Sam's new live Friday show starts tomorrow at 3pm ET

0  2014-06-05 by stevenknight

Who'll be tuning in?


I'd rather be dead.

No thank you. I'd rather hear my only child's death rattle.

Probably the prisoners at Gitmo as the guards pipe the broadcast into their cells as a form of torture.

That's why they let those 5 Taliban commanders go. The Shit Show is considered inhumane.

Alex Jones will pick that story up and run with it on

Mildly entertaining insider shit stirring and wrestling talk, I'm totally blocking off my calendar for this.

I'll be tuning in right before I hang myself...just to make sure I go through with it.

Is that really the last thing you'd wanna hear as you choke to death? Ugh, that laugh.

Ugh, who greenlit this mess? Who is he twinking for over at SiriusXM? This person does not the talent to carry any type of show, let alone get his own time slot.

I'll only listen if Whoo dat or (by the gods) David Macdonald is in

If we had any balls we would make Fridays hell for that weak voiced twink

Yes, more Sam. This is much better than re-hiring Dave or Black Earl or Dave and Black Earl. Or giving Pepper and Dave a show.Fuck this noise right in it's pooper with a big black cock.

Everyone knows, that Sam blows Everybody thinks, that Sam stinks No one likes his ugly face Sam is a total disgrace.....So there.


I'd rather they give Erock his own show

anyone know how long it is?


Just fucking awesome. Those of us on the west coast get screwed out of the O&A replay at noon. Sirius sucks a bag of cocks

They don't have a show on Fridays anymore. We're not losing anything, budday.

Why would they give him a whole 3 hour block every week and ditch Davey Mac? His sports podcast literally makes Sam's shit show sound like the obnoxious wigger amateur hour trash that it is.

It will be better then listening to a replay of a replay. I wish they could get somebody to do a live show in the morning on Fridays also.

I think Sam is great. Never understood the hate. I always like the after show and his podcast. I will listen.

I'll check it out, Sam does a pretty good job.

I think I will. I'd like to hear some of that Who-Dat.

Sam's show was good before, it just had a horrible time-slot. I definately will be listening.

Holy shit. If this is good I might actually get my subscription back.

Sam is the only one who actually cares about his career. This should be good. Glad he's getting an actual time slot and not an hour at midnight on thursdays

I agree, it's refreshing to hear someone who cares about the quality of their show and tries to improve their career. Whether or not he has the skills or likeability isn't as important to me as passion.

i know im going to get downvoted to hell but....... this is fucking great love sam

Y'all are haters. I actually can't wait for this show. O&A gets old after a while and I think Sam's pretty entertaining. Keep up the good work Sam and fuck the haters

Sam's job is to repeat lines or tell people what the bit is. If he's the does that work?

Who fucking cares, anyway. I'll never listen to any show of his. I FF through the show (I download it, fuck Sirius and their shitty app) whenever he's on mic.

Well it won't be a pre/post show so he won't being playing clips. But I understand why people hate him, cause at first I couldn't stand him. But his voice just audibly is awful, but he actually seems like a cool dude and is funny when he's with whoo kid or another guest.

I won't even bother to try and find out. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard, he's not entertaining, and I have zero interest in anything he'd ask a guest. I can't take him for more than 5 minutes, let alone 3 hours.

It's podcasts or music on Fridays now.

That little twerp is getting 3 hours?!