If you're getting tired of O&A, I suggest listening to Ron and Fez

23  2014-06-05 by EskimoEscrow

If you've never heard the show, it's a perfect alternative to O&A. Plus they've been having a great week.


I can't remember the last time I've heard a bad R&F show

I think you mean

The Ron & Fez Show on Raw Dog SiriusXM Comedy Hits 99!!!


This guy gets it.

I stopped listening to R&F again recently because as much as people say that O&A have given up and are mailing it in, R&F had become borderline unlistenable. Fez was doing nothing, Ron was stuck giving interviews (most of them lackluster) to middle-act comedians and when he wasn't doing that he was piling on Chris Tanley for not reading his mind. Shelby lost his Moxie about two weeks into the permanent gig. The bits were uninspired (hour long unscreened foam balls, "What's in the Box".

The staff seemed to stop giving a shit about creating compelling radio.

But...but..I love unscreened foam balls.

untouched fez balls

Sucks u getting downvoted but I'm totally with u on this post.

Ron and Fez has a much more relaxed atmosphere and it's more organic than on O&A when they're trying to say good one liners or be the funniest. Plus Pepper Hicks!

My little formula:

Oand A shows for driving, where your attention will be focused to the show.

Ron and fez while I do HW or study, slower pace and just shooting the shit

Have they fired fez yet ? I used to love the show but when Fez went downhill the show followed. Ronny B is still amazing but its hard for one man to carry the show.

They need to get rid of Fez, cut the fat

cut the fat

Erock doesn't even work on their show!

They can't really make fat jokes on Ron and Fez. Almost everyone working for that show is a fat fuck chair-breaker.


Fuck you

I loved how fez is a complete wreck for about 2 weeks.

then i just want some form of discussion to happen and tune out for long periods of time

I haven't listened to any R&F since Fez came back. Honestly, with the question of whether or not he'll resign being resolved, I kinda lost interest. How is Fez lately, is he actually participating?

Well, he had a heart attack if that counts...

Another? Does that make three so far?

and 10 stents. one of my favourite Ron and Fez moments was when Ron finally broke down and called Fez an his bullshit about half a year ago.

That is EVERYONE'S favorite moment.

If anyone is looking for a great archive of R&F let me know...i found 2005-current

Tried in the past but I always felt that there's zero energy, which results in zero entertainment. It's monumentally boring.

At first. Once you get used to it, you'll start laughing at dead air.

So it's a bit?

It's a different vibe. More relaxed but all the laughs are definitely there once you get used to it

I listened to them religiously on WNEW back in the oldern days. I tried listening a few times since they moved to SXM and it's just not for me any more. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

The lack of energy is the entertainment. I fucking howl at dead air. The logner it goes the harder I laugh.

It's relaxed

Any good youtube clips for someone who's never listened to the show?

Anything with East Side Dave, Black Earl, or Paul O.
Disco Dog is a great uploader. But to start, I'd recommend listening to Louis CK demolish Paul O (Ron & Fez's insane 'movie reviewer') - Then move on to the aftermath on R&F.
Here are some others:
Paul O's Insane Wife in Studio
The Best of Fez on Xanax
Black Earl's Grandmother
Fez says "Cakehorn"
Will Fez's Cat say Cookie?
Listening To Ron & Fez Staff Hypnotized To Be O&A

The thing is though that these clips aren't representative of the current show. What the show used to be, yes, but this is like trying to get someone into O&A today based on clips from the early XM days, it's just not the same show.

edit: with the exception of the Cakehorn bit.

What about the fighting toddlers or the eating babies ones?


I'm not a R&F fan, and I personally don't like some of those clips above, but this clip made me laugh as much as any clip I've heard from any radio show: The Drug Store Jokester

You would probably enjoy my favorite short clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9L6MRL74Vo

If you get tired of repeated schtick, you’ll love Fez. He’s constantly reinventing the same shit on a different day.

Fez isn't a standalone fruit

i started listening on and off about six months ago during the fez drama. been hooked as a regular for the past fe months. shelby makes me laugh a lot and ron is most likely a comedic genius. fez is funny as shit when he doesnt try too hard. pepper hicks sucks salty dicks.

do they have replays yet? their audience would improve drastically if more people had the option to hear them at different times.

No replays yet. Bosses don't want to cut into a 10 year old Jeff Foxworthy bit that has been played 10000x over on the channel

Not yet, they've been pressuring the bosses to get it done. I catch them though the online player on demand.

Disclaimer: it doesn't get any better on R&F. F anything it gets worse. And I say that as a listener of 10+ years. The Raw Dog move killed the show... Well tht and Tim Sabean forcing Jeffrey Gurian down our throats on a weekly basis. WARNING: STAY AWAY

do you know if Gurian is still there? I stopped listening a week after he started calling in.

He shows up at least once a week for an hour or more. I refuse to listen to his segments. He even started referring to R&F as "my show" on twitter and the comics he brings in as "my guests" acting as if he's the star. Soooo hateable.

Are you fucking serious? "My" show? I want to stab that little cunt.

It is too bad they don't replay it at all. I'm never in my car when they are on. Looks like I'll be looking for something to listen to during Fridays 3-6, so maybe it is time to download Ron and Fez from somewhere.

No thanks.

I'm enjoying the O&A show.

Is Shelby still on there? That nigga be a funny mo'fucker.

He is, but since going full time he has lost some of his luster and Ron has lost all patience with him similar to how he is with Fez.

Moved from O&A to R&F this week. Really enjoying it.

When a friend first recommended O&A to me I accidentally tuned in to R&F and assumed that was what he was recommending. Listened to it for quite a while before I figured out I was listening to the wrong show.

I wish Ron, Jim and Anthony would have a show and leave Sam and Opie alone to jerk each other off.

If you're getting tired of O&A fuck off, and find a new show. Enough with the Ant and Jimmy fanboy dick sucking that goes on around here too. We get it Opie sucks and Jimmy or Ant never make bad points, repeat themselves, use crutch words, or gravel on about gun control, george zimmerman, addiction, the redskins name, or niggers over and over until its no longer funny. And no I don't want to switch to Ron and Fez. Why so I can hear Fez cry about how people yell faggot, and how Ronnie B. is a codependent fat fuck that should of gotten rid of Fez years, and years ago. Plus the two sidekicks chris pepper hicks, and the other guy are terrible. Only good when comedians like big jay come on.

oh and any faggots that come on here and talk about how there done with the show. GOOD. WE GET IT. WE HEARD YOU! Now fuck off. I swear no show has changed more than Sterns over the years, and his biggest fans aren't this bad.

...or gravel on about gun control....

Concrete really is the only way to go.


It sounds like you don't like either show

No I like O&A just tired of these inconsistent faggots that do nothing but bitch about the show. We get it you want your criticism heard. We heard it the first 11 million times. Now go listen to R&F and fuck off. You aren't needed or wanted. Plenty of people still enjoy the show.

You might wanna check around a little more. Jimmy gets trashed for his political talk and his unsolicited addiction advice all the time. It seems like you needta calm your nerves a bit though. It's just internet discussion about a radio show. How can your feelings be getting hurt?

If anything, the subreddit has become overwhelmingly negative due to all the radio experts on the internet...the pissy fan-entitlement tantrum to ballwashing ratio has got to be 10:1. I too don't understand why this guy is getting so incredibly upset.

Beats me. I usually just try to crack a few jokes here and there. I have also left some criticisms but I leave compliments about the shit I like too. Either way I never read a comment on here that made me mad. That's kinda weird.

This is so true. Fuck the haters

This place has been infiltrated by Hoo Hoo lovers. That's the problem.

I invented the HooHoo. Tell em Fred. Robin, show those marvelous 80 year old cans. Hoohoo.

The Opie lovers pretend that Ant and Jim NEVER get criticized. thermitepaint has been particularly whiny lately.

But let's just say that Opie is the only person that ever got trashed. Why would that make you mad anyways? It's a radio program and a bunch of fans just talkin about it on the internet. No big deal. I'm a Steelers fan and when people trash the Steelers I don't get mad. I think it's fun to debate and hear both sides of an issue and talk shit back and forth and joke around. Why take it personally? A little trick of the trade for the uninitiated: If you are on the internet and you start getting pissed off by what you are seeing, just go to a porn site and have a nice angry jerkoff session. Problem solved.

Go suck a dick faggot.

I'll expect to hear about your apology on the show Monday, Jack!


Settle down, tough guy. You get way too worked up about a radio show.


now I picture him as Marion the "tough guy,"

also, just for fun, remember when Bob Levy kept calling Lady Di a fucking guy:


i loved that. and that was before the internship, and the revelations of her crack use and Navy AWOL record, and crazy vomiting in the sink completely naked in front of ugly Betty.

You can talk shit about O&A

You can talk shit about Lil Jimmy

You can talk shit about Ron, Fez and Hicks

But don't you ever, and I mean EVER, speak poorly about that DSL having sweet sweet young man Shelby!

But in all honesty you sound like an angry preteen, cool your jets brah.

It's unfair to call Ronnie co-dependent. He could do a show by himself and still do an amazing job. He came up with Fez before the guy lost his mind, and has been loyal to him to a fault. How would opie or anthony handle it if one of them totally lost their shit one day? Ron is a brilliant radio personality and incredibly under appreciated at the company. And if you respect O+A so much, why are they such big fans of Ron? Because they know how talented he is. Sooooooooo your dumb. And scene.

So because O&A like R&F then I should? That makes no sense. I enjoy the O&A show that doesn't mean I have to like everything they do. Opie & Anthony like a lot of shitty music so I guess I should like whatever they listen too? Also, Ronnie gives a good interview I've never denied that, and he's not a bad radio personality but he's still a co dependent fat fuck that needs to cut Fez loose and his 3rd and 4th mic sucks.

Relax brah it's just a dumb radio show

Looking at your profile, you seem like a very angry dude. Maybe you should chill out and watch R&F? Have you tried it? ;D

The only issue I took with your post was that Ron was co-dependent, which is just inaccurate. Is he an enabler? Yes, but he could easily do a show without Fez. I too wish he would get rid of fezzy.

Hey that's interesting and all, but I have children and...

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU. Ron and Fez is awesome. Ronnie B is hilareious and so is Fez.


Esd sucks too.

Most of the Opie bashing is funny and not very serious. Sorry, you can't pick up on people's tone on here, but most stuff on here is lighthearted - at least that's how I take it.

I'm pissed too. This place has been infiltrated with Hoo Hoo lovers and treasonous O&A Army members.