I seriously hope Roland has a heart attack soon.

13  2014-06-09 by EskimoEscrow

Was this fat fuck really at a BBQ festival for 3 days straight?!


Roland is fat.

*morbidly obese, you're giving him too much credit.

With the constant comments by O&A&J about how a vast majority of their fanbase is extremely fat themselves, I wonder how many people are upvoting this comment because they think "yeah, i'm fat, but at least I'm not morbidly obese"

as if it makes a difference

as if they arent fooling themselves

The second he comes on air it's an immediate fast-forward. Can't and won't listen to anything that fucking worthless piece of fat, pompous, mumbling, wanna-be food-hipster has to say.

I eagerly await the day his fat filled heart explodes as he writhes in pain shitting and pissing himself slowing fading into death. Fuck you Roland, fuck you right in your annoying fat-swollen face.

Why is he even on air in the first place? He NEVER delivers.

he delivers the cronuts and that's all that matters

Doesn't deliver the cronut guy though, after HOURS of build up he really fucked up with that one.

a BBQ festival sounds fucking awesome to me.

How does that fact surprise anyone? He's a miserable fat fuck with food addiction. I encourage this behavior in the hopes that an upcoming stroke fixes his speech impediment or kills him.

I don't want any harm to come to him, I just wish he didn't do booking for the show and didn't come on air. He books terrible uninteresting guests by the boatload to get 1 good guest. No ones favorite part of the show is when fucking Hugh Jackman comes in, it is shooting the shit with other comedians or just O&A&J.

The boys can't interview big name guests anyways. It's mostly ass licking and how can you act without using your hands questions. We get it.

They're not a Sir Paul McCartney calibre show...

How about Jimmy's one really super detailed 45 second long question to each guest, where he makes it look like he REALLY prepped for the interview for atleast 12 minutes on Wikipedia? I love those. He puts on that serious Jimmy voice.

That mock serious tone, like anybody's that worried about him.

I'm punching the next fat person I see in the face.

If I read this thread about myself I would feel like shit.

Unlike Roland you have a soul.

Kickstart a fund so he can go to the Texas fair. They deep fry EVERYTHING there.

It's true. We even have fried coca-cola.

Honestly not many people make me want to write on Reddit about how I hate them but Roland, is the exception. He is a worthless Greaseback whale, his voice is so squeaky because he is part Orca. I seriously hope a really strong stranger high five's RO RO on the Subway and breaks his turkey arm, causing a stroke, heart attack, and blood clotting. The result being 17 stents placed like the California interstate, to move blood throughout that earthquake making land mass, known as Roland...a fat, pompous, know it all "tough guy"....a FrontRunner, obsessed with material culture and whats out in the mainstream, its so sad the blatant need to be liked, yet... Who would fuck this mess?

He's Homer Simpson without the charm but with Cartman's voice.

You can have mini heart attacks, and not even be in enough pain to go to the hospital. I bet he's had several events already, obesity is a good way to have them.

Thank god for downloading the show, so I can fast forward through his mumbling and slobbery comments.

From where do you dl the show?

Every time that bloated dummy says issdelicious I want a bullet to rip through his skull. How many treats do ya need?

I don't want him to die, I would love for him to get the Roger Ebert treatment and lose the ability to taste and eat food. That would be worse than death for that disgusting mess.

I can't even hate I wish I could go to a BBQ festival

Amen brotha. That day is coming too. I can't stand that fat fuck and how everyone tip toes around it. How is it that the show can go on rants about obesity, E-rock's addiction, and nothing gets said about what a fat turd Roland is?

Is it me or does Jimmy fucking hattteee Rolando? When Roland goes into his food soliloquies Jim seems to get petulant, probably because he's killing himself to get in good shape and that dude Roland is just like you know what fuck this lol

Is Jimmy just jelly?

totes jells

BBQ festival? Fuck off. Youre putting meat on a fire, what's festivalish about that?

Too bad this subreddit only represents 20 O&A fans. Everyone else LOVES Roland's food mumbling and booking food guests and listening to celebs eat food. I'm goijg Reddit silent to prove my point. I will only post her a few times per day .

Something I forgot about that I was reminded of during that segment: Erock and Opie think Leinenkugels is a good example of craft brewing.

All the food people he knows are trying their hardest to commit legal murder.

Roland needs a food intervention, one where they show him that vegetables exist.

Could care less if he lives or dies, just don't have him speak on the show. It's gotten to the point I'll immediately pause and skip his segments. HE ENTIIIIIICES ME.

Yeah, he's fat. Yeah, he's retarded. But, wishing death on him is going overboard.

Alright, let's meet in the middle. He has a heart attack, but it's not fatal.

Was this fat fuck really at a BBQ festival for 3 days straight?!

Totally-not-a-fat-fuck here; I'd spend 3 days at a BBQ fest in a second.

Too extreme. The guy's just a talent booker.

I'm with you' he's more sad than anything else. I just wish his mic would stop working.

You wish a talent booker, a staff member of a radioshow, dies in real life because he's an asshole? you must not go outside alot, you'd go insane.

sorry if i'm being literal but you did say 'seriously'.

Alright, let's meet in the middle. He has a heart attack, but it's not fatal.

And his face is left paralyzed forcing him to "eat" through an IV.

And then someone farts in the port.



He should ask @opantxm how he got his

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's a secret that nobody calling the show should ever ask about. Don't do it! Definitely do not ask about the heart attack when you call into the show.


With the constant comments by O&A&J about how a vast majority of their fanbase is extremely fat themselves, I wonder how many people are upvoting this comment because they think "yeah, i'm fat, but at least I'm not morbidly obese"

as if it makes a difference

as if they arent fooling themselves