Opie has no time for tv because... kids

12  2014-06-05 by 55gallondrum

Seriously what the fuck. This is the tenth time I've heard him say this. I have two kids - four years old and eight months. Both my wife and I work full time. By 8:00, both kids are in bed. The rest of the night is free. But somehow the multi-millionaire who gets driven to work and talks for four hours a day JUST CAN'T FIND THE TIME.

He actually thinks his life is 'hard' because he has two kids. Ugh.


replace 'time' with 'energy. he's a fucking old ass man that decided to have kids at 50. make no mistake. I am not defending him, i just think he's a stupid asshole.

You're making harsher posts less frequently. Where's your drive maaaan?

He only trashes Opie Monday-Thursday now

He's the hero we deserve, not the hero we need.

Like Opie this faggots shtick is old so its burnt out and no one cares.

i'll take the harsh criticism if it shits on the Opster in return.

Your comments have passed him by.

Thermitepaint inadvertently shits on Opie while trying to defend him all the time.

At least his kid won't have to suffer his bullshit for too long. The opester will be dead before the kid finishes high school.

He killed a Game of Thrones discussion today with this statement. Since he can't watch the show I guess the others can't talk about it.

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about his little bastards.


(except every day)

Jesus I just fucking heard the game of thrones bit, his voice when he tries bringing it back to him, fuck this guy, he's a joke.

Didn't Ant worry about him being THAT GUY when Opie announced he was getting married, and wanted kids?

I feel for him, though - I'm around his age, and he's got two toddlers, that's brutal. Don't forget, the kids don't live on radio broadcaster hours, they live normal lives, so it's not like he can just wait until 8pm and then watch a couple hours of shows.

He's going to be almost 70 when those kids are teenagers. I gave up on kids when I hit 40, I didn't want to be the old guy at the playground, and I didn't want to leave a couple of kids fatherless at a young age.

You mean no self-respecting woman wanted to fuck you, got it

HUr! You got me there! Yup!



Attention deprived cunt talks big, hopes no-one notices.

Tear stained lonely virgin in real life, needs a cartoon tough guy fantasy persona to try to make it bearable. Fools no-one.

It's not right, it never will be, end it.

Was annoying when he did that, completely derailed the conversation.

Don't let the Opester fool you. He isn't tired and busy because of his kids. Its because he spends most of his time checking Twitter, doing subpar photography and stealing images from 2002 frat boy posters for his T-shirts. He doesn't even know his kids' names.

Checkin' his numbas.

something tells me the little guy runs the opster's house and does as he wants and doesnt get told no very much from his babysitter dad

Little guy and the wife. He seems like such a pussy In his house.

When does Lynsi start fucking someone else?

did *

Probably immediately after their wedding night

When Danny Ross-Rothstein grows a cock.

For a former employee you sure care a lot about this show.

He sounds like such an old woman.

He loves his GMA, though

He has time to edit his unfunny videos

Yeah, right. I doubt that fucking idiot edits his videos. He probably pays someone to do it.

So basically someone else raises your kids for you and your cunt wife? Can't wait til they're serial killers or child rapists. Just save us all some time and drive your whole family into a lake.


Yeah, ol' Shakes don't play.


Attention deprived cunt talks big, hopes no-one notices.

Tear stained lonely virgin in real life, needs a cartoon tough guy fantasy persona to try to make it bearable. Fools no-one.

It's not right, it never will be, end it.

He didn't watch TV before he had kids either. He's a an appallingly dull person who's only capable of enjoying sports.

False. He doesn't watch sports. He watches shit like The View and American Idol.

and Golf...fucking ugg! DIE OPIE!

He literally cant tell a story about being around his kids without bringing up that he had to "check his numbers".

Worst dad ever.

He doesn't watch any compelling television. His idea of entertainment is Bad Girls Club and AGT. He was lame as a kid (road sodas) and he's even lamer as a man in his 50s.

More like his wife holds the remote and he just watched whatever she wants while he tends the house and the kids.

He's got one worse then "road sodas", fucking "wobbly pops". What a faggot!

Both my wife and I work full time.


But he had time to make that AWESOME video of the guy playing a clarinet on the subway and then he dubbed his voice into it. Amazing!


theres nothing worst than an adult male talking about the ages of his kids.


It was meant to give context. Our kids are roughly the same age. Are you that dumb?

lmao you have shitty kids.

Are you that dumb? apparently you are for responding

  • Dowvote if you agree


People live different lives so why would you expect there's to be like yours? You probably have nights after the kids go to bed. I imagine Opie goes to bed with the kids if he's gotta get up. He always says he can't stay up like Ant. Also, I would imagine having kids is pretty hard? I mean that's why I don't got them. Maybe you just aren't raising your kids as well as Opie does? I think that's probably it.

None of this makes sense.

Then you're an idiot and I see why you suck as a parent. It's pretty simple to comprehend. He's not a fat fucking douchebag sitting in front of the TV after work and he goes to bed early. Ultimately a far better parent than you. Plus do you even realize what you're bitching about. I mean really you sound like a fag right now.


edit: my favorite part of this is that you are almost positively 250+ pounds.

I bet your wife is pushing 250 after shitting out that little burden of a child though.

Haha, you sound like you're pretty fulfilled in life.

So she's be bigger than 250 then, got it...have you given up hope of ever seeing her puss again? I bet it's stank as fuck down there.

98 pounds. Take the weight of your tits and divide by three.

lol yeah right. We're not talking about one of your legs that you jizz all over at night...talking about the baby factory you've turned your sow wife's cunt into.

Attention deprived cunt talks big, hopes no-one notices.

Tear stained lonely virgin in real life, needs a cartoon tough guy fantasy persona to try to make it bearable. Fools no-one.

It's not right, it never will be, end it.

Uhh yeah no.

No, he's right. Fatty.


"I mean you really sound like a fag right now."

Dude, you sound like a fag right now.

WHOA! I'm going to need a deep apology from you both right now for using that language.

Terrific comeback. They should have you on the show.

They should have you in a coffin.

By far better parent, you mean of course trying to leave his kids in the other room while he and the wife watch tv shows that are either full of tits and violence, or whatever stupid collection of whores the wife wants to watch. Yes, clearly the superior parent

Apparently you can't pick up on a joke. Its passed you by. How would I know what kind of parent Opie, or the person that made this thread really is?

No, i get jokes, they‘re usually funny. You being a fuckhead towards someone, then calling joke when people shit on you is a pretty lame tactic.

Nah not really since there's no way to know what kind of parent he is and I don't even know him I'd say he was hardly shit on.

Opie is barely a "far better parent" than Casey Anthony.

Like Opie this faggots shtick is old so its burnt out and no one cares.

Little guy and the wife. He seems like such a pussy In his house.

He's the hero we deserve, not the hero we need.

He only trashes Opie Monday-Thursday now

More like his wife holds the remote and he just watched whatever she wants while he tends the house and the kids.

Checkin' his numbas.

He's got one worse then "road sodas", fucking "wobbly pops". What a faggot!