Melissa Stetten fired from XoJane, blames Anthony for her 'racist' comments

82  2014-06-09 by SXMGirl


She spent her twenties trying to pander to her boyfriends.

Now she'll spend her thirties trying to pander to her employers.

I don't see a huge difference.

In her case boyfriends paid better.

That was uncalled for and I'm sorry.

Reset that clock.

I'm confused, was she the girlfriend that did sexual favors to a Fox News guy while she was living with Ant? Was she the one that fucked a guy in LA while Ant and her were still together? Is she the one that told Ant about how weird Will Sasso was when she dated him, years after she dated Ant yet kept in-touch with her racist boogieman? Don't worry fellas, she has been baptized in feminism now, so all of her past Sins have been cleansed.

She does these impressions, you'd swear it was the real people.

Lets not forget she likes costumes too

Holy shit! reset the apology clock

I can't believe that shite has 92 likes.


She needs a fucking slap.

To be fair, I'm sure the impressions are a lot better when she has her clothes off and is about to fuck you.

Nailed it.

I've checked the comments on XOJane. Melissa tried to whiteknight for herself in the comments section but forgot to switch the account. Someone caught it before she deleted it.


Wow, that is fucking embarrassing.

Holy shit. That is cringier than Bob Levy's call-in's. Humiliating.

Skimming through these comments, I think my favorite is the one from Elizabitch Taylor, who writes: "I fucking knew you were lying about your age."

Also, xoJane is a gig people care about keeping? I thought all this web stuff didn't make any money.

I don't think webstuff makes "huge manhattan office" money like a magazine used to, but it makes "closet in the bronx" money till the loans the owners dad cosigned on don't get paid.

clearly you've never been to Buzzfeed's huge Manhattan office.

lol yucakroo.

If this is real I'll be so fucking happy...

fucking gold. made my day. :D

Ahh, Christ. I couldn't stand to read more than the first two sentences.

Holy shit that's amazing

WOW. That's so sad. Grace and class simply cannot be bought.

Damn! She just simultaneously outed herself as a complete hypocrite and a complete lunatic.

That takes some doin'.

It never ceases to amaze me the depths of crazy a woman will descend to when the world doesn't conform to her delusions about herself. Rather than say "Could these 98% of the people that are trashing me actually have a point?", they just dig in and "fight", but all they wind up doing is digging themselves a deeper hole.

If this was an act, it would be an incredible work of satire.

hahahaha think she'll off herself?

Maybe she was fired because she's an unfunny, uninteresting model.


The bar for model is pretty fucking low these days.

i'd fuck her

But would you take pictures of the act for commercial purposes?

If you actually look at a fashion magazine, a lot of them do look like her. You see that goofy big ear, long head look quite a lot.

She's a little past her modelling years though. If your name isn't a commodity by your late twenties, you're probably done. Way too many hotter, younger girls that don't know shit about the business who will work for half of what you're asking.

I'd fuck her too, but I'd also fuck Sarah Jessica Parker, so it's not saying much, that being said, I do think Melissa's hot.

Stetten's much hotter than the teenage skank Ant flew to after.

Yeah I'd dick her too.

lol exactly I'd fuck Oprah if I could doesn't make a damn difference

I'd draw the line before Oprah.


I'd stand behind the line you drew and shoot my cum on Oprah's face like a horny commando with a sniper rifle.

Sarah Jessica Parker

I'd fuck SJP!

Esssss Jayyyyy Peeeeeeeeeeee!

Haychhhhh Ohhhhhh Areeeeee Esssss Eyyyyyyyyyyy

every single O&A fan I follow on twitter follows her.

People follow a sad fuck pretending to be Ant's cat as well.

Why would you follow an O&A fan?

I follow Stevey Knight.

Who wouldn't follow that beautiful, stuttering prick?

any time I see someone with a WOW on their pic, I follow them. they tend to be funnier than the other common interest people I follow.

Danny and her should just meet over coffee, talk about Anthony, and then have a good cry together. Then the healing process can begin.

They can share stories about how big Ant's dick is.

Maybe he can get her an entry level job at Rockstar, he's probably worked his way up to shift manager at this point.

what's the whole story with danny? i keep seeing references to some tension between him and others, and i'm just curious (and nosy i guess). who is he mad at and why exactly?

He's a passive-aggressive bitch that alienated and argued with nearly everyone on the show (including Patrice), and eventually Ant as well, who was the person that stuck up for him the most. Most of his friends on facebook are O+A listeners, but even when he was working there if someone mentioned or quoted the show he'd jump all over them. Claims not to care what anyone thinks, but says it so often about O+A related stuff, that you can tell he's deeply hurt.

Has Danny ever explained why he's the victim when he got his own ass fired? Why the hell would anybody with a brain keep pressing their luck and expecting their bosses to bail them out?

Probably already had the Rockstar gig lined up and was hoping it would be interesting for the show.

So why is the thumbnail of a baby suckin on big tits? And where do I find a larger image?

Get a girl pregnant.

This needs to be answered.

I was thinking it was a balding octo-tittied mom, but I could be wrong.

thats why i clicked this shit article.

Right click/Save as

Google image search



Or here.

Jesus! Better left as a thumbnail!

Yeah, that was a little disappointing.

Ohhh jeeeeeziz

It's from that honest breastfeeding photo series. It must be the thumbnail for all links to XOJane

She 's claiming it was all jokes? She's lucky no one posted the audio of that Live From The Compound to YouTube where she angrily compared the girls Ant was giving money to, to black people. I found it on a file hosting site a couple of weeks ago. "You might as well give the money to fucking niggers then..." "...Because they just fucking buy drugs with it. Sit around smoking weed."

That's what happens when you don't have a personality of your own and you're trying to impress Anthony Cumia.

Like most of the listeners.

Upload it to make sure she doesn't get a job at Gawker.

I'm not going to upload it. Her bullshit annoys me, but she's already been fired for something she tweeted years ago.

Ha! Never seen that before.

please post a link or IM it

That's funny because isn't' sitting around smoking weed all he did for pretty much all of highschool? He's racist for a lot of reasons, but she might have found the only stereotype he doesn't care about.

Making jokes at the expense of others is something I’m very ashamed of.

That's a gem.

Let's be honest guys, it's all fun and games until someone's feelings are hurt. That's where I personally draw the line.

Nah, it is all fun and games until the career is on the line. Then "Words Hurt."

Agree, Jewy Kikestein.

i agree, colin!

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will get me fired.

It's like the pendulum is swinging back the other way.


Best get out of moyyyyyyy way

How do you date Anthony Fucking Cumia, reap all the benefits, and then go on to become a feminist blogger? Aw shucks guys, guess I was just blinded by all that white privaledge at the time, turns out equal rights and stuff are actually good! I totally get it now!

Edit: After listening to the commentary, Jim changed my view a little, I do think it was bullshit that she was fired, I just wanted to make fun of her for being that naive. Fuck her, but fuck that site way more.

Reap the benefits? Those were consolation prizes for having to fuck an old man.

I hate people who don't take responsibility for their own actions. Own up to it.

Cut to 2014 and I’m writing articles about accused rapists and criticizing men for saying degrading things about women. I’m the definition of a hypocrite.

Sounds like owning up to me.

She blamed Ant in the first few paragraphs

I didn't see it as "blaming" so much as providing context for the remarks. It's not like she's saying Anthony brainwashed or corrupted her— she even says she was originally drawn to him because she found his dark humor amusing.

Why even bring him up though?

Because he's still the biggest name she's ever been associated with.


And she said she wasn't blaming him.

Fuck her, and fuck XoJane. That giant beast Mandy Stedmemitll or whatever was on with that Duke Pornstar cunt and she was also unbearable.

Fucking cunts of a fuck cuntbag those two. Any SJW should be shot into sun.

used to work with said beast. she is, in fact, unbearable in real life too.

xojane is pretty much digital fish wrap.

i love how shes blaming her firing on a guy she dated for ONE YEAR FOUR YEARS AGO

Has it been that long? Geez.

having the luxury to change my mind is the definition of privilege

Am I reading this right? She's so stricken with white guilt that she believes that thinking things and then thinking about them differently if she wants to is a privilege? Jesus, I think white people want to be physically and mentally enslaved to show how sorry they are for what a bunch of southerners did 150 years ago.

not to mention condescending. Are non-privileged people too dumb to change their minds or what?

That's the hidden point to all of this: I'm so much smarter than you, I have to punish myself rather than rely on your sense of context to interpret my actions.

I fucked her once. She was squirtin all over the place and stuff.

Fuck yeah! Me too!

It was like niagra falls or sumthin. She was cummin for days or maybe even weeks

No she wasn't, Chip.

Don't think thats true at all

Stetten? How come she aint' staindin or sumthin?

Ah, I remember how backwards we were in those strange old days, four years ago. We were all so young and naive back then. Game of Thrones was in its first season, and Jesse had to kill Gale in Breaking Bad! Ah, how young and foolhardy we were! Barack Obama was entering his third year as President and Osama Bin Laden was still alive living the good life in Pakistan! What a different world it was! I'm so glad we've moved on!

I can't believe the crazy opinions I used to have back then! Now that I'm in my 30s it feels so strange to have once believed that Jaime Lannister was the bad guy. Maybe it was because my girlfriend at the time loved Robb Stark and her hatred of Jaime rubbed off on me. Was I so full of hatred that I wouldn't even consider that maybe.. just maybe Skylar White was in a very difficult situation and any woman would react that way?

Even then I knew deep down that I wasn't a Jaime hater, and Skylar, well, she's a good woman. I always knew it. I know I'm a hypocrite singing their praises now, but please forgive me - it's been almost 4 years and life was so much different back then.

it was a different world then.

To put it in perspective, Justin Bieber's "Baby" was top of the charts. I think they still play it on the Golden Oldies - Best of the 10s.

xojane's very existence gives me hypertension.

Xojane causes my dick hole to prolapse.

I turn on the tube and what do I see  A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me"  They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else  Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves  Victim of this, victim of that  Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat 

Get over it  Get over it  All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit  Get over it, get over it 

You say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash  But you might feel better if I gave you some cash  The more I think about it, Old Billy was right  Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight  You don't want to work, you want to live like a king  But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing 

Get over it  Get over it  If you don't want to play, then you might as well split  Get over it, Get over it 

It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak  You're makin' the most of your losin' streak  Some call it sick, but I call it weak 

You drag it around like a ball and chain  You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain  You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown  Got your mind in the gutter, bringin' everybody down  Complain about the present and blame it on the past  I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass 

Get over it  Get over it  All this bitchin' and moanin' and pitchin' a fit  Get over it, get over it 

Get over it  Get over it  It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit  Get over it, get over it

Awesome poetry, man! Got any more?

Fitting isn't it?

This chick has always been a dunderhead. I used to cringe when she was on LFTC. She tried soooooo hard to be "cool" and "edgy" but in reality she was basically just throwing on slutty outfits, twirling her hair and laughing at Anthonys jokes for an hour. One time she was blowing bubbles in her cocktail and I had to turn the shit off. Fucking annoying try hard.

Blaming Anthony for her racism is such horseshit. Just like that crap she wrote about how Anthony is a "racist, misogynist blah blah blah" right after they broke up. Yeah, no shit he is. And you loved it. So move the fuck on already.

She's also the girl that claimed a married actor hit on her during a flight. I still suspect that was a bullshit act as well. She's a huge attention queen.

Aren't there dozens of hours of her sitting next to Ant on Live from the Compound shows where he (they) are both plastered and ranting about countless topics that would make for uncomfortable questions years down the road?

The comments are such drippy dyke talk, yuck

"so brave, putting the blame on an older white man, you go girl!"

That's an obvious troll.

not an actual quote, I wrote that mockingly

just show tits already.

Cumia did nothing wrong.

Waddle Doodle

i was watching an episode of munchies on the vice channel(shut up) and she was on it. melstet is so incredibly vapid, its odd how she even finds her way to these types of gigs in the first place

I was shocked to find that she was writing for Vice too. I'm not sure how she managed that. And what she was writing was garbage about modeling and shit like that too. "I ate cookies backstage at fashion week and everyone thought i was weird. OMG." Why would they hire her? It makes no sense...

Because when you google her name, you get linked to threads with assholes like us talking about her.

She has a built in audience, no matter how small. She makes her money by mentioning she fucked Anthony.

I guess XOJane has no problem with the fact that she is a domestic abuser, but making a racist comment, that's too far. It's OK to assault your significant other by throwing objects at them, but don't say a bad word.

She just seems like a cunt

Don't worry I will save you Melissa! CUNT!

Isn't this the same bitch who has complained about getting endless messages from pests about rape, breast cancer, and her buck teeth? Does she think such tweets will cease now that she has decided too pass the buck to Anthony for getting canned? Fuck this lack of identity cunt, "I used to be a sh*t head", honey you still are and you deserve every unflattering message coming your way.

I read your comment in RuPaul's voice.

Fuck her for passing the buck instead of being honest, but fuck XoJane even more for firing her (and being XoJane).

Why are we not jocktobering the comments? Have you people lost your souls? Go through Disqus using your jocktober facebooks and let's give this cunt some new jokes to apologize for!

Because she is getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by xoJane commenters already, and it's funny.

Looks like some of us have started.. yay! :) EDIT: Looks like they are deleting stuff pretty fast.

Remember 1984? They brainwash the protagonist, convince him to change his thoughts and apologize for how he used to think.

And then they blow his brains out.

1984? isn't that the book written by a socialist?

No, it was written by an anti-totalitarian.

Seventy years ago he wrote about O&A's apology clock bit:

“In a society in which there is no law, and in theory no compulsion, the only arbiter of behaviour is public opinion. But public opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals is less tolerant than any system of law. When human beings are governed by “thou shalt not”, the individual can practise a certain amount of eccentricity: when they are supposedly governed by “love” or “reason”, he is under continuous pressure to make him behave and think in exactly the same way as everyone else.”

He was a fucking socialist you dumb shit. That's the joke.

"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it."

No, he was an anti-totalitarian ... you dumb shit, cos apparently that's what we're calling people we don't know now. And you attempted a joke, you didn't land a joke, that's different. We all saw it, we all recognized the form, we just didn't laugh.

Anti-totalitarian outranks and obscures any of your tired-out one-dimensional artificial dichotomies. It's about up/down, not left/right ... so a mid-twentieth century socialist anti-totalitarian is just an anti-totalitarian. That's how it works.

You want to go round and round again, or do you just want to leave it at two comments each?

lol this guy felt so smart after writing this, nobody's impressed, use cunt more.'re willingly ignoring what the man actually was because it doesn't fit your viewpoint/agenda?


Did you do a lol, did you? Did you really lol? I don't think I believe that.

No, I made it quite clear what he was. I described exactly what he was. There was nothing ignored. He was a man, full of marked contradictions, looking for realistic answers, taking his best shot at squaring the circle, but throughout both his physical, intellectual and ideological journeys was guided principally and above all else by a basic anti-totalitarian thread which never wavered and only ever strengthened. That was his most singular and overwhelming defining characteristic.

He says, "Capitalism leads to dole queues, the scramble for markets, and war. Collectivism leads to concentration camps, leader-worship and war"

I'd take one anti-totalitarian socialist, over twenty anti-socialists who aren't quite so concerned about totalitarian danger. Any day. So should you.

To glibly dismiss a thinker who saw as many of the angles as he did, as something as simpleminded and one-dimensional as 'socialist', is an unjustifiable disservice to the quality of his writings.

"As we moved slowly through the outskirts of the town we passed row after row of little grey slum houses running at right angles to the embankment. At the back of one of the houses a young woman was kneeling on the stones, poking a stick up the leaden waste pipe which ran from the sink inside and which I suppose was blocked. I had time to see everything about her – her sacking apron, her clumsy clogs, her arms reddened by the cold. She looked up as the train passed, and I was almost near enough to catch her eye. She had a round pale face, the usual exhausted face of the slum girl who is 25 and looks 40, thanks to miscarriages and drudgery; and it wore, for the second in which I saw it, the most desolate, hopeless expression I have ever seen. It struck me then that we are mistaken when we say that “It isn’t the same for them as it would be for us”, and that people bred in the slums can imagine nothing but the slums. For what I saw in her face was not the ignorant suffering of an animal. She knew well enough what was happening to her – understood as well as I did how dreadful a destiny it was to be kneeling there in the bitter cold, on the slimy stones of a slum backyard, poking a stick up a foul drainpipe."

The thing I posted was a direct quote from his essay, Why I Write.

But please keep writing multiple paragraphs on why he isn't a socialist because it doesn't it fit your twisted definition of socialist. I'm waiting with bated breath.

  • btw i'm not dismissing him. i just find humor in certain people quoting a socialist on (what they think are) the dangers of socialism (a thing that usually isn't even socialism but whatever the neoliberals are doing at the moment)

What the fuck are you talking about?

Seriously, you now choose to reveal you've been wasting my fucking time thus far, boasting of your wilful confusion and massive unwarranted fuckin' deliberate misapprehension of what I have written here.

I refuse to rewrite it, or rephrase it, or repeat it till you figure out what exactly I have been saying. But here's a fucking clue. I said it doesn't matter if he was a socialist, whatever that outmoded overbroad pointless label may or may not mean; It only matters he was an anti-totalitarian. That was his overarching critical insight.

Now go back and re-read what I wrote, and read it properly this time you thick cunt, and keep re-reading it, and don't come back here till you have the beginnings of a much better appreciation of the actual point being discussed here.

But it will be a while, because based on your second sentence, you currently have zero fucking clue as to what this discussion was even about.

The only thing that matters is what you says matters.

I understand now. (But do you?)

You are not good at this are you?

You just spent the last two hours calling me "shit-head" and stomping your feet because I had the temerity to express a contrary opinion to you on the relative weights of Orwell's views on the technicalities of centralised planning versus his clearly more important views on murderous totalitarianism.

And you choose to, utterly un-ironically, attempt to then pull a "The only thing that matters is what you says matters" as some sort of sign off?

And you thought you'd get away with that ... have you got rocks in your fucking skull that you didn't see how easily I'd pull the legs out from under that gasping, desperate tactic, and turn it straight back.

The good guys at this sort of thing look more than one move ahead.

But thanks to your latest clumsy reply, I can agree, I think we have now unambiguously identified the cunt in this thread. Congratulations you intolerant aggressive myopic narrow-minded cunt.


I wished I lived in your bizarro world. You outright dismiss facts because they don't fit your world view, you are completely unaware of the irony in quoting Orwell while telling me minutes later that the only facts about him that matter are the ones you deem suitable and you actually think you won an argument (is that what this was?) because you dropped a couple of paragraphs littered with big words without realizing that you worked yourself up over a joke/trap post.

(and no i didn't literally laugh out loud and yet i still used it. weird)

democratic socialism <> totalinarianism

where does it say that she was fired? (honest question)

"Unfortunately, Melissa also made a comment on Twitter today that undermined her entire apology. After careful consideration, we've decided that we can no longer work with Melissa as a contributor for this reason. "

What did she tweet?

From the comments section: That Andy Warhol quote should be updated to "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes from being accused of racism."

What an idiot. Did she fail to realize that she was forced to make an apology because of shit she's said years ago? The last thing you do is make fun of that apology. In the end, she showed that Anthony didn't make her a piece of shit, she was already one.

What a retarded bitch

Patrice would've had a field day with this one

First someone would have to bring him up to speed and as they were telling the story he would be like, "wait...aint that the bitch Anthony used to fuck?" then giant Patrice happy laugh for 30 seconds followed by Patrice trashing her for a few minutes.

"that goofy bitch Anthony used to fuck?"

I heard it in the Patrice voice, and it rocked.

I think first you'd have to dig him up

Or a house day

She is a cunt who thinks she is too hot for everyone

Someone tell Opie to hit the reset button on the apology clock. This bit is going to go on for years.


One time I called her a fat cunt when I called in to the compound, I'm glad I don't feel any differently today.

There is nothing more disgusting than this whore trying to make it like she was in a daze of sexist and mysogynystic jokes. You were 26 BITCH. It's not like you were 17.

God, these bitches are the worst

Fake bitch. Feminists are not very bright people. Melissa has added herself as another exemple to that big list.

Is she making an apology? I guess we need to reset the apology clock.

maybe she should stop trying to blame everyone else for her problems and get o'er it.

Now people in the comments are calling out other writers for "racist" stuff they tweeted. Watch it all burn.


She's just a dumb bitch. She shouldn't be blaming anyone or playing a sympathy card. The desperation and grovelling is tedious. However she shouldn't be fired whatsoever, she's actually perfect for that shitty site.

She's a fucking phony. She was a hanger-on / gold digger then, and now she is trying to be a phony progressive 'social justice' person.


The official statement from XoJane stating she was let go.

Do not go to the comment section. Idiot holes all over.

Fucking cunts

What a shit fuck.

she's a shit fuck who needs a shit dick.

Could not have said it better myself.

The definition of a cunt. She apologized by blaming someone else. Fuck her.

What a giant fucking phoney.

The entire notion that any joke she made ever actually hurt anyone is bullshit to begin with. The fact that she then had to publicly reject all of the jokes she made, acknowledge that they somehow hurt someone, and try to explain away why she didn't see at the time how hurtful they were is just going further down the rabbit hole of bullshit. She should have said that they were jokes and if anyone has a problem with jokes it's THEIR problem, not hers. She ended up being fired anyway, she could've at least been honest.


Posted the link above.

She's not wrong she's just an asshole

I like that her title reads that she "used to be a shithead" as if that's changed at all.

I don't know what is better: that she uses the feminist angle to blame Ant for her own actions, or that she went back on it later on Twitter and expected nobody to notice. She's not only a tool, but a complete idiot as well.

Ant, date smarter women.

I miss Melinda

Ant probably does as well.

She dated rich men outside her age group, and she is about done as a model. She has absolutely nothing to fall back on, besides marrying some 50-something millionaire thrice-divorced douchebag LA lawyer, agent, or producer.

I actually have to give Ant credit. Being 30 years old, I would've been irate if she aired our private conversations in a magazine. Ant took it as a joke. I guess being a millionaire and fucking desperate, wacked-out whores has its privileges in that you can just shrug it off.

What a bitch.

Did she actually get fired for this?

Not that I've kept up with her, but she seemed fun when dating Anthony

In the words of Anthony "you made your bed now fuck everyone in it"

used to be a shithead? bitch, please

So I wonder if this whole story was more of her attention clowning bullshit.

I won't use the word whore because she's offensive to whores.

She's now taken to talking shit about xoJane on her own website. She'll never learn. This woman is toxic.


So what did she tweet today that got her canned?

A picture of her asshole and pussy lips with the caption 'No Minorities Allowed in Here'

That Andy Warhol quote should be updated to: “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes from being accused of racism.”



I guess Anthony will have to apologize now.

I always thought the Beavis Cumia twitter was Stetten. Hope they don't see some of those tweets if it really is her...

This wouldn't have happened if Melissa had to her own self been true. She's a chameleon.

Comment, Mandy?

Using a hate site like XO Jane to apologize for hateful remarks is kind of odd.


She's racist and meant those tweets. She's just hiding behind the apology.

Ant doesn't mind being called racist, even though he's more racially aware than racist.

I didn't feel like she was blaming him, so much as admitting her own weak personality. She's not unlike some of the pests (or even people in this sub) who will put out repugnant insults and wishes behind their anonymity. For instance, the inevitable rape threats received by almost any women who disagrees with O&A (pink socks, etc, ad nauseum). The difference is she never pretended to be someone else--her repugnant views and dumb jokes were under her own name.

You realise this means the apology bit will go on for eternity now? I want a fucking apology for that.

Didn't she also live tweet as Brian Presley (an actor) tried to hit on her while drunk on a plane and talking about his wife and children? Only afterwards it transpired she invented it all while he was asleep next to her?

I don't see she is fired.

'Used' to be?

She just not good writer

She's already got a bigger career headstart from the show than 90% of the local standup comics in NYC. Now she's complaining about being influenced by Anthony's sense of humor? Give me a fucking break.

You go girl

From the comments section: That Andy Warhol quote should be updated to "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes from being accused of racism."

I didn't see it as "blaming" so much as providing context for the remarks. It's not like she's saying Anthony brainwashed or corrupted her— she even says she was originally drawn to him because she found his dark humor amusing.

"that goofy bitch Anthony used to fuck?"

I think first you'd have to dig him up

Fucking cunts

And she said she wasn't blaming him.