.

Maybe he just realized "the show is really on a upswing lately". Who the fuck is the Opester trying to kid?

Again, for all the tough talk on this sub, everyone panics when they're on the phone with them. He had plenty of time, and he flamed out with some piss-poor shit line and hung up.

Yeah, he sucked. I didn't mind the answer he got about getting out there and doing your own thing instead of just being an observer, either. But when they start talking about the show being on an upswing, that's just whistling past the graveyard.

upswing??? what the fuck does Opie even mean by "upswing"? Horrible, horrible comeback.




Fawk yeah!

If the show sucks so much, why do you people listen? That genuinely confuses me.

b/c we still love Ant and Jim.

what Fresno said asshole. 66% of the show is amazing.

Why do miners dig in dirt? There's gold there somewhere. Look how bothered they are by it. In the past they would laugh it off.