O&A finally talk last week's Game Of Thrones!

10  2014-06-05 by dianakurlan2


Man, did Opie shut that shit down or what! We want to talk about graphic death on HBO shows, not your fucking kid!

He has to make it about himself, instead of having any sort of funny momentum start building, the fucking cunt.

Hopefully they revisit the topic. I would love to have an entire break devoted to talking about cool current shows and movies.

If they're gonna watch TV on the radio, it might as well be stuff like HBO, AMC and FX. I'd love to hear a Fargo break.

I think they're afraid of spoilers

Ant wasnt afraid of spoiling shit the day after the Breaking Bad finale.

Yea and he got a lot of shit for it. Probably why they walk on egg shells to not spoil anything.

I've been DYING to hear them talk about Game of Thrones in depth then this faggotry happens.

I still remember when Jimmy made that hilarious joke about Tyrion dressing in a bunny suit and dancing around.

This week he had a good one where he asked Lady Di if her pussy had the same name as Theon Greyjoy

I normally don't mind when Opie brings up his kids. most of us are parents and can somewhat relate. BUT he totally derailed that discussion. i would love to hear their take on one my favorite shows (an awesome scene btw). they don't really even talk about TV shows anymore.

They still talk about shows, just the ones that Opie watches like The View and Ellen.

ugh, who gives a fuck about your baby?

Opie really ground it to a halt because he knew he couldnt add to the conversation. Idiot.

Nobody cares about Greg's children! When will he ever learn?!

Im usually ok with GH, but dear god was that fucking awful.

This is the type of shit that makes me almost agree with the opie hate.

"This video is unavailable on this platform"

What the fuck is this shit?

Iphone? It opened fine in the AlienBlue app for reddit and also McTube the YouTube app. Safari gave the same error as you.

Actually a nexus 10 with the YouTube app

I'm beginning to wonder if it's something to do with the length of the YouTube video. Usually it's the longer ones which refuse to play on mobile devices - which is fucking infuriating.

I figured it out: most of you are nerds.

I know, "No shit, I'm on reddit." Thought I found an enclave for a minute.

call me a nerd again and ill beat ur ass fgt u wana fight? bitch say it again


I bet most people here like football and all that shit. This is a more blue collar Reddit than most.

He has to make it about himself, instead of having any sort of funny momentum start building, the fucking cunt.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's something to do with the length of the YouTube video. Usually it's the longer ones which refuse to play on mobile devices - which is fucking infuriating.