nevermind that opie cartoon i was gonna do.. gonna be doing my own cartoon that has nothing to do with o&a

0  2014-06-08 by [deleted]

Was lotsa fun but i could picture erock being a little bitch about his fat cartoon character. So putting the brakes on it before it gets going. Plus just the whole parody law crap and how o&a could shut me down for using their likeness.. meh..

Have several dozen episode ideas so what i'm gonna do is sack that whole o&a angle and make up my own new cartoon characters doing crazy nsfw cartoon shit.. heh.. Then i'll make my own subreddit. Not too worried about traffic being slow at the start, if its whacky then it'll get going. Not too concerned.

If i get some good shit i might toss a plug over and you amusing trolls can come bash the shit out of it. Should be funny.. hehh.. Might be there faster than i think too.. if i get half a dozen episodes i might say hey over here. So could be about a week. Might take a month though. Might not need you assholes so perhaps never come back. lol 3rd time could the charm, eh flunk prick? ta-ta for now and fuck you all.... lol.