The next time you watch Louie, remember to check this out

2  2014-06-04 by iamfromreallife

When he's talking to other people on the show, he's constantly ssying lines hesitating first. For example he goes "I'm coming do... I'm coming down there!" or "Tell her that... Tell her that I love her" or "where's... Where's Patrick?"

Very distracting once you notice. And yes, that's all, that's lame and go fuck yourself.


The next time you watch Louie, you should hang yourself and see how far through the episode you can make it.

Thats how david carradine watched louie


I've noticed that several times. I think it's more realistic. People don't always speak perfectly like they are reading a script. Often people stumble when speaking and it adds a bit of reality to the dialogue.

One thing I always hated about Kevin Smith movies was the way the characters speak and interact. It's almost like "The Room" where the opposite characters already know what they are going to say instantly, almost interrupting the other before the previous line has been completely spoken.

I enjoyed the episode where he had the akward encounter and then used it to convey a message to his daughters and the audience.

I tapped out after seeing a black t-shirt every episode in the first season. But I get depressed easily

Ah fuck yeah he does do this a lot. I wonder if he's trying to seem poignant or whatever the term is for "deep"

you are a dick

As Jonah Hill would say, suck my dick, faggot.

There's Opie's new shirt.